
Compartilharei com todos vocês, todos os meus pensamentos, percepções, venham comigo.

You’re Hired – Tom Payne

Tom Payne knows why most job seekers interview the wrong way and how to guide them to reverse their course and out-interview better-qualified competitors. His show will cover,...

No Payne, No Gain

Ryan Payne is the president and chief investment officer of Payne Capital Management (PCM).In this role, he co-designs the firms investment and financial planning strategies,...


I tell the truth and only the truth. My identity is as secret as the mysteries of our world.

Medicina De Ángeles

Los ángeles te ayudan a sanar tus pensamientos para que alejes el miedo y enfrentes las situaciones con amor. Lo importante no es cómo contactes a los ángeles, sino que SÍ lo...

Ángel - Dramatizado

-Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Ángel es un fotógrafo de guerra que viaja por todo el mundo realizando su arriesgado trabajo. Cuando fallece su padre vuelve a la...

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