Z3 News Podcasts



Z3 News reports end-time news before it happens. Listen to our podcasts or read our news articles at https://z3news.com/.


  • David Martin presents hard evidence showing COVID-19 is a man-made bioweapon.

    17/02/2021 Duración: 01h34min

    David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. He has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States. Dr. Martin is also a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Since 1999, Dr. Martin has been actively tracking patent applications and approvals for the purpose of identifying suspicious activity. In the 94-minute video shown below, he shares the findings from his research regarding the laboratory development of a pathogenic coronavirus that started in 1999 and released initially upon human populations in the SARS CoV-1 in 2002-2003, then again in MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012, and then again in SARS CoV-2 which was renamed COVID-19, as shown below with evidence from the primary development lab in Wuhan China. In my opinion, his research prov

  • Claire Edwards: The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020

    06/01/2021 Duración: 21min

    In this 21-minute video, former UN staff member Claire Edwards reads the paper entitled 'The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020'. This message might be hard for some people to believe because the truth is being suppressed as demonstrated by the fact that this video and many others like it are not allowed on YouTube or other major social media sites. While the facts are being suppressed, the public is being indoctrinated with lies from the mainstream news media in an orchestrated campaign to deceive us. Anyone seeking the truth should consider the facts presented in this message.

  • All That I Have is Yours - Part 4: The Fullness of God in Us

    05/01/2021 Duración: 27min

    This 27-minute message shares how we have already been given the fullness of God through Jesus Christ. God has not withheld anything from us but has freely given us all that He has. However, these things don't come to us automatically but must be received the same way we received salvation, by faith and confession. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • All That I Have is Yours - Part 3 - Fixing Our Focus

    18/12/2020 Duración: 24min

    This 25-minute message warns that we can miss what God has for us and fall short of fulfilling His plans for our life unless we learn to focus our attention on His voice speaking to us by the inner witness of His Spirit in us and avoid getting distracted by all the other voices around us. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • All That I Have is Yours - Part 2: The Knowledge of All Things

    16/12/2020 Duración: 28min

    This 28-minute message is Part 2 of the series called "All That I Have Is Yours" and shares how God has already filled us the knowledge of all things, as shown in many scriptures. It's an amazing revelation, but it's only part of what God gave us when He gave us everything He has. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Prophetic warning of a possible global financial collapse by Passover 2021

    12/10/2020 Duración: 40min

    This 40-minute message warns of the possibility of a collapse in global financial markets over the next five months that finally reaches the bottom by Passover 2021. This warning is based on prophetic insights received by myself and others, including a dream received on August 10, 2020, by Pastor Dana Coverstone in which he saw a big billboard that stated, 'Passover 2021, Big Things Are Coming for the World.' Based on these warnings, I share two possible scenarios for how these events might unfold for equities and Bitcoin. As is often the case with prophetic dreams, we only see part of the picture, so pulling the pieces together requires making some assumptions that might be wrong. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Time to pray and prepare in September for what's coming afterwards

    01/09/2020 Duración: 47min

    This 47-minute message shares urgent prophetic warnings to pray and prepare in September for what's coming afterwards, based on two more dreams received by Pastor Dana Coverstone from Living Word Fellowship in Burkesville, KY. My 30-minute introduction provides background info on how we got here and is followed by an 11-minute video in which Pastor Dana shares a dream he received on July 10 and a 6-minute video in which he shares another dream he received July 25. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Come out of her My people lest you receive of her plagues.

