Kostas Giannikoulis

Winter 2020



Envision yourself walking outdoors one early morning on a dreary winter's day- cold crisp air / snow about to start falling and you’re off the grid (no cell phone / no wifi) Just you and your thoughts / absorbing the beauty that surrounds you. This is the mood I intended to bring through the Album Art and Music for my latest compilation. Here is that WINTER soundtrack: A Melodic / Organic / Deep House mix with 18 tracks varying between 120-122bpms. As we set to wrap up a crazy 2020 full of Coronavirus, Financial uncertainty, Isolation, etc.. It also marks that time of year which brings us closer to our friends and families. Those feelings of comfort, joy, and laughter during the Holidays will be different for most of us with the social distancing throughout the world. Let’s do our part, connect with those people in our immediate & lost circles, dive into more meaningful conversation, and prepare ourselves for a fresh new start in 2021. We all have extra time to be better people! Happy Holidays to