Armand: English Edition

Armand: Publié en 1926, Armand est le deuxième roman d'Emmanuel Bove, après Mes Amis, dont il est assez proche dans le style et la finalité.Armand...

Escravidão E Direito: O Estatuto Jurídico Dos Escravos No Brasil Oitocentista (1860-1888)

Mariana Dias Paes empreendeu extensa e cuidadosa pesquisa em processos cíveis de liberdade e em publicações de doutrina para investigar os direitos que eram reconhecidos aos...

Qual Viagem - Borgonha, Bordeaux e champagne - 01/08/2018

Borgonha, Bordeaux e champagne: Um giro pela rota dos melhores vinhos da França


Welcome to Mauritius- Ill be teaching here for 10 months, and look forward sharing what I learn! Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:...

Armory Radio

Hello there! I'm Armory and I like to make mixes.

Dicking Around

Two ladies in LA who love movies and the dicks in them.

Crownin' Around

Hear Ye!!!! YOUR KING has created an audio-style podcast series for you to love him! Hear our Lord as he provides only the hottest takes on politics, entertainment, art, love,...

Joshing Around

A native Floridian talks about Walt Disney World, Parenting, Baseball, and more.

Around Guelph

A podcast about the people and goings on in the Royal City: Guelph, Ontario

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