Salt And Light



Catholic Couple's perspective on current events and relevant topics to the culture to help others grow in love for Jesus Christ glorifying the Lord by their lives. Learn how to apply the Catholic Faith to these topics with sound Doctrine and Dogmas of the Catholic Faith all rooted deeply in Holy Scripture.


  • Episode084: “Into the Desert: Make this Lent Radical” with Deacon Edward Kleinguetl

    01/03/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    The call to Sainthood is universal. Each of us is called to be the great Saint God intended us to be, but we fall short time and time again. On this episode, I am joined by Deacon Edward Kleinguetl, who explains a timeless message, and formula even, for living a radically Christian way and attaining … Continue reading "Episode084: “Into the Desert: Make this Lent Radical” with Deacon Edward Kleinguetl"

  • Episode083: I love you, but I don’t like you.

    20/02/2019 Duración: 31min

    Do you have someone in your life with whom you don’t get along? Are there people who you feel like you just “click” and others you simply don’t? Are there people you’d rather hang out with and people you just don’t? In this episode, Chuck and Annie explore what it means to Love as “God … Continue reading "Episode083: I love you, but I don’t like you."

  • Episode082: Pro-Life, Abortion, & the Culture of Death with Lauren Enriquez

    14/02/2019 Duración: 46min

    Nearly one year after she joined us in studio, Mrs. Lauren Enriquez (Public Relations Manager for Human Coalition) joins us again for a powerful episode on the Pro-Life Movement, Abortion, and the Culture of Death. She gives us a year-in-review including federal legislation, executive orders, state legislation, and the political and social climate surrounding it … Continue reading "Episode082: Pro-Life, Abortion, & the Culture of Death with Lauren Enriquez"

  • Episode081: Circumcision, Candlemas, et al

    07/02/2019 Duración: 41min

    With an all-too ironic opening to the show, Chuck and Annie give you some updates on our friend “Bob” being persecuted for his Catholic faith in his country, Chuck’s on-the-mend black eye delt by an accidental 4-year old knee to the face, and then dive DEEP into this week’s topic! After the holiday hangover and … Continue reading "Episode081: Circumcision, Candlemas, et al"

  • Episode080: Ancient Aliens

    31/01/2019 Duración: 40min

    Ancient Aliens is a popular show on the History Channel, and Chuck and Annie get a kick out of watching the episodes. There are a few episodes in particular, though, that talk about the plausibility of Biblical events and how they can readily be explained by the intervention of “other worldly powers” aka aliens. (Cue … Continue reading "Episode080: Ancient Aliens"

  • Episode079: Drunk on Jesus

    23/01/2019 Duración: 47min

    We can all pretty much recite the major parts of the Wedding at Cana from the Gospel of John (John 2), but have we truly understood all of layers the St. John intended in his unique style of writing? In this episode, we walk you through the intricate details of this Gospel passage and show … Continue reading "Episode079: Drunk on Jesus"

  • Episode078: The Chapel Veil

    17/01/2019 Duración: 32min

    Happy Feast Day to our Patron Saint! St Antony the Abbot, pray for us! As a follow up to last week’s episode on the Traditional Latin Mass or Tridentine Mass, which is climbing the charts as one of our most downloaded episodes ever (second to our interview with Bishop Robert Barron), we are talking about … Continue reading "Episode078: The Chapel Veil"

  • Episode077: At the Tridentine Mass

    09/01/2019 Duración: 34min

    The Catholic Faith is the fullness of Truth, and to worship our Triune God, we are blessed with many different ways. There are many different Catholic rites in communion with the Pope in Rome, such as the Byzantine Rite, and then within the Roman Rite, we also have different expressions of authentic worship. Most of … Continue reading "Episode077: At the Tridentine Mass"

  • Episode076: Origin of Christmas Symbols (Thank the Catholics)

    20/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    Do you decorate for Christmas? Do you decorate Christmas trees? Hang holly or mistletoe? Burn a Yule Log? All of these classic Christmas decorations have a long and interesting history. Join us on this episode to uncover the unique stories that have shaped the very way we not only decorate for Christmas but also can … Continue reading "Episode076: Origin of Christmas Symbols (Thank the Catholics)"

