Laptop Lifestyle Podcast With Dr. Ed Osburn | Online Business Success



The Laptop Lifestyle Podcast features only 6, 7 and 8 figure online entrepreneurs that have a desire to share their humble beginnings in the entrepreneurial space, how they persevered, their timeline, road blocks, short cuts, and current state of success...and tactical resources. This show will LEVEL UP your online business and moreover inspire your to keep up the hustle!


  • LLP 013: Ryan Michler | Order of Man | Creating & Leading (& Monetizing) a Massive Tribe of Loyal Fans

    07/10/2016 Duración: 26min

    Ryan Michler is the man behind the “Order of Man” Podcast and Blog. Ryan started Order of Man to “Give men a community and resource to become better. Better at what you ask? All facets of life, from self-mastery to family, from money to contribution, and everywhere in between.” Ryan will be the first to tell you that he’s not perfect, and that’s OK. In this episode Ryan takes us through his journey and gives us some valuable insights into what we can do to become better men. In this LLP episode, Ryan and Dr. Ed discuss: The inspiration for starting order of man Ryan’s rock bottom What women REALLY want men to be Ryan’s Superpower Willingness to ACT Ryan’s greatest Weakness The importance of having tough conversations to become a better man. How improving one area of your life with improve all other areas The biggest misunderstanding people have of doing business online You don’t have to know everything. You don’t need to be perfect   Connect with Ryan: ( Faceboo

  • LLP 012: Geoff Woods | The Mentee | Monetizing Your Podcast...the Smart Way!

    02/10/2016 Duración: 33min

      Geoff Woods is an online entrepreneur, General manager of KW Publishing, and host of the wildly popular “The Mentee Podcast” ( Geoff describes his superpower as being aa super-connector and in this episode we talk a lot about the power of relationships. Done the right way, starting a podcast is a fantastic way to dramatically expand your network and Geoff has some great advice for doing that.   In this LLP Episode, Geoff and Dr. Ed Discuss: The genesis of “The Mentee Podcast” Monetizing a podcast The old way: Take action and try to figure it out yourself The smart way: Find people that already doing what you want to do What you should think about before launching a podcast. Dare to be different What makes you unique? What has made “The Mentee Podcast” a hit What you should look for in a mentor Geoff’s superpower Being a super connector. (Listen for an incredible story) Geoff’s kryptonite Like it or not, YOU choose your relatio

  • LLP 011: Luis Congdon | From Sleeping on a Friend's Profitable Social Media-Network Master

    30/08/2016 Duración: 30min

          Luis is committed to helping entrepreneurs get recognized and make money online so they can live a life of freedom. Early on, Luis was stuck in a business, working 60+ hours a week managing three shelters for homeless women. He was burning out fast. Luis grew a 6 figure a year online business and shared stages with veterans in the marketing, public speaking, relationships, dating, and multiple other niches. His online business allows him to travel the world, interview world leaders like Robert Kioyaski, Dr. Harville Hendricks, Russell Brunson, Marianne Williamson, Don Miguel Ruiz, and just about anybody his hearts desire. Luis Congdon helps entrepreneurs take their business to the next level and get more publicity, attention, and sales.

  • LLP 010: Ryan Stewman | From Broke & 2x Felon to Hardcore Closer

    23/08/2016 Duración: 35min Who is Ryan Stewman? First and foremost he’s a salesman. Ryan has not had a salaried job his entire life. By mastering the art of being a super effective communicator, Ryan has closed more transactions than he has time to add up. Besides, no one likes looking at super inflated numbers that are just a guess. With his no BS approach to making things happen, Ryan has been able to help high income, and high net worth performers make adjustments in their businesses that have led to windfalls of profits for them. Ryan’s background is in the mortgage industry. He was a loan officer in Dallas, Texas for almost 10 years. During his time as a LO Ryan closed 1000s of loans for people across the country. Ryan has been the top producing salesman at every sales job he’s had. Doesnt’ matter if you are selling cars, homes, financial services, or consulting, Ryan can help you generate more leads with higher quality, increase your closing ratios and show you how to charge pr

  • LLP 009: Setema Gali Jr. | Broke to 6 Figure Launch...from an iPhone | Top Level Executive Coaching

    18/08/2016 Duración: 25min From NFL, to the Super Bowl, to broke; to mortgage and real estate millions, to bankruptcy, Setema has rebuilt his life, his business and his lifestyle exactly how he wants to live.  He loves his wife, his three sons and his work, which he considers a calling. He loves life and loves help others to live a life of purpose, results and total fulfillment.

