Una Abigail Poco Común

Amy, a pesar de pertenecer a una familia noble, acude a una fiesta en la famosa hacienda Lyndhurst Chase, pero no como señora, sino como criada. Su hermano pequeño Ned, fue...

Modern Day Abigails

Podcast by Modern Day Abigails

Abigail O Della Decadenza

In uno scenario apocalittico, una storia simbolo della potenza devastante della Decadenza, che appare incarnata in una splendida donna di nome Abigail.Marcello Colozzo, nato e...

Hello Phd

A podcast for scientists, and the people who love them.

Phd Trekkers

Join us, Mari, a Latina soil scientist from Massachusetts, and Yan, an Asian chemist from California, on our graduate trek towards a Ph.D. and beyond. A podcast on the interface...

Phd Podcast

A podcast where PhD students get to talk about their current work in an interview/conversation style podcast setup.

Phd Career Stories

PhD Career Stories is a podcast where PhD:s share their stories and experiences in life after a PhD, inspiring you to take the next step in your career development!

Feminist Killjoys, Phd

Podcast by Feminist Killjoys, PhD

Papa Phd Podcast

Exploring Career Paths & Life After Grad School

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