A Linha Da Sombra

Por força de certos caprichos do destino, um jovem marinheiro que pensava ter abandonado a carreira no mar vê-se de repente nomeado capitão de um navio mercante. Em meio aos...

Coração das Trevas

À primeira vista, “Coração das Trevas” narra apenas mais uma aventura marítima, de quando a Europa expandia o seu domínio pela África e pelo resto do mundo. Mas na...

Coração Das Trevas

Em Coração das trevas - um dos grandes clássicos da literatura do século XX -, o leitor acompanha a viagem do protagonista Marlow pelos meandros da selva africana e das...

Within The Tides

'Within the Tides' is a collection of four short stories devoted to a motley crew of sailors scattered across all corners of the globe exchanging tales sharply punctuated by...

Almayer's Folly

"Almayer’s Folly" (1895) is Joseph Conrad’s debut novel. It centers on the Dutch trader Kaspar Almayer, who comes to Borneo with a suitcaseful of dreams. He settles on the...

The Secret Agent

Adolf Verlof runs a sex shop in 1880’s London, but his real profession is even shadier. He’s a so-called "agent provocateur" for the Embassy, whose mission it is to infiltrate...

The Shadow Line

The Shadow Line is a short novel by Joseph Conrad and was published in 1917. It tells the story of a young man whose dream to be a captain of his ship comes true accidentally. He...

Der Spitzel (ungekürzt)

London, 1886. Im Stadtteil Soho betreibt Adolf Verloc einen kleinen Laden, über dem er in einer kleinen Wohnung zusammen mit seiner Frau Winnie und ihrem geistig behinderten...

The End Of The Tether

The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad. The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad is a somber, mature and beautifully crafted novella published in 1902. The End of the Tether is...

The Secret Agent A Simple Tale

The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad. In the only novel Conrad set in London, The Secret Agent communicates a profoundly ironic view of human affairs. The story is woven around an...

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