We talk with founders, CEOs and VPs from the high tech market. You will learn how to build and scale a sales team. Youll hear about the growth challenges and tough decisions from others who have had both successes and failures.
Lessons learned from a four time founder with Jason Smith
19/02/2019Summary Jason is a repeat entrepreneur on his fourth startup. One of the biggest mistakes he has made is a typical one made by many founders; Talking the whole time, “Throwing up” all the reasons why his product is so great. It is important to be curious about the prospect and their business. This will […]
Getting the right clients from the start with Jim Blaschke
12/02/2019Summary Jim speaks about the importance of working with the right clients from the start and how to direct your product road map. We will also be speaking about the different kind of sales people and knowing which type is right for your business. Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? Hope […]
Where to start with social selling with Daniel Disney
05/02/2019Summery Daniel is a social selling expert. He is going to share how a early stage startup can utilize social media to build a relationship with potential customers. Sharing strategies and action items that can be implemented now, you will find terrific value in this episode. Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership […]
Building an inside sales team with Mark Smith
29/01/2019Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? Team of Rivals By Doris Kearns Goodwin Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? Rob Jeppsen, Noah Goldman Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? Has personal boundaries. What is your favorite tool used for sales? The phone! […]
First steps to selling as an early stage founder with Mark Roberge
22/01/2019Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? Spin Selling Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? Gong.IO Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? He worked long days but he would be with his family twice a week in the afternoons. On the weekends, he […]
Founder selling, learning from mistakes – Tukan Das
06/11/2018Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? The hard thing about hard things by Ben Horowitz Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? John Barrows, Reid Hoffman, Ben Horowitz Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? No strict boundaries What is your favorite tool used […]
Implementing Videos to Build a Relationship – Brad Smith
30/10/2018Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount -- Sell or be sold by Grant Cardone Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? Dan Martell Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? He has strict time boundaries What is your favorite tool […]
Outsourcing your SDR – Mike Coscina
23/10/2018Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? Sales Management Simplified by Mike Weinberg Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? Sales Hackers, Open View Venture Partners, Jack Kosakowski Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? The weekends are his. He using them for himself and […]
How do you invest your time as a sales leader with Tibor Shanto
16/10/2018Final Five What is your favorite sales or leadership book? The 10 Day MBA by Steven Silbiger Do you have someone that you follow/read for sales/leadership ideas? Andy Paul, Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson Are you available 24/7? Do you have strict personal time boundaries? Not available, the evening and the weekend he is working on […]
Making SDR more efficient with Seth List
09/10/2018Podcast Show Notes A big problem he has come across while advising other startups has been that the founder does not have a sales background and will read a sales book and try to implement the ideas without fully understanding the sales process itself. The kind of first hire you should have for sales really […]
How to get more sales from conferences with Pia Heilmann
02/10/2018Podcast Show Notes Think of trade shows and events as revenue drivers. It is a place to start building brand equity rather than closing immediate deals. Also, use the time to have the sales people meet their prospects in the pipeline face to face to build the rapport further. Small, better targeted events can be […]
How to measure your SDR and Sales – Jonah Mandel
25/09/2018Podcast Show Notes Time to first contact is very important and you should build a system in place to enable you to get to the lead within the first 5 minutes before the client does. If you catch the prospect that quick, it allows you to have to conversation with them and set the standard […]
Ready for Business Development or Just Sales?
18/09/2018Show Notes First question you should be asking in a startup environment; When are you ready for a business development vs just sales? To answer that you need to answer other questions; do you have a sales process? Usually sales and business development will be done by the same person in the earlier stages. Are […]
Taking Pricing off the Website
11/09/2018Show Notes When starting with your first salesperson you need to set the mechanisms in place to track the data points before you start selling. Then begin to build your outbound script or story. To approach outbound prospects, it is important to use all forms of communication you can. From LinkedIn to emails. They allowed […]
From Individual Contributor to Sales Leader
04/09/2018Show Notes His sales team is more of a consultative sales team. He has a technical product that requires a lot of different people to be involved on the team. He finds though that if you show up to a meeting with a lot of people the prospect can feel that they are just paying […]
Common Prospecting Mistakes with Mark Hunter
28/08/2018Show Notes To begin any prospecting, you have to ask yourself two questions; 1) What is the outcome I can help the prospects receive and 2) Who is the right type of customer that this would appeal to. If you do not demonstrate (quickly) how and why the customer should pay attention to you, there […]
Biggest mistakes a company makes when structuring the team – Jeff Manning
21/08/2018Leaders always need to keep their fingers on the pulse of the people. If you have a people centered leadership style (not a product or financial) you are ahead of the game and know how to get the best of team. Give responsibility to the top sales people by having them lead a special project. […]
To succeed plan for the end – Gary Johnson
14/08/2018In a new hire he is looking for a natural sense of curiosity and the basic understanding of how a business operates. For Gary, if you come to an interview and have no questions for the manager, it is not going to be a good fit. A common problem with pipeline forecasting is over qualification […]
Problems in a sales pipeline – Benjamin Dennehy
07/08/2018Most sales problems come down to one thing… Prospecting. This causes you to have smaller funnel which then makes you discount and make concessions you do not want to make. If you have long sales cycles, qualifying becomes more important as you could waste a lot of time until you find out they are not […]
Outbound prospecting Eric Nadeau
31/07/2018His team is working mostly (about 95%) outbound. His outbound leads have a 10 day cadence of 5 emails and 5-6 calls to try to get the conversation going. He is using outreach to manage these cadences. It takes them about 150 calls before having a good conversation with a potential client. Eric believes that […]