An Interview With Melissa Llarena

228: 3 Time and Money Traps Mom Founders Must Dodge!



Attention, mom founders! With summer on the horizon and the impending chaos of kids being out of school, there's no better time to reclaim control over your precious time and accelerate your business growth. In this episode, Melissa dives deep into three common time wasters holding mom entrepreneurs back from reaching their full potential. But fear not, because she also provides actionable strategies to replace these obstacles with productivity and profit. Say hi, I want to know if you agree or vehemently disagree with these three? Time Waster #1: Second-Guessing Yourself It's time to kick self-doubt to the curb! Melissa shares valuable insights into overcoming the hesitation that often holds mom founders back from reaching out to potential leads and seizing opportunities. Learn how setting a timer and taking decisive action can transform your approach to networking and business growth. Time Waster #2: Fixating on Gender Disparities in Funding Don't let the fact or my