English Fairy Tales By Joseph Jacobs

Jack the Giant-Killer, Tom Thumb, Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Henny Penny, Dick Whittington, The Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood and a host of immortal characters are found...

English Fairy Tales by JACOBS, Joseph

A collection of traditional English fairy tales. (description by Joy Chan)

Indian Fairy Tales by JACOBS, Joseph

This book is a fine collection of Indian fairy tales, some are folklore, some are from the Jataka tales, and some from panchatantra. (Summary by sidhu177)

Celtic Folk and Fairy Tales by JACOBS, Joseph

A collection of folk and fairy tales from the Emerald Isle. There is an earlier version of this book - Celtic Fairy Tales, but this recording was done from a different book in...


I am generous I have a lot of friends I'm just 7 years old and I can't believe that I already have my Instagram account my Snapchat account and Facebook account of course

Jacob Pulido - Proyectomoda

Analista de Negocios de Moda. Especializado en Emprendimiento y estrategias comerciales para marcas y empresas de moda. Director General de ModaEmprende.com Director de...

Brother Jacob

Brother Jacob is a short story by George Eliot, in which she explores the relationship between the selfish, self-centered and ambitious David Faux and his idiot brother, Jacob.

Jacob Corbezzolo

Welcome to Jacob Corbezzolo, where amazing things happen.

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