What The F#*k Do We Know



Join Samantha Lutz & Katie Quaill in their discussions about what the f#*k they know about anything & everything.


  • 27 - WTFDWK about: Astrology

    24/04/2019 Duración: 51min

    In this episode of What the F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk astrology. We are not astrologers, but are simply curious and amazed about the magic surrounding us. So what exactly is astrology? We break it down for ya and even discuss birth charts, signs, planets, houses, and Saturn Return. Have a listen and maybe learn something new! Our Links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 Resources: www.astro.com https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-astrology-206723 https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/astrology-horoscope-zodiac-signs/list-of-12-zodiac-signs-dates-meanings-symbols https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.refinery29.com/amp/en-us/astrology-for-beginners-horoscope-101 https://www.astrology.com/astrology-101 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 26 - WTFDWK about: Life Updates

    10/04/2019 Duración: 49min

    In this episode of What the F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk life updates and check in on their 2019 goals. Sam talks about her journey through prepping for her show in May, while Katie speaks on teaching yoga and how stepping into fear has changed everything. Our Links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 25 - WTFDWK about: Self Care

    27/03/2019 Duración: 36min

    In this episode of What the F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam first discuss a few current events, then break down the art of self care. We see it everywhere on social media, but what is self care exactly? hint: it isn't all bubble baths and chocolate cake (although we say yes to both of those). Ask yourself, what do I implement into daily life that allows me to take care of myself? Our Links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 24 - WTFDWK about: the 2000's

    13/03/2019 Duración: 56min

    In this episode of What the F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk the 2000s. Being teenagers during this decade meant flip phones, MySpace, Limewire, flared jeans, weird belts, braces, and instant messaging. Take a walk down memory lane with us as we discuss all the trends of the 00's. Our Links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 23 - WTFDWK about: The Law Of Attraction

    27/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk the law of attraction. We all hear about it but what exactly is the law of attraction? Can we really speak our thoughts into existence or is it all just a hoax? We dive into how we all can realistically implement the law of attraction into daily life, and share a few tips and tricks to get you started! Our Links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 Sources: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-blame-game/201609/the-truth-about-the-law-attraction%3Famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.mindbodygreen.com/articles/9-habits-to-manifest-your-dreams-using-the-law-of-attraction--16150 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 22 - Valentines Day Special

    13/02/2019 Duración: 34min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk Valentine’s Day! Who is this Valentine person? How much do we spend on Valentine’s Day cards? And so much more great content in this episode. Our links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/valentines-day-numbers-money-spent-flowers-candy-cards/story?id=45480956 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day-2 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 21 - WTFDWK about: Social Media

    30/01/2019 Duración: 44min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk social media! Why are we all so addicted to these platforms that have been scientifically proven to cause depression, anxiety, and stress? We dive into the good the bad and the ugly of the major culprits (Facebook/Instagram/Twitter). Our links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 20 - WTFDWK about: the 90's

    16/01/2019 Duración: 50min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk all things 90s. What was it like being a kid in 1998? Britney Spears, butterfly clips, Rugrats, the original iMac and more! We also talk about being millennials, why we get so much shit from older generations and how technology shaped us. Our links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 19 - WTFDWK about: Mary Jane

    02/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk marijuana. Mary Jane/Weed/Ganja/Dope/Grass/Herb... we've all heard of it, but where did it come from? What are the effects it has on humans? And why did the federal government make it illegal in 1937? Tune in to find out! Our links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC References: https://www.how-to-marijuana.com/positive-effects-of-marijuana.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/amp/320984 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.countable.us/articles/849-date-fdr-made-marijuana-illegal-81-years-ago.amp https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana https://www.cagefreecannabis.com/drug-war-statistics/ http://www.drugpolicy.org/issues/drug-war-statistics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_U.S._jurisdiction https://www.fool.com/amp/investing/2018/09/23/timeline-for-marijuana-legalization-in-the-uni

  • 18 - WTFDWK about: Goals in the New Year

    26/12/2018 Duración: 53min

    In this episode of What the F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk goal and intention setting for the new year. We discuss how setting goals can be a great tool to keep yourself focused, organized, and prioritize the changes and growth in our lives when it comes from a loving and sustainable place. We talk through how to go about making realistic goals and how to be SMART (specific/measurable/attainable/relevant/time-bound) about it. We mention some of our personal goals for 2019, and leave you with a journal prompt to help get the wheels turning. Happy New Year! We’ll see you in 2019! Our links: www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 17 - WTFDWK about: Budgeting Tips & Gifting Ideas

    21/11/2018 Duración: 32min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam offer ways to budget for the holiday season (#consumerism) and discuss some ideas on how to give without going in debt. Save yourself from the stress of the holidays by preparing now! Make lists (check them twice), establish and stick to your budget, get creative, and/or give back to your community if you can by volunteering time, resources, or supplies. Do your best to take the time to recognize what the holidays are truly about (whatever that means for you), and take a moment each day to check in with yourself to see what YOU need. Happy Holidays, friends! Our links: www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC Resources: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2026426002 https://wiredimpact.com/blog/websites-to-help-you-find-volunteer-opportunities/ --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

  • 16 - WTFDWK about: Mindfully Navigating the Holiday Season

    14/11/2018 Duración: 40min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam offer simple ways to take care of yourself during the holidays. November & December can be a very stressful time, so now is the perfect opportunity to set yourself up for a mindful, happy, and peaceful holiday season. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: *Take time for yourself every day *Make a list(s) and do one thing at a time *Know when to say no *Let go of expectations and the "shoulds" *Set boundaries with family *Be kind to yourself surrounding food - you are ok! *Prioritize time to spend time doing things that recharge you Helpful links: https://jessicainthekitchen.com/self-care-holidays-5-ways-kitchen/ https://www.more.com/lifestyle/exercise-health/are-you-your-list-eight-holiday-self-care-and-stress-management-tips https://bemorewithless.com/take-care/ Our links: www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anch

  • 15 - WTFDWK: Q&A!

