Conversations With Louise

Helping non native English learners share their knowledge, culture and passions through meaty, meaningful conversations.

Thelma Et Louise

Embarquez dans un road-trip radiophonique et féministe sur les ondes de Radio Campus Paris ! Aventurières chevronnées, Thelma et Louise décryptent l'actualité sous le prisme...

Louise & Ottilia's Podcast

Vi presenterar: Tvångstankar, släktmiddagar, huvudstadsminnen och hemlighetsätning.

Ask Pia Louise

Pop Culture as it effects Ageism ... Audience participation appreciated

Disciplemaking U With Ed Underwood

Grace-filled Bible teaching from Pastor and Author Ed Underwood

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre é uma menina órfã que tem por guardiã uma perversa tia, a sra. Reed, que a maltrata incessantemente. Estando na base da pirâmide social da rígida sociedade inglesa...

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë, published under the pen name "Currer Bell", on October 16, 1847 by Smith, Elder & Co. of London. The first American...

Jane Eyre

Determined to make her heroine "as poor and plain as myself," Charlotte Brontë made a daring choice for her 1847 novel. Jane Eyre possesses neither the great beauty nor...

Jane Eyre

Quando questo capolavoro uscì, nel 1847, fu firmato dallo pseudonimo Currer Bell e nessuno sapeva che dietro vi si celasse uno dei talenti più importanti...

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre è senza dubbio il romanzo più famoso di Charlotte Brontë. Sin dalla sua pubblicazione infatti, avvenuta nel 1847, il libro riscuote grande successo...

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