Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 77:08:08
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Are you doing all the right things and success still eludes you? Are your relationships or health a struggle? Are you building a coaching or healing business and dont understand why your conversations with people are not as productive as they should be? Transitioning from research physicist to healer was prompted by dysfunctional relationships and failing health. On the Scientific Healing Healing, you will hear about people just like you that struggled with their health and relationships then succeeded. You will hear my best tips for getting yourself healthy, happy, and magnetically attractive to others. Listen in to get those tips and visit my website for more tips and free gifts at or


  • How toxic relationships can lead to isolation, leaving you feeling stuck and alone

    28/07/2021 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, you will hear how isolating behavior is abusive, the signs of it, and what to do about it.Is this familiar to you?  When you want to go visit your friends or family, your partner continues to put them down and criticize them.  Making fun of what they say or do, ridiculing their behavior, or making sure they tell you how much they don’t like them and don’t want to visit.  Then you go alone, even if it’s just around the corner, and within an hour, you get a phone call asking you when are you coming home.  It’s not as if he or she wants to do something special, they just want you home. Find out what this dysfunctional behavior is all about, what it is a warning sign of, and what to do about it.Standout Quotes:“They want to keep you for themselves. This distorted thinking keeps many women and a few men afraid of leaving.”“Isolating behavior is abuse. Make no mistake about it. It’s not about he or she loves you so much, and they want you for themselves but because they’re afraid of you leaving.”“W

  • How People Pleasing Keeps You Stuck in Abusive Relationships

    25/07/2021 Duración: 09min

    Do you come running when your spouse is upset about the most trivial things?  Do you want to fix him/her so he/she can calm down? Do you want your children to grow up with a father, even it is living like this?Listen in as Mary tries to appease John. And why she continued in this relationship for a long time even though she was unhappy. Hear some perspectives of other people that either grew up in such parental relationships or lived with it.Standout Quotes for Getting Help in Abusive Relationships:“Sometimes, a trigger will help propel you forward to seek help.”“History will repeat itself until you choose to stop them.”“You can get help. You just have to reach out and ask for it.”Key Takeaways for Healing Abusive Relationships:Relationships are energetically complex.It is in women’s nature to be a caregiver, even if it’s detrimental to themselves.Seek help and get advice. You can’t know and do everything.Episode Timeline:1:27 Mary knows something is off in her relat

  • Attract the ideal healing client with marketing tips from Meliss Jakubovic

    21/07/2021 Duración: 18min

    Hear some great tips about helping you receive what your services are worth rather than getting sadly underpaid: Marketing tips for healers with Meliss Jakubovic.Today, you’ll discover some great tips about helping you receive what your services are worth rather than getting sadly underpaid. My guest is Meliss Jakubovic, who’s know as the known as the Lead Generation Genie. She helps people like you market online “organically” and helps healers and coaches grow their business. She also hosts a podcast called Marketing Tips with Meliss.I’ll bet there’s a lot of valuable information for you to listen to. . She helps her clients to fill their 1:1 calendar and/or transition them from seeing one on one clients to offering group programs. Today, Mellis shares all about her insights in connecting between knowing how and who you want to serve.Standout Quotes from Meliss Jakubovic“Entrepreneurs are the innovators, the creatives. When we feel that there is a need for something, that’s when we jump in and take advantage

  • How low self-worth & distorted sense of self stops you from leaving abusive/ toxic relationships

    21/07/2021 Duración: 21min

    Discover insights about abusive relationships, including two of the most common reasons women don’t leave their abusive partners. It has nothing to do with intelligence.In this episode, Anastasia shares insights about abusive relationships, including two of the most common reasons women don’t leave their abusive partners. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Listen in to discover ways you can overcome some of these.In this series on relationships, she is going to explore why smart people stay in painful and toxic relationships. And most importantly, what to do about it.Standout Quotes on Abusive or Toxic Relationships“Relationships are energetically very complex, and are at the top of the list of factors that are important for your health, longevity, happiness, and even your wealth.” “Early relationships often lead to distorted thoughts about yourself and what a healthy relationship should look like.”“Set clear boundaries for people to avoid people controlling your life.”“When people try to make you feel i

  • Setting Your Bold Audacious Goals with Melanie Benson: Moving out of your own way & grow your income

    30/01/2021 Duración: 40min

    Melanie Benson reveals the next steps to take to grow beyond your current level by developing a scalable model but with ease and grace rather than struggle and overwhelmWhen are your goals too small? When should you set your first bold goal so you can do great things in the world (and it's you that has to do them). Benson is an expert at bringing out the best in entrepreneurs and book authors looking to get to the next level with ease and grace. In her interview, she reveals the next steps to take to grow beyond your current level by developing a scalable model but with ease and grace rather than struggle and overwhelm.Step number one is to set your first bold goalIn this interview, Melanie reveals not only to set your first bold goal, but when to do it. By doing so, the process it unleashes starts to change you in ways you never imagined.The next step is to get out of your own head. Often, you get immobilized by overthinking it rather than acting. It doesn&

