Oh! The Public

Tickets please... A phrase familiar to every train passenger. And every now and then there's one without a ticket with a good excuse ready. When Podtyagin, a seasoned ticket...

The Triumphs Of A Taxidermist

Here are some of the secrets of taxidermy. They were told me by the taxidermist in a mood of elation. He told me them in the time between the first glass of whisky and the fourth,...

David Copperfield

The novel follows the character David Copperfield, and is written in the first person, as a description of his life until middle age, with his own adventures and the web of...

Mari D'elle

Подпраздничная ночь. Опереточная певица Наталья Андреевна Бронина, по мужу Никиткина, лежит у...

Raja Yoga

Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading towards unfoldment, development, and growth. What is known as Raja Yoga deals with the Mind, its control, its development. He who wants...

The Man In A Case

Surely that needs no explanation… If the teacher rides a bicycle, what can you expect the pupils to do? You will have them walking on their heads next!

Rob Roy

The story takes place just before the Jacobite rising of 1715, with much of Scotland in turmoil. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels...

The Moth

Probably you have heard of Hapley—not W. T. Hapley, the son, but the celebrated Hapley, the Hapley of Periplaneta Hapliia, Hapley the entomologist. If so you know at least of...

Timon Of Athens

In the beginning, Timon is a wealthy and generous Athenian gentleman. He hosts a large banquet, attended by nearly all the main characters. Timon gives away money wastefully, and...

Schiller's Poems

Schiller's Poems of the Third Period including: The Meeting, The Secret, The Assignation, Longing, The Pilgrim, The Ideals, The Youth by the Brook, The Lay of the Mountain, The...

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