La Casta Susana

Con su habitual estilo certero y su prosa elegante, Antonio Altadill nos presenta, bajo su habitual pseudónimo de Antonio de Padua, una recreación en forma de novela de la...

Una Cançó Per A Susana

«Em vaig horroritzar quan vaig sentir com en Raül descrivia la Susanna. La va anomenar boja, desequilibrada, amargada, freda, calculadora, falsa, hipòcrita, mig bruixa. La mare...

Susana M. Gijón Escritora

Entrevistas sobre las novelas publicadas, lecturas, presentaciones, tertulias literarias. Más que cuerpos (2013)Desde la eternidad (2014)Náufragos (2015)Vino y pólvora... | #lacanianosxelmundo: Guatemala. Entrevista A Susana Dicker es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.

Suzanne Farrell

The most celebrated American ballerina of her generation, Suzanne Farrell was a young student from Cincinnati when, at age 15, she first auditioned for the legendary choreographer...

Pj Masks - En Gatnoi I El Gran Rescat Del Pastís D’aniversari

En Greg té moltíssimes ganes de celebrar el seu aniversari i ho ha preparat tot: té globus de llangardaix, decoracions de llangardaix i fins i tot un pastís de llangardaix!...

Passing Exam

Stories of dominant women or men, couples, and strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a...

Passing Lanes

Passing Lanes was born out of a shared love of cars, sports and Chappelle Show episodes. What started as trash talk on the premier Camaro message board,, turned into...

Passing Notes

Music, books, sports, comics, and whatever else comes along. From WDNA 88.9 FM in Miami and the home studio somewhere in suburban South Florida

Passing Thoughts

This program is for teenagers struggling with different social and identity issues in life. In it, Hudaifah - an experienced student counselor - walks listeners through pits,...

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