Kostas Giannikoulis

Spring 2021



As we enter that transitional time of year, when the cold and dark dwindle away and the rains of rebirth fall upon us: everything enters into this perfect state of renewal (physically and mentally). When making this mix, my intent was to make a soundtrack for the Season with purpose of embarking on new journeys, new projects with fresh ideas. Spring 2021: 60+ Minutes of Light, Airy, and Uplifting Organic House music made for the Season. Artist & Remixes include: Lost Desert, Mass Digital, Volen Sentir, Double Touch, Tim Green, Lee Burridge, Victhor, Sebastien Leger, Newman I Love, Antrim, Pambouk, Edri Irmak, Shai T, Hermanez, M.O.S. Feedback always appreciated / thanks for taking the time to listen. Hope you Enjoy!