Parent Power



Challenging the belief that only violence is newsworthy.


  • Empowering nonviolent play

    25/04/2017 Duración: 05min

    We’ve all seen and heard kids playing out violent scenarios–mostly because they have not learned enough about how nonviolence works and what other options they have. In this podcast I share the story of how one mother was able to gently show her son the power of rehumanization while playing his game with him. Listen to the five minute podcast here.  Or below the bio box… Have a story related to this podcast? Share it in the comment section below.       The post Empowering nonviolent play appeared first on Metta Center.

  • Conflict is Natural- Podcast

    21/02/2017 Duración: 04min

      Conflict is natural and healthy. Violence is avoidable. In this podcast I talk about a practical approach for understanding conflict as a necessary part of developing our most humane qualities and the art of engaging conflict without resorting to violence.  Podcast time: 5 minutes. Listen here or at with the player below the bio box. The post Conflict is Natural- Podcast appeared first on Metta Center.

  • “We’re friends.”: Parent Power Podcast

    14/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    How do we express to children we are working together as a team and what effect can it have? In this episode, I explore the power–and challenges of– working together on setting boundaries with children in a respectful way that models for them a productive way of saying ‘no’ as well. Episode length: Six Minutes LISTEN HERE or below the bio box.     The post “We’re friends.”: Parent Power Podcast appeared first on Metta Center.

  • Science of Nonviolence: Parent Power

    01/10/2016 Duración: 04min

    Nonviolence has a scientific basis. Learn about a few recent discoveries in this short podcast. Listen in here or underneath the bio box below!           The post Science of Nonviolence: Parent Power appeared first on Metta Center.

  • Nonviolence is…Parent Power Podcast

    05/09/2016 Duración: 06min

    In this podcast, I review a couple of definitions of nonviolence to help facilitate conversations about it between grown-ups and children as they journey on the path of peace.  Listen in here  or by clicking on the audio box below.   The post Nonviolence is…Parent Power Podcast appeared first on Metta Center.

  • “We want your full attention!”–Parent Power

    22/08/2016 Duración: 04min

    “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” –Simone Weil Have you ever had a conversation with someone who was multitasking (including using a device)? What did it feel like? Did you feel like you were being heard? Did you feel a connection? Children in our lives want our full attention (and that way, they don’t have to try to work for it in negative ways). Not for long periods at a time, we find, but short bursts of total one-pointed attention. How can we do this? In this 4 minute podcast, Prof. Michael Nagler, a long-time meditator discusses the power and practice of ONE-POINTED ATTENTION for those working with children and, well, anyone, really! Listen in a new window by clicking this link or by clicking the audio box below the big ol’ bio-box below. You can also find us on iTunes and Stitcher.  The post “We want your full attention!”–Parent Power appeared first on Metta Center.

  • Six principles of Kingian Nonviolence

    20/02/2016 Duración: 03min

    Ever try to talk to your child about Martin Luther King, Jr.? Here’s a quick intro to his vision of nonviolence. Learn about six principles of Kingian nonviolence from 5th grade teacher and Kingian nonviolence trainer, Robin Wildman on this episode of Parent Power Podcast! Listen here, or at the player underneath my bio box. You can also find this podcast on iTunes. Share this widely, and make sure to add your comments below.     The post Six principles of Kingian Nonviolence appeared first on Metta Center.