Pagesos I Senyors

Les obres que van situar Theodor Kallifatides com un dels grans escriptors europeus de la segona meitat del segle xx van ser les seves tres novel·les Pagesos i senyors (1973),...

Theodore Roosevelt

Breve biografia del 26º presidente degli Stati Uniti, Premio Nobel per la pace.Il suo volto è uno dei quattro scolpiti sul monte Rushmore, assieme a quelli di...

Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography By Theodore Roosevelt

In his vital, illustrative and dynamic autobiography, Theodore Roosevelt let us into the life that formed one of the greatest and outspoken presidents in American history. Not...

Mohsen Talk

Welcome to the Mohsen Talk podcast, where amazing things happen.

Modern Mommies

Rachael and Aziza are two Mom's in their 20s just trying to navigate the ins and outs of parenting. Join them as they share parenting tips while knocking down boundaries put in...

Mohsen Alhmod

Welcome to the Mohsen Alhmod podcast, where amazing things happen.

A Saga De Theodore Roosevelt

Em 2019 completam-se 100 anos da morte de Theodore Roosevelt, o 26º presidente americano, imortalizado na rocha do Monte Rushmore ao lado de George Washington, Thomas Jefferson e...

Ricardo Moisen

Ricardo Moisen, born in the mexico city starts his adventure as Dj in 2014, playing in underground events of trance music. At the beggining of 2016 he explores new genres like...

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