  • Energy healing tips to manifest your dreams: Getting to commitment

    29/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to accomplish something, like start a business, write a book, sort your pictures into albums or lose some weight but never got very far? Is your house full of unfinished projects that are sucking your energy down? Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to accomplish something, like start a business, write a book, sort your pictures into albums or lose some weight but never got very far? Is your house full of unfinished projects that are sucking your energy down? What is it that stops you from succeeding?Sometimes, you make huge strides in progress and other times, you drag yourself out of bed and there doesn't seem to be any difference in your outside circumstances. One of the major stopping blocks is the way you value yourself and keeping your word to yourself. Another is that the "dream" isn't really what you want.These are big decisions you must make to take it a step further: Is this

  • First step to creating your new future with the quantum field: energy detox using intent

    29/01/2021 Duración: 09min

    You are going to discover how to create your new future with a lot less effort than you’ve experienced before. You’ll be using a process that uses two properties of the quantum field.In this broadcast, you are going to hear how to create your new future with a lot less effort than you’ve experienced before. It’s a process I’ve been doing for years.’ll be using a process that uses the properties of the quantum field.To discover more about the processes that I used to create better health, relationships and even wealth, go to Properties of the quantum fieldThe first property to know about is how you reaching into it perturbs the field.  That is, you can change it. And the second property is that it spans all time and space, you are defined by it.  If you can perturb the field, and it spans all time and space, it means you can change what you have and who you are in this universe.  This really is what is meant when people talk about reach

  • Don’t do resolutions: instead use step 2 of this quantum process to achieve your goals effortlessly

    29/01/2021 Duración: 09min

    The manifestation or creation process that I describe uses the qualities of the quantum field to help bring them into reality. The quality that is most powerful is your ability to perturb the field. As you move into that creation phase with focus on a clear vision, you create a bigger and more powerful quantum fluctuation. Today, you are about to hear about a process that I have used for over 25 years to help manifest a new vision for my life. those years I went from very ill where conventional medicine had no answers for me, I’ve changed careers twice until I am doing something that’s very satisfying, changed countries and homes 3 times which helped me build wealth, and finally developed the kind of relationship I wanted since I divorced over 27 years ago.Each step or quantum leap was better than the last In the last video, I talked about releasing the old, putting it in your rear view mirror, letting it go. If you haven’t done it yet, watch that video linked in the

  • Two key properties of the quantum field that allows you to manifest your new future

    29/01/2021 Duración: 04min

    Every time you try to observe the quantum field, you change it. The changes are called quantum fluctuations and the more you keep looking for it, the fluctuations keep growing stronger.In this broadcast, Manifesting with the quantum field: two key properties of the field allow you to bring something new into being. the last broadcast, I talked a little about what the quantum field is. Most people can’t grasp or visualize it because it is not something that is easily visualized.The quantum field is both like and unlike a magnetic field. A magnetic field is invisible.  But you can visualize it by dropping iron filings into it, like around magnets, and the field lines quickly becomes obvious.  The aurora’s seen in the atmosphere around the Earth’s geomagnetic poles, formed by charged particles from the solar wind that are lit up by the pulsating field, yielding dramatically beautiful results.The quantum field isn’t made visible or even observable in the conventional way

  • What is the quantum field? Evidence of creating a new reality from it.

    29/01/2021 Duración: 06min

    You are the quantum field. It is not in some other dimension. It’s in this one. You can manifest new things right in this reality. You’re about to hear what a quantum field is from a physicists point of view and how you can use it to create or manifest a new reality. you are in any way involved with the spiritual community, the people that are helping you create miracles for yourself, you have probably heard of the quantum field as this place where anything is possible.It is also described as a place where anything is possible. I have heard healers talk about reaching into the quantum field to do their healing. It is not what most people perceive it to be.Today, you’ll discover where the quantum field is, what it does, and how it can benefit youImagine for a moment that everything has a field around it.  Your own field, also called your aura, it’s invisible, measurable by instrumental means.  Now imagine the Earth’s magnetic field is a reflection of what is happening

  • 6 Tips for YOUR After Holiday Detox: Do you need to or not? And if so, how?

    29/01/2021 Duración: 19min

    Now that you've eaten your fill of holiday foods, you might want to consider a detox of some sort to jump start you back to healthy eating. 6 top tips for if, when and how.Now that you’ve eaten your fill of holiday foods, you might want to consider a detox of some sort to jump start you back to healthy eating. 6 top tips for if, when and how. foods tend to be devoid of nutrients other than calories. They are sugar and fat laden. The flavors are designed for you to want to eat more. During this time of year (November and December), eating usually goes out of control, a lot of excess weight is gained, and the look of celery, spinach, and broccoli is usually unappetizing.In January, many people try to jump start their nutrition and get that excess weight off. They think detox.There are many detox programs out there to try: should you?There are a huge number of detox programs out there, including herbs to detox your liver, harsh programs that

  • Stop obsessive looping thoughts that keep you stuck, depressed & overwhelmed – FAST energy healing

