Discobiografia Mutante - Álbuns Que Revolucionaram A Música Brasileira

Os Mutantes eram bem mais do que rock'n'roll. O grupo fundado por Arnaldo Baptista, Rita Lee e Sérgio Dias – que teve Dinho Leme, Liminha e tantos outros grandes músicos em...

Guia De Um Astronauta Para Viver Bem Na Terra: O Que O Espaço Me Ensinou Sobre Talento, Determinação E Desafios

"UM PRÊMIO PARA HADFIELD POR SER TÃO BRILHANTE"TIME"Houston, nós temos um superstar."Washington Post"Hadfield fez mais do que qualquer astronauta desde as missões Apollo ao...

Versões De Uma Babá

Versões de Uma Babá conta a incrível história de Liza, uma adolescente que sai de um lar totalmente sem estrutura no interior e começa a trabalhar como babá – o que...

A Magyar Mystery: The Murdo Mysteries (part One)

"After hitting rock bottom mentally, via a road sign in Bedford, Danny Murdo bounces back and straight into the Serbian mafia, the Hungarian aristocracy and an American film...

Awesome Membership Riches

Why Start a Membership Site? People are willing to pay for online content. In fact, the 'Online Publishers Association' said that pay-for content is emerging as a hot revenue...

Following The Green Rabbit: A Fantastical Adventure

Chasing through Bluebell Woods after a strange green-furred rabbit, twelve year old Bryony and Bethany, her eight year old sister, inexplicably end up in the 'olden times'.Life in...

Tip And The Gipper: When Politics Worked

The New York Times bestseller about the historic dealings between Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill—“A superb tribute to the neglected art of compromise”...

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero

“Filled with the vitality and spirit that made Jack Kennedy such a magical figure. Chris Matthews shows the cunning and determination beneath that magic. It’s an...

Be As You Are: The Essential Guide On How To Achieve Personal Brilliance, Learn The Best Advice And Tips On How To Achieve Personal Growth And Improve Your Personal Fulfillment

Be As You Are: The Essential Guide on How to Achieve Personal Brilliance, Learn the Best Advice and Tips on How to Achieve Personal Growth and Improve Your Personal...

The Gospel According To Lost

“Chris Seay is one of my favorite people. He’s a shepherd at heart. His insights on culture always take me into a better understanding of the world we live...

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