  • Episode075: Story Time with Chuck and Annie

    13/12/2018 Duración: 35min

    While baking a batch of Lembas bread for her homeschoolers while they discuss The Hobbit, Annie decided to share her joy of this topic with all of you in this episode. Drawing from a plethora of experience in story telling and reading, Chuck and Annie share some of their experiences regarding the importance of “the … Continue reading "Episode075: Story Time with Chuck and Annie"

  • Episode074: Our Lady of the Fort Pitt Tunnels

    06/12/2018 Duración: 25min

    Sandwiched between the first Sunday of Advent and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we introduce you to a little known devotion and way to consecreate yourself to Jesus through His Mother, the Queen of Heaven, the City of God, the Immaculate Heart, Mother of the Church, Queen of the Universe, Mary. What does this … Continue reading "Episode074: Our Lady of the Fort Pitt Tunnels"

  • Episode073: Gender Definition and Roles (Yup, we went there.)

    29/11/2018 Duración: 26min

    This week we are recording live from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, where we spent the week with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. While we were in town, we went to see a movie (Fantastic Beasts II), and our car-ride conversation plus the trailers before the movie sparked this episode. How do we define ourselves? How does … Continue reading "Episode073: Gender Definition and Roles (Yup, we went there.)"

  • Episode072: I wasn’t gonna say it, but….

    15/11/2018 Duración: 19min

    This week, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are meeting for a general assembly. Chuck and Annie originally were going to encourage everyone to spend their time following the live stream coverage of this meeting instead of releasing an episode, but then you came to mind. Join us for this passionate episode. Listen to the … Continue reading "Episode072: I wasn’t gonna say it, but…."

  • Episode 071: A Tale of Heroic Faith amidst Grave Danger

    08/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    Through this apostolate, Chuck and Annie have met amazing people from all around the world answering the call to Sainthood with heroic faith and virtue. On this episode, they share one story in particular of a friend of theirs in a far corner of the world not only living out the greatest commandment but also … Continue reading "Episode 071: A Tale of Heroic Faith amidst Grave Danger"

  • Episode070: All Saints Day All in the Family

    01/11/2018 Duración: 41min

    Happy All Saints Day to our Salt and Light community! We hope that more than a year after starting this little apostolate, we have helped in some small way to point you to Christ and help you grow in love for Him striving for Sainthood! On this episode, Annie is joined by a special guest … Continue reading "Episode070: All Saints Day All in the Family"

  • Episode069: Countdown Time Again

    25/10/2018 Duración: 32min

    In the wake of her talk at the Houston Galveston ArchDiocesan Conference delivered to Catechsists this past Saturday, Annie was asked to divulge the nuggets she shared with the Catechists. In this episode Chuck and Annie deliver the major points of Annie’s talk in countdown form. The beauty of this is that it applies to … Continue reading "Episode069: Countdown Time Again"

  • Episode 68: The Bar is Low

    19/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    In light of the current Youth Synod in Rome, the staggering statistics of Catholics leaving the faith and individuals who do not identify with any religion at all (aka the Nones), and our current culture of “meh”, Chuck and Annie identify a major issue and tackle this subject based on their wide experience especially with … Continue reading "Episode 68: The Bar is Low"

  • Episode067: Which kind of Olive Tree are you?

    11/10/2018 Duración: 18min

    The Psalm and the Gospel from the 27th Sunday in Ordinary time were the inspiration for this week’s podcast. The Psalms don’t usually get much attention in homilies or weekly commentaries, but we felt that this one in particular could not be overlooked. Do you know much about olive trees? In this episode you’ll discover … Continue reading "Episode067: Which kind of Olive Tree are you?"

  • Episode066: Wisdom, Discipline, and the Moral Life

    28/09/2018 Duración: 17min

    After the second reading during Sunday Mass (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time), Chuck elbowed Annie and whispered that he wanted to think and talk about the reading more afterwards.  Their subsequent discussion turned into this week’s podcast episode. This episode introduces the common thread between the book of Wisdom, the letter of James, and the … Continue reading "Episode066: Wisdom, Discipline, and the Moral Life"

  • Episode065: Let’s Get Frank

    20/09/2018 Duración: 46min

    In this week’s episode of the Salt and Light podcast, Annie joined by guest co-host, Father Nicholas Blackwell aka The Frank Friar. Father Nicholas is a Carmelite friar currently serving and living in NYC. We start out the episode by asking Father questions submitted by children who listen to the show and from there we … Continue reading "Episode065: Let’s Get Frank"

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