Showgirl: Erotische Novelle (ungekürzt)

"Der Raum ist voller halbnackter Frauen und Männer, high von dem Gefühl einer geglückten Vorstellung - froh, eine weitere Nacht gemeinsam überstanden zu haben. Nun entspannen...

Sugargirl: Erotische Novelle (ungekürzt)

"'Lass mich dir wenigstens zeigen, was du verpasst', flüstert er in ihr Ohr, während seine Finger den verstecken Reißverschluss des Kleides finden. Die warmen, rauen Finger an...

Always Faithful - Erotic Short Story

"She loves teasing him, seducing him from afar. The way he looks at her makes Elin all hot and bothered. To be desired is to have power, and in this very moment she feels like she...

Show Girl - Erotic Short Story

Ella has spent the last two summers exploring her sexuality and getting to know herself. This summer, she takes the final step in her journey to find herself-although she has just...

Polyamory In Paris - Erotic Short Story

"He kisses her, first gently, then he grabs her hair and pulls it, forcing her chin upwards. She looks at him, and he looks at her. Then he kisses her again, hungrier this time....

Poliamor Em Paris – Conto Erótico

"Ele a beija, primeiro gentilmente, depois puxa o cabelo dela e a força a olhar para cima. Ela olha para ele e ele olha para ela. E então ele a beija novamente, com mais desejo...

Sugar Girl - Erotic Short Story

It has been a year since Ella started working as a cam girl. She meets an older gentleman online, and he promises to give her everything that she could ever want in exchange for...

Camgirl - Conto Erótico

"Isso é tão errado", ela pensa antes de deixar os dedos explorarem sua pele. "Tão errado, mas tão bom". Por um momento ela se esquece das centenas de olhos que a estão...

Sugar Girl – Conto Erótico

Já faz um ano desde que Ella começou a trabalhar como Camgirl. Ela conhece um homem mais velho online e ele promete lhe dar tudo o que quisesse em troca de uma coisa: sua...

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