Bring Out Your Best



Bring Out Your Best is a radio talk show where callers get complimentary coaching from internationally recognized speakers and human development experts, Drs. Bob & Judith Wright. Bob and Judith created the Wright Foundation for Transformational Leadership, having trained participants from organizations such as Microsoft, Boeing, JP Morgan Chase, and Neiman Marcus.To be a guest on the show, email George at


  • How to Deal with Gossip at the Office

    07/07/2016 Duración: 17min

    How often do we talk about other people at work?  How often do we make excuses, subtly or directly blaming someone else?  Find out how gossip can weaken an organization and keep people from being all they can be.  So, if drama is prevalent in your work place – how can you get out of it?  Join us today as Dr. Bob Wright coaches on how to shift your environment from an unsatifying task to a place you can feel proud of.” 

  • How to Thrive as a Member of the Office “Family”

    30/06/2016 Duración: 21min

    Functional or slightly dysfunctional, office life can become similar to our family life. We spend the majority of our time with our coworkers, we don’t always get to choose who they are or what roles they have. We can see patterns emerge in our work life which may spill over from our own family structure—birth order, and relationships with our parents, siblings and even our spouse. How many of us have a “work wife” or “work husband”—a person who falls into that dynamic with us at the office? It’s important to keep your relationships at work honest, engaged, and appropriate. Learn how to keep your work relationships from falling into areas of dysfunction that we may see in our familial histories.

  • Wonderlust & Dating - Do We Travel Together?

    25/05/2016 Duración: 20min

    Wright, founded by Dr. Bob Wright and Dr. Judith Wright is a principle-based learning organization that brings together the best of neuroscience, development, existential, humanistic, Adlerian, and positive psychologies and philosophies into a proven, practical system for learning the skills to have a great life.Kate Holmquest is a coach, curriculum developer, and campus director for Wright and the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential who believes that dating is one of the best possible playgrounds for discovering and transforming yourself! Potential movie titles that describe her quest for satisfaction in single life are “40 First Dates” (a.k.a. dating with velocity), “Ten Things I Hate About You” (a.k.a. telling the truth on dates), and “The Thing About My Folks” (a.k.a. noticing and breaking the relationship rules I learned at home).

  • Career Quiz: X Questions to Ask to Discover Your Conflict Style (#18)

    19/05/2016 Duración: 29min

    Are you engaging in destructive conflict or avoiding conflict in your career? Many of us have been “trained” throughout our childhood to avoid conflict—don’t fight, don’t argue. In truth, there are ways to engage in constructive conflict that are actually more productive, healthier and less damaging for our work relationships and will leave us more fulfilled and equipped to deal with what feelings arise.

  • Getting Over “Imposter Syndrome” (#16)

    12/05/2016 Duración: 19min

    How many of us feel like we’re undeserving of our success? Maybe we feel that if anyone “found out” that we really have no idea what we were doing, they’d take it all away. Well, here’s the kicker—everyone feels like an imposter sometimes! Some of us allow our limiting beliefs to get the better of us and hold us back. Where does this come from and how do we beat it? “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” –Marianne Williamson