2bepic Fitness And Nutrition, Llc



Welcome to the 2BEpic Fitness And Nutrition, LLC podcast, where amazing things happen. Its time to get out of our own minds and accomplish truly great things! Thank you for listening! More to come soon!


  • Real Life with Leesia Monay

    22/05/2020 Duración: 53min

    Today’s episode introduces and amazing mom and entrepreneur, Leesia Monay. She is a native of Jacksonville and just an amazing person. I’m truly grateful for her coming into my life and for the ability to have her on the show.

  • Self-Realization with Howa Power

    15/05/2020 Duración: 51min

    If you’ve ever thought about why you do or say things you do or say, this episode is for you. My guest today is the amazing Howa Power - Mom, entrepreneur, Certified Life Coach, and Speaker. She is also a woman of God and speaks on how her spiritual awareness played such a large role in her overall journey. I’m truly grateful for her and for her time. This episode will be one you’ll want to take a notebook out for. Thank you for listening! Be blessed!

  • Breaking Barriers Now Mastermind Session - In This Together

    08/05/2020 Duración: 27min

    This episode discusses some ways we can all learn to get through trying times. When we have so much negativity in the world, it’s so important to focus on how we can be positive. So let’s explore, shall we? Thank you for being here! God bless!

  • Real Life with Matthew Currin

    01/05/2020 Duración: 54min

    I truly believe that nothing is by chance. A few weeks ago, a woman found me in a Facebook group and we had an amazing conversation one evening and she ended up linking me up with the man you will meet tonight, Matthew Currin. Matthew is a Christian Counselor and Life Coach. He’s also the founder of Convene Communities, LLC and is working with others to truly make an impact globally and help others break their own barriers. Matthew and I have aligned missions and are now going to work together to have a positive impact on even more people. This is what it’s all about - collaborations and helping others succeed. I am truly blessed to know Matthew and be a part of the path God placed him on. Thank you for tuning in to Episode 6! God bless you all!

  • Health and Nutrition with Elsie Newman, NASM CPT/FNS, and PES

    24/04/2020 Duración: 53min

    This week’s guest is a good friend of mine who currently lives in Okinawa, Japan. I am grateful to have been a part of her health journey and have had the opportunity to watch her blossom into this amazingly confident and beautiful soul. She is helping so many people by simply using the same tools i was able to give her a few years ago. Her journey shows that we can literally accomplish anything when we put our minds to it. Thank you for your time today, Elsie. God bless!

  • Financial Freedom with Dr. Ann James

    17/04/2020 Duración: 53min

    This episode brings Dr. Ann James to us. Dr. James is a 21-year Air Force Retired Captain who is now an entrepreneur. She uses all the knowledge she’s picked up over the years and all the experience she had to help others overcome their financial barriers. I’m truly honored she took the time out to be on the show tonight and grateful for all the amazing information. For more information on Dr. James and her company, Financial Freedom Battle Buddies, go to www.ffbattlebuddies.com or contact me for more contact information. God bless and stay positive!

  • Shameless Veil - Surviving the Other Side with Souligna Stone

    10/04/2020 Duración: 01h22min

    In today’s world, suicide is among the 3rd leading cause of death among those aged 15-44 years in some countries. Close to 800,000 people die to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. Evidence suggests that for every person who died by suicide, there may hav been 20 more attempts (who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide). During this time, please take a moment to check on your friends and family. If you are personally feeling lonely and depressed, please reach out to someone. Souligna is a victim of the other side of suicide. Fifteen years ago, her father committed suicide and left her family confused and numb. She is finally talking about the effects and what it was like being on the other side of it. If you are thinking about suicide as a way out, I pray you will look at who you are leaving behind. Souligna and I have both suffered depression. For me, what’s kept me alive is the fact I could never do that to the ones I love, especially my daughter. Souligna will tell a story of an attemp

  • Becoming Aware of Everyday Things - Everyday Toxins with Mandy Andre

    03/04/2020 Duración: 30min

    Today’s episode talks about something that is so important to learn about, especially in this day and time. Have you ever looked at your household cleansers, shampoos, and hand sanitizers? It’s time to become aware of ALL the ways we can keep ourselves and our families/pets healthy

  • Staying Positive and Making It Work - Homeschooling Tips with Kellie Jackson

    27/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    For today’s episode, I brought my friend, Kellie, on as we talked about how to make things work during this period of uncertainty. There are some amazing tips in this show to help parents out there who are learning how to juggle more responsibilities while home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Be blessed and I hope you gain value from our conversation.