War And Peace By Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace chronicles the lives of five Russian aristocratic families during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Many considered this book to be the best Russian work...


“Yo soy LEO, el rey. Erguido sobre mi trono, fundo y dirijo mi reino con osadía y dignidad. Adoro la grandeza, la nobleza, la realidad divina y vital de un ser humano”. ...

Ivan the Fool by TOLSTOY, Leo

Written after Tolstoy suffered a spiritual crisis, Ivan the Fool is a fairy tale that offers children instruction in how to live rightly, simply, and generously. The story...

Resurrection, Book 1 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

Resurrection, Book 3 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

Kreutzer Sonata, The by TOLSTOY, Leo

Publication of The Kreutzer Sonata in 1889 was a significant intellectual event worldwide. Censored in Russia, it set off an explosive debate in Europe, America, and Asia on...

Resurrection, Book 2 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

The Tolstoy Estate

Epic in scope, ambitious and astonishingly good, The Tolstoy Estate proclaims Steven Conte as one of Australia's finest writers. From the winner of the inaugural Prime Minister's...

Paula Lee

Paula lee cuentos infantiles.Visita la Web: ireneypaula.blogspot.comMúsica: Ignacio Núñez "La Cajita de Música".

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