Walter Benjamin Está Morto

A obra "Walter Benjamin Está Morto", é uma compilação de traduções inéditas de textos do filósofo alemão. Divido em cinco eixos temáticos, o livro procura contribuir com...

Fabian Or Walter

Welcome to the Fabian or Walter podcast, where amazing things happen. What dont I talk about?

Walter Edgar's Journal

From books to barbecue, and current events to Colonial history, historian and author Walter Edgar delves into the arts, culture, and history of South Carolina and the American...

Walter Harbour Stories

Stories told by Walter Harbour, describing his life in Arkansas in the first decades of the 20th Century.

Scott Talk

Welcome to Scott Talk, where amazing things happen. Music and hockey mostly leafs. Song breakdowns and album breakdowns. 2-3 Podcasts a week.

Scott Alridge

Welcome to Scott Alridge, where amazing things happen.

Scott James

Making it through the ugly struggles of life

Scott Lorsch

Welcome to Scott Lorsch, where amazing things happen. This channel is about the little things in life and how awesome they can be!

Scott Lincoln

Married to PIXELQUEEN Im a gamer I play creativerse and Im on Twitter/ periscope/ and Facebook

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