    07/11/2018 Duración: 50min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam play 21 questions. We answer listener questions and ask each other interesting questions. What's our guilty pleasures? What are our favorite smells? What's the best thing about getting older? Find out the answers and more in this episode! Rate! Subscribe! Review! Our links: www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 14 - WTFDWK: Halloween ~ SpOoKy ~ special

    31/10/2018 Duración: 49min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam recap what they've been up to the past couple weeks including Mexico, a hella fun wedding in Pennsylvania, and Sam's prep. And in the spirit of Halloween, they discuss their favorite spooky things; true crime, serial killers, fall activities, and costumes, oh my! Happy Halloween! References: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/missing-maura-murray/id1006974447?mt=2 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-favorite-murder-karen-kilgariff-georgia-hardstark/id1074507850?mt=2 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/up-and-vanished/id1140596919?mt=2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Memphis_Three Our links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/

  • 13 - WTFDWK about: Yoga

    17/10/2018 Duración: 57min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam discuss yoga. Katie explains the history of the sacred practice, talks a little bit about her background and recent teacher training, and touches on important subjects including the ridiculous marketing and exclusion American society has put on the practice and yoga attire. Sam inquires about the benefits of yoga, the different types of yoga, and how to start a yoga practice if you’re a new student. PSA: yoga is NOT the advanced poses you see on Instagram. Enjoy the episode! Follow us! @wtfdoweknowpod @katiequaill @samanthalutz_ Affiliate links: https://www.samanthalutzfitness.com NuLeaf Naturals: https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 1stPhorm: https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 12 - WTFDWK about: Nutrition & Bodybuilding

    10/10/2018 Duración: 50min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk all things nutrition and bodybuilding competitions. We discuss nutrition and why it's the most important part of any fitness journey, but especially when your end goal is competing (like Sam will be doing in April). We also talk about why nutrition is not interchangeable with dieting and why diet culture is bullshit. Sam tells us all about her upcoming show prep, why she is competing, and explains the ins and outs of bikini shows (a lot of clear heels, dorito tans, and abs). Get OptiGreens here: https://1stphorm.com/samanthalutz/88ada702/PC Follow us on Instagram! @wtfdoweknowpod @samanthalutz_ @katiequaill --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 11 - WTFDWK about: Lunar Phases

    03/10/2018 Duración: 50min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam talk about and explain lunar phases, and the effects the moon has on us. We go into each phase, what that means, and how to best take advantage of the cycle to learn more about yourself. "The lunar cycle is made up of several distinct phases, all of which have associations with different states of being. These states mirror a kind of spiritual path or quest - which like our search for ourselves, never ends. When we observe the moon, we see reflections of the grand pattern of life that is birth, death and rebirth." Follow us on Instagram! @wtfdoweknowpod @samanthalutz_ @katiequaill Resources: www.timeanddate.com www.moonconnection.com/moon_phases.phtml www.yogiapproved.com/life-2/moon-phases-meanings-impact/ https://www.urban-astrologer.com/moon-cycle.html www.labyrinthos.co/blogs/learn-tarot-with-labyrinthos-academy/moon-phases-meanings-infographic-a-beginner-s-framework-for-following-lunar-rhythms www.nataliakuna.com/moon-cycles--meanings.

  • 10 - WTFDWK about: Living in California

    26/09/2018 Duración: 45min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam (and a very special guest!) discuss living in California. Our friend Nikkie Barros (@local_honeyy) was born and raised In San Mateo and details the ins and outs of all things California, answers all of our questions, talks NorCal vs. SoCal (it's a thing), microclimates, earthquakes, Silicon Valley, and more! Go check it out today! Get your own bottle of organic CBD oil from NuLeaf Naturals with this link: https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 9 - WTFDWK about: Living in Pennsylvania

    19/09/2018 Duración: 47min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam recap the week, then dive into conversation about living in rural Pennsylvania. We discuss all things western PA; the beauty of having four distinct seasons, the affordable cost of living, small town life, traffic, and more! Get your own bottle of organic CBD oil from NuLeaf Naturals with this link: https://nuleafnaturals.com?rfsn=1746594.551250 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk-do-we-know/support

  • 8 - WTFDWK about: the Illuminati

    05/09/2018 Duración: 48min

    In this episode of What The F#*k Do We Know, Katie and Sam dive into the most well known secret society, the Illuminati. We go over what we think the Illuminati is, who they are, where they originated, and what they're up to (hint: they're probably watching you right now - lol no that's the FBI). We refrain from going down the conspiracy theory black hole, but touch on some of our favorite ones and explain why it all circles back to the Illuminati. Also, Oprah and Eminem?? Go listen today to be in the know! References: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/02/what-is-the-illuminati-conspiracy-and-who-are-its-members/ https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/5/19/8624675/what-is-the-real-illuminati https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/inequality/2017/nov/14/worlds-richest-wealth-credit-suisse --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/what-the-fk

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