Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness

Known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder or Emotional Regulation Disorder, this course provides comprehensive information on a...

Intermediate Welsh

Designed for those who understand the basics of Italian and its main grammar rules, this audiobook is your next step to enhance and improve your knowledge of Italian – raising...

Intuitive Healing

Ever had a ‘gut feeling’ or acted because ‘my heart told me’ to? This is your intuition speaking to you. Everyone has the capacity for intuition but not everyone accepts...

Foot Health Practitioner

Get to know feet - inside and out, both healthy and not. Take the Foot Health Practitioner audiobook and you’ll learn the anatomy, physiology, systems, and dermatology of the...

Advanced Beauty Therapy

Discover advanced beauty therapy techniques, improve your human anatomy and physiology knowledge, gain a deeper understanding of the role of a beauty therapist, and learn about...

Nlp Practitioner

Would you like to change your mind? Not on a decision you’ve made, per se, but in the way you think - your mindset. Learning and applying the skills and techniques of NLP can...

Mastering Flow States

Have you ever felt completely ‘in the zone’ – immersed so fully in a task that everything else fell away, your whole being connected to the activity with energised focus and...

Soap Making Business

The Soap Making Business audiobook is specifically designed to help develop both your creative talents and your business skills. The aim of the audiobook is to lay a foundation in...

Anatomy And Physiology Audio Course

With so many incredible modern day advancements making our lives easier, there is something we frequently take for granted, something that is not new or technologically perfected,...

Mandarin Chinese For Beginners

After English, Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, with an estimated one billion speakers. Learning the language opens up many exciting new opportunities...

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