Leaping Over (the Proverbial) Ledge: Lessons on Outsmarting the Imposter Police and Living Your Best Life At Large
What's in a title?
07/05/2018 Duración: 03minHow I decided to name the podcast Leaping Over (the Proverbial) Ledge.
A Brief History
03/05/2018 Duración: 03minThanks for tuning in again. This episode briefly shares how I outsmarted the Imposter Police and my Voice of Doubt (VOD) in order to get episode 1 published
Just Get Started!
02/05/2018 Duración: 05minI recorded this with the idea that it was a warm-up and that I would redo it and have it all polished and perfect....and then I realized that my goal is to support you in taking Imperfect here is the raw, unedited, first time freak out from my ledge. Join me in Leaping Over (the Proverbial) Ledge and learning how to live your life At Large by outsmarting the Imposter Police and talking back to your Voice of Doubt