    28/01/2021 Duración: 12min

    Looping thoughts keep you from moving forward and spoil your present moment. They keep you rooted to where you are now in fear, anxiety, and overwhelm. Get your mind clear fastLooping thoughts keep you from moving forward and spoil your present moment. They keep you rooted to where you are now in fear, anxiety, and overwhelm. Get your mind clear fast Healing Tips to Move Forward Quickly and EffectivelyThe problem that many people experience is the inability to live “in the moment.” Your mind will wander to what was or what will be without experiencing the present. When this happens, you are distracted and unable to enjoy the people in your life or your surroundings. It’s as if you are not really living, you are just worrying about the future or feeling guilty about the past.Letting go of the past and future is really difficult if you have been in the habit of thinking that way, especially if one or both parents are prone to do the same thing. It takes practice a

  • Fear of scarcity can keep you small, broke, stuck & alone: energy healing & practical tips to heal it

    28/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    Discover how fear of scarcity shows up in your life (five common signs) and keeps you broke. Hear practical tips on what you can do about it.Discover how fear of scarcity shows up and holds you back. 5 tips on overcoming it quickly. problem with being afraid of not having enough is that you focus on lack. The more you focus on lack, the more you lose. in the times of my life when I never worried about having enough, there was so much to go around that I didn’t even look at price tags any more. It didn’t matter if a pair of shoes was $100 or $200, if they fit, they were comfortable and looked nice, I bought them. And somehow the money always showed up for everything else that needed covering.As soon as I divorced, existential worries showed up. I started looking at the prices of everything. Instead of being able to save money like I had before, my bank accounts had dwindled slowly. It was very disappointing and worrying. At the end of every month, I pinched pennie

  • Energy healing tips on how to know and accept yourself: become impervious to criticism and boost your confidence

    28/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    Know yourself, said Socrates. The second half of this directive is to accept yourself, which can help you gain confidence, grow your inner peace, and alter your life dramatically. You'll repel criticism with these energy healing tips.Know yourself, said Socrates. The second half of this directive is to accept yourself, which can help you gain confidence, grow your inner peace, and alter your life dramatically. does repel criticism meanHave you ever watched two different people receive the same critique? One crumbles while the other lets it slide off his or her back? What’s the difference? They were the same words said for the same reason. If you are impervious to criticism you know yourself very well. So, if you hear a criticism, you can let it go when it isn’t true and hear it when it is. This allows you to change for the better.If you are sensitive to every criticism coming your way, it speaks to a lack of confidence more than being thin-skinned. One of my f

  • 7 Signs YOU’VE Grown Up in a DYSFUNCTIONAL Family: Perspectives and solutions

    28/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    Arguments, verbal abuse, undue criticism, and unrealistic expectations are things you may have experienced in your dysfunctional family of origin. Your dysfunctional family was both a blessing and a curse. Discover the seven signs you’ve grown up in a dysfunctional family. Let’s recast some of that as beneficial because you’ve gotten some amazingly incredible and useful skills from it besides having to overcome these seven signs.Constant criticism is one of the foundations of behaviorConstant criticism from birth on without the balancing of praise leads to several of the signs that you grew up in a dysfunctional family. To stop the flow of criticism, you would change your behavior to please the other person, often doing things that you don’t want to do. This leads to lopsided relationships.A lopsided relationship is one in which one partner does the greater proportion of the “work” in the relationship. This means the lion’s share of the work in the home, bringing home

  • Lessons I learned from Healing my dad’s stroke: 4 Signs and 12 healing tips for a successful outcome

    28/01/2021 Duración: 14min

    Discover the lessons I learned from healing my dad of his stroke twice, a major event at age 83 and another at 88. A stroke can happen at any time, even early in your 30s or 40s, and can change your life outcome in an instant. stroke falls into two major categories, a bleed or a clot. It can happen on the surface of the brain or deep into the limbic brain. Each type has different consequences.They both have the same things in common. It affects motor coordination, speech, memory, and can even alter personality, depending on where the stroke occurs.Many of the tips outlined here also apply to caring for your elderly relatives.The elderly resist help: resistance must be overcome.For both my parents, when they hit their 80s, they were both extremely resistant to outside help. They wanted me or one of my siblings to do all the heavy lifting, something none of us are qualified to do. Aside from that, we are all in our sixties. Even though we are in good physical condition, w

  • What happens after a relationship clearing via energy healing and other compelling questions

    28/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    A lot of questions come my way about relationships and what a healing entails, especially what happens afterwards and other complications. Learn this and more about relationship healing. most common question about relationship healing/clearingIf I clear my relationship with someone, do they go away afterwards? This question is often asked with a lot of fear. A relationship healing keeps the important energy connection between you and your loved ones. Only the detrimental connections are severed.Many of you ask: why doesn’t the other person have to cooperate? All relationships are voluntary. If you decide to clear the relationship energy between you and another, the other person has no choice in the matter. The energy is cleared.Often after a healing, the person receiving the healing reports that the behavior of the other party also improves. They are often happier and lighter. If it was a dