Michael S. Copeland - Information And Knowledge - Podcasts Powered By Odiogo



You're going to learn the things I've learned. I'll give you pointers, suggestions, and other places you can go to find out more. Many things are brewing and you could be a part of it. Fly High - Live Large - Dream BIG!


  • Social Media Marketing Machines - Help me decide


    I have a quick request for you.  I’m helping out a friend of mine promote Social Media Marketing Machines I made a few short videos to help Brendan Wenzel with his contest, where he’s giving away a free scholarship to Social Media Marketing Machines.  I hope I win it because it would definitely help me with [...]Click here to play

  • Where this blog is going


    I know, I’ve said it before… “It’s been a long time since I posted here” The main reason is there are so many things going on, so many blogs and websites, this one has become a little behind in the update field. For those of you that follow, this the the change.  I will make this more [...]Click here to play

  • Small Business Online Marketing and Brand Management


    When it comes to small business, they are the ones who have been affected by this recession the most.  I truly believe it is they who will get us out of this recession too. So, I have decided to focus on helping Small Businesses with their Online Marketing and Brand Management. Gone are the results and [...]Click here to play

  • Online Business Marketing


    I’ve gotta tell you that life is crazy, if you didn’t already know that. Let me give you an update on what has been going on with me in the world of online marketing and business. First off, Internet Marketer Magazine has launched.  You can go download the latest issue for free here: http://InternetMarketerMagazine.net A lot of people [...]Click here to play

  • What happened!?


    Wow! It’s been a while since a new post has shown up here on this blog.  I must apologize for that.  I even tell my clients and friends they should at least, post something up once per month.  I guess that makes me somewhat of a hypocrite.   Well if you frequent the site enough you [...]Click here to play

  • Jimmy D. Brown - How To Create A “Buyers Only” List


    How To Create A “Buyers Only” List By Jimmy D. Brown, http://PLRSO.com Content is king. It gets to wear the crown. And sit on the throne. And rule the world. When it comes to establishing credibility, gaining trust and producing sales, content is royalty. While I would never suggest abandoning the concept of delivering high quality content to your subscribers, there is another [...]Click here to play

  • Near Death, Thanksgiving, and Lots of…


    This is the blog post you’ve all been waiting for.  What the heck happened!?  Well I’m going to tell you all about this week long ordeal, right here in this very post! I guess lets start with Thanksgiving. It was great. My wife and kids were going to my wife’s Grandmother’s house, as we normally do. [...]Click here to play

  • How to be creative in advertising.


    Being creative in advertising is a must, no matter if you are doing online marketing or billboards. One of the things that I think is absolutely crucial is creativity. Creativity is what gets you noticed. It’s what gets your product noticed, and in turn, gets sales. Well that all depends on if people take your creativity [...]Click here to play

  • Click Here to Order, by Joel Comm


    Here’s part 2 of my special technique.  Just think of all the people that will be able to read this wonderful book, for free.

  • Groundswell, Crowdsourcing, Momentum, Click Here to Order


    There are a lot of great books out right now in Social Media. Today I went to the library to check some books out and order some others they don’t carry.  I already own Groundswell, so why check it out from the library?  Well it’s a little trick I learned a while ago, which I [...]Click here to play