Nonsense Verses by Edward Lear by LEAR, Edward

This is a collection of some of the delightful nonsense verses and stories by Edward Lear. A lot of them are also my favorites. The Jumblies, The Owl and the Pussy-cat; the Broom,...

Laughable Lyrics by LEAR, Edward

Hillarious, fantastic poems that I enjoyed reading to my two sons when they were little. Now Id like to read them for anyones children to enjoy listening to. (Summary by Roeg11)

Edward Lear E Edward Gorey: O Livro Infantil Ilustrado Nonsense

A obra tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre a palavra e a imagem, na configuração do livro infantil ilustrado de Edward Lear e de Edward Gorey, delimitando seu terreno...

Book of Nonsense, A by LEAR, Edward

In 1846 Lear published A Book of Nonsense, a volume of limericks that went through three editions and helped popularize the form. This book contains 112 of these funny,...

The Utter Nonsense Of Edward Lear

A fine selection of hand-picked classics from the master of nonsense, enthusiastically narrated by Colin Jones. This collection contains some of Mr Lear’s finest works:How...

A Estética De Ruptura: O Nonsense Em Edward Lear E Renato Pompeu

Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo resgatar o conceito do gênero nonsense com a finalidade de testar a hipótese de um possível diálogo entre textos de duas obras de...

Owl and the Pussycat, The by LEAR, Edward

Librivoxs weekly poetry project for the week of January 22, 2006: The Owl and the Pussycat is a famous nonsense poem by Edward Lear, first published in 1871. Its most notable...


A saga da vida de um ator e suas confusões em meio aos personagens dos espetáculos, a luta por uma melhor qualidade de vida e a busca incessante por métodos não convencionais...

King Lear

This edition of 'King Lear' is an adaptation of Shakespeare's eponymous tragedy. The story depicts the gradual descent into madness of the title character, after he disposes of...

King Lear

King Lear, who is elderly and wants to retire from power, decides to divide his realm among his three daughters, and declares he'll offer the largest share to the one who...

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