Museum Collections Up Close :



Every object tells a story, and Collections Up Close presents short, illustrated features that highlight the stories and history behind selected items in the Minnesota Historical Society's museum collections.


  • A Selection of Minnesota Quilts

    02/12/2008 Duración: 01min

    A quilt can be something to keep you toasty warm on a chilly night, but it can also be a work of art. Quilts today are often created as serious artistic expression, but quilters of earlier centuries also could focus their work on artistry as much as utility. Textile curator Linda McShannock shows [...]

  • 1892 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis

    20/08/2008 Duración: 04min

    As a prelude to this year’s Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Acquisitions Librarian Patrick Coleman takes a look back at the last time the Twin Cities hosted a national convention, the 1892 Republican Convention in Minneapolis. Then as now, the metro area took center stage with a huge influx of delegates, supporters, and of [...]

  • Suburban Richfield

    11/06/2008 Duración: 05min

    In recognition of the “Suburban World” exhibit now showing at the History Center, we take a look at Richfield, a classic Minnesota postwar suburb. Excerpts from oral histories with long-time Richfield residents are featured, along with historic photos and documents from the community. (5 min. 8 sec. / 3.91 MB) See additional photos of suburban Richfield [...]

  • Bishop Whipple Collection of American Indian Art

    20/02/2008 Duración: 06min

    Senior Curator Marcia Anderson gives a brief overview of the new exhibit Selections from the Bishop Whipple Collection of American Indian Art, now on view at the Minnesota History Center. This podcast includes biographical information about Bishop Whipple as well as a closer look at a few pieces from his fabulous collection. (6 min. / [...]

  • Looking Back/Moving Forward

    21/11/2007 Duración: 03min

    Brian Szott, Curator of Art, shares five of his favorite new additions to the Minnesota Historical Society’s fine art collection. (3 min. 38 sec. / 2.08 MB)