  • LLP 008: Kolby [Kay] Kolibas | Does Your Idea Suck? | Branding & Validating Your Online Business

    10/08/2016 Duración: 29min “Create the Life You Want.” Mr. Kolibas
is an entrepreneur, author, revolutionary, teacher, student, husband and father. He spent over 15 years in corporate America as an executive running sales and marketing for companies such as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Dell and many others. Kolby has built, sold and advised over 20 startups that have generated over 50 million dollars in revenue. In this session he will discuss ways to take your idea from a concept to earning revenue in 90 days. 15 years in corporate America as an executive running sales and marketing Global Budget 500M Owner of 5 business ventures Author Public Speaker Board of directors for Fiesta Bowl Committee Ran a success sports and marketing agency representing NFL, NBA and 
UFC Entertainment Coordinator 2002 Olympics Harvard Leadership Development Program 2010-2011 The Entrepreneur Movement: 
Helping over 300 entrepreneurs take ideas to revenue, Mr. Kolibas specializes in sales process, market penetration, sales an

  • LLP 007: Travis Dillard | The Body Business Connection with the Entrepreneur’s Fitness Guru

    02/08/2016 Duración: 28min Travis Dillard, the Owner of TD FitNow, helps entrepreneurs and influencers transform their bodies and gain more energy without having to use willpower. Mantra: "You can only serve others as well as you serve yourself" In this LLP episode we discuss:  The effect of seated, sedentary lifestyle on your business and body

  • LLP 006: Tim Paige | The Brainiac of Lead Generation | The Captain of Conversion | Powerful Passive Income…and Comic book-like superpower

    28/07/2016 Duración: 27min As the Sr. Conversion Educator at Leadpages™, Tim Paige spends his days helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers utilize the billions of data points from Leadpages™ so they can increase revenue, grow their lists, and further scale up their businesses. You’ve likely heard his voice as the host of Leadpages™ official podcast, ConversionCast, on stage at several live events, or as the host of one of over 500 Leadpages™ webinars in the past 24 months. He's also a professional voice actor with clients such as the UFC, The CW, AT&T and more. Tim and I discuss:  Lead conversions...good and bad stats Effective Opt in strategies  Email list building  Creating Passive Income  ...and comic book super powers

  • LLP 005: Sean Stephenson | The Power & Potential of Viral Videos | The Entrepreneurial Unicorn Syndrome

    25/07/2016 Duración: 29min Sean was born with a rare bone disorder that stunted his growth and caused his bones to be extremely fragile. Regardless of physical obstacles, Sean has become a renowned and inspirational leader in the world today…having been featured with people such as Sir Richard Branson, President Clinton, and his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama…AND appearing on The Oprah Show.  Sean is master marketer and has the ability to connect very quickly with his audience. The Biography Channel did an hour feature on his life called, “Three Foot Giant.”  In this LLP episode we discuss:  What it takes to be a successful online entrepreneur One of the secrets to powerful viral videos (and the downside too) Sean’s #1 advice for aspiring online entrepreneurs (and it’s probably not what you’d expect)  Sean is a board certified therapist, on a mission to rid the world of insecurity.

  • LLP 004: Giovanni Marsico | High Power Network Building with & from the Heart

    21/07/2016 Duración: 16min Giovanni Marsico is a talent scout, curator, and connector of superheroes. He is the founder of Archangel – a private membership community of mission-driven entrepreneurs that are making the world a better place through purpose-driven entrepreneurship and philanthropy. Giovanni hosts his flagship mastermind event, Archangel Academy, every January in the Los Angeles area. Giovanni is currently working on his next book, The Gifted Entrepreneur, due out on September 21, 2016.

  • LLP 003: Joshua Jordison (J.J.) | Music Biz to Influencer Marketer | 13Xing Your Influence in Your Space

    18/07/2016 Duración: 30min J.J. runs a private society for successful entrepreneurs called THE CIRCLE. In this powerful LLP episode we talk: Authority and leverage Finding influence in your space 13x Your Market Penetration Going to big…to fast Significance of self awareness in your business  Over the past decade, he has founded and grown companies, produced hundreds of events, started one of the largest music festivals in California and helped several 501c3 organizations raise funds to further their causes. The most important thing to J.J. is having the ability to help his family. That is what drives him.      

  • LLP 002: Marci Lock | Hacking Facebook Organically | Internal Alignment | You are your F*cking Client

    13/07/2016 Duración: 54min

    Marci Lock is 'the' online coach and mentor to follow and watch--while learning.  In this episode we discuss:  Marketing your personality  Rejection protection  Internal alignment Being your BEST client Facebook Organic domination  Marci focuses on the TRUE Components to create life long results and has the the credibility to prove it. RESULTS DON’T LIE and not only has she gone through the journey herself, but assisted thousands in their transformation. As a TV & Radio Nutrition & Fitness Expert, Life Transformation Coach, Show Host, Author and Motivational Speaker, Marci travels the world sharing her passion and purpose in transforming lives, and creating health from the inside out. She thrives on the “hands on” transformational process experienced in her Bootcamps, Retreats and Seminars. She is the Mother of two amazing little boys and she seizes life through living what she teaches. One of the Core Game Changer Coachings Freedom audio 1   /react-text

  • LLP 001: Grant Cardone | How Money & Business is a Spiritual Journey | Friends & Family

    13/07/2016 Duración: 34min Bestselling author Grant Cardone’s stellar accomplishments: Internationally renowned business and sales expert. Author of 4 sales and business books, including New York Times best seller “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” and Axiom Award Winner “Sell or be Sold.” Creator of customized sales training programs for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, success-minded individuals and entrepreneurs. A dynamic, highly sought after international speaker who captivates and motivatesaudiences with his engaging, entertaining and informative speaking style. Offers practical insights on sales, marketing, branding and entrepreneurship via print, digital, TV and radio media.