À deriva

Paulino, que vive em uma região isolada, próxima ao rio Paraná, é picado por uma cobra venenosa. Corre para buscar o socorro da esposa e depois segue sua busca desesperada...

C3 Metro Manila

Reaching People Transforming Lives

Sihm Manila Bay

this podcast is about manila bay that is recently became as one of the top issue here in the Philippines Cover art photo provided by Judson Moore on Unsplash:...

Ragged Dick By Horatio Alger, Jr.

A fourteen year old homeless boy, Dick, tries to make an honest living in the streets of 1860s New York as a bootblack. He is determined to stay honorable, though he is tempted...

Cousin's Conspiracy, A by ALGER, JR., Horatio

Ernest Ray is a young boy who sets out to reclaim the inheritance that was unjustly with held from his father and given to a cousin. (Introduction by Abigail Rasmussen)

Marcella by WARD, Mary Augusta

Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humphry Ward) was a very popular author at the end of the 19th century. The arrival of Marcella was discussed a lot in the London news papers. This popular...

Horatio Sparkins / Der Tod Des Trinkers (ungekürzt)

In den schmutzigen Gassen des alten Londons dominieren Armut und großes menschliches Elend. Immer mehr Leute der Londoner Unterschicht greifen daher zur Flasche. Das spiegelt...

Don Chisciotte Della Mancia

Don Chisciotte della Mancia, un testo unico e senza tempo, fonde mirabilmente in un variopinto caleidoscopio fantasia, avventura, storia. Il protagonista, l’hidalgo spagnolo...

Union Church Of Manila

We are an international, interdenominational, English-speaking Church. We welcome people of all nations and denominations. Over 1500 people from more than 40 countries call UCM...

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