
An Amazonian warrior, two warring kingdoms, and an artifact with a dark secret…Shalmar is an Amazon warrior, feared and renowned among the people of her home country Gilsk. But...


When revelations from the past come back to haunt her, Shalmar discovers there’s more to her than she ever could have imagined.After retrieving the magical Tarlaeth and ensuring...


Welcome to the Shania Rose Grenfell podcast, where amazing things happen.


, Shaman (). EVOLUTION .


An experimental arts and entertainment radio podcast, based in Washington, D.C. We interview compelling figures and bring their stories to life.

Travel With Shama

Welcome to Travel With Shama, where amazing things happen.

Panchatantra: Le Cinque Astuzie

Il Panchatantra è la più antica e famosa raccolta di favole indiana. Si compone di un “racconto/cornice” sul quale si innestano settanta favole che...

Der König, Der Ohne Krone Regiert: Eine Parabel Vom Erfolg

Die Welt ist im Umbruch, Gesellschaften erfinden sich neu, Unternehmen stehen vor ungeahnten Herausforderungen - um all diese Aufgaben zu bewältigen, braucht es Menschen mit...

The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable On Real Success In Business And In Life

From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari author comes an inspiring parable about the skills needed to excel in career and life.For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly...

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