Spätestens seit den 1960er Jahren ist Hermann Hesse einer der meistgelesenen Autoren überhaupt. Sein romantischer Realismus, seine Verfechtung eines poetischen und...
Once regarded as a cult book in the 1960s by the Flower Power generation, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse remains even today a simple and fresh tale of a man's spiritual quest. Penned...
Aldring og helse skal sikre nasjonal kompetanseoppbygging og kompetansespredning om alderspsykiatri, demens, funksjonshemning og aldring og utviklingshemning og aldring. Vi bidrar...
UMA COLETÂNEA COM AS CITAÇÕES MAIS FAMOSAS. Há algumas frases conhecidíssimas que dizemos mas muitas vezes mal sabemos a origem e a importância delas na história. Só sei...
Den Tom an den Thierry diskutéieren eemol de Mount iwwer mol méi, mol manner Aktuelles aus der Weltgeschicht.
My name is Florian, I am an Architect, Father and Small Business Owner, living in sunny Brisbane Australia. I created this to channel and podcast to discuss politics, social...
Many years ago I was a professor at Butler University and lived for a year as the "faculty in residence" in the freshman boys dorm. During that time I took the kids out to...
Der Waffelpodcast: 'Das heisse Eisen'. Venty und L3D erzählen euch alles, was man über Waffeln wissen muss.