    29/08/2020 Duración: 24min

    This 24-minute message shares scriptural warnings of severe consequences for partnering with the harlot of Babylon, which is now operating under the alias name of Roman Catholicism. Partnering with her is not limited to joining the Roman Catholics, but also includes partaking of any kind of harlotry. God has given us the only solution, "Come out of her My people!" For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Prophetic insights reveal chaos coming soon in America

    29/08/2020 Duración: 34min

    This 34-minute message shares many prophetic dreams and visions revealing chaos coming to America. These warnings reveal what's ahead with additional insights regarding the recent warning dreams received by Pastor Dana Coverstone from Living Word Ministries in Burkesville KY. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Hundreds of millions of Christians are now joining the false Church

    29/08/2020 Duración: 31min

    This 31-minute message shows how hundreds of millions of Christians have fallen into the great deception Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:4-5 as they've already entered alliances with the false church of the mother of all harlots, which is operating through the Roman Catholic Pope. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • 14 Reasons Why COVID-19 is Not What It Appears to Be

    29/08/2020 Duración: 57min

    This 57-minute message presents 14 reasons why I believe COVID-19 is not what it appears to be and not what the mainstream news media has reported. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • More warnings of great trouble coming in 2020

    29/08/2020 Duración: 22min

    This 22-minute message shares how God has been warning us for years about trouble coming in 2020 and now that it's here, He's continuing to warn of great trouble coming in the remaining months. But there's also good news because God is far bigger than anything coming against us so those who walk uprightly with God have nothing to fear. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • The Future of the Supernatural Church

    29/08/2020 Duración: 44min

    This 44-minute message presents a glimpse into the future of the supernatural Church, which I believe is available to us right now. In the first 19 minutes, I share my vision of what's coming to introduce an amazing 24-minute testimony from Pastor Todd Holmes from The River of Tri-Cities Church in Johnson City, Tennessee. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • A far worse crime than the murder of George Floyd is coming.

    28/08/2020 Duración: 30min

    As horrible as the murder of George Floyd was, an even worse crime is now being orchestrated against the citizens of the United States by evil Jesuits pursuing their globalist agenda. This 32-minute message exposes their schemes to use that orchestrated event along with many others to divide us against one another to ultimately destroy us and make way for the rise of a global government under their control. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Time for Christians to stop fighting for the wrong side

    28/08/2020 Duración: 13min

    This 15-minute message shares recent examples of Christians unknowingly fighting for the wrong side, fighting against God's will, in the current war being waged against our nation by evil powers and principalities in the spiritual realm. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • It's not the Rothschilds or the Illuminati or the Freemasons. It's the Jesuits.

    28/08/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    Why is there an owl surrounding our nation's capitol? It wasn't put there by the culprits we hear so much about in news reports. The true culprits stay hidden in darkness. This 79-minute message presents historical evidence proving it's not the Rothschilds or the Illuminati or the Freemasons. It's the Jesuits. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • There's a plan in place but it's not the one we're being told.

    28/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    This 17-minute message explains there is a plan in place but it's not the one we're being told as the Jesuit controlled media continues their campaign to control public opinion with lies upon lies. This message shares prophetic insights exposing their schemes to devalue the US dollar and ignite civil war. With the recent chaos and riots across our nation, it's more important than ever for us to know what's really happening so we can avoid their traps. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Exposing the ruthless Jesuit mission to establish the New World Order

    28/08/2020 Duración: 35min

    This 37-minute message provides Biblical and historical evidence showing the Jesuits are the primary orchestrators behind the quest for a new world order as they continue centuries of ruthless tactics seeking to bring all nations under the pope's temporal power by whatever means necessary. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Proof Rome is the driving force behind the New World Order

    28/08/2020 Duración: 27min

    This 28-minute message provides scriptural and historical evidence showing Rome is the driving force behind the globalist agenda, also known as the New World Order which is now threatening to bring the world into tyrannical bondage. But the good news is we can push them back by doing the same things Christians in previous generations have done. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

  • Rome's militant response to the Protestant Reformation

    28/08/2020 Duración: 20min

    This 22-minute message explains how Rome refused to repent of their unscriptural practices exposed by Protestant reformers like Martin Luther. Instead, they successfully counter attacked with a new militant strategy that included the creation of the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits, in 1540. After being expelled from nations 83 times and murdering at least two popes and imprisoning another, the Jesuits were reinstated by the Vatican in 1814 and have controlled it ever since, enabling them to escalate their brutal tactics over the next century to put the Vatican back in position to regain their dominance. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/

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