Yes Ladies Podcast



Yes Ladies is a series of erotic short stories written by Evie Glasshouse. Enjoy!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:Q: Women don't masturbate - why is this here?A: Are you asking about the clitoris or the podcast? (Serious answer: Women do, and should, masturbate. Frequently and unashamedly.)Q: Isn't there already porn for women?A: Yes, but we are really horny and need more. (Serious answer: There is, and female directors and writers are making more from a female perspective, which is great! But maybe women want something else? Something they can listen to, instead of watching.)Q:Who is this for?A: Adults who appreciate explicit stories featuring consenting, empowered adults.Q: Whose voice is that?A: I cast actors to record the stories.Q: Do you get turned on by your own stories?A: Yes. Q: Isn't masturbating a sin?A: Not the way I do it.Q: What do I do if I don't like a story?A: Try masturbating furiously to it. Or just try another one. Q: Not all the stories are heterosexual - can I still enjoy them?A: No, that is forbidden.Q: Headphones or not?A: Depends where you are. Q: Do you use sex tips from magazines?A: Only on Tuesdays. Q: You aim to write inclusive stories - what does that mean?A: It means I don't mind if you use your left or right hand.Q: Is the language of love universal?A: Not sure, so I've gone with English.Q: Why don't you just watch porn instead?A: I don't want to. And it's harder to do on the tube. Q: Can I try out moves I read in your stories?A: I'll consider it research and not plagiarism: go ahead.Q: Aren't you embarrassed to admit you masturbate?A: Nope.Q: Do you take submissions?A: For story themes, yes. Please don't post any items of clothing or sex paraphernalia. Q: Why aren't there more puns in your stories?A: It's really hard not to put them in, but usually they don't fit well and it doesn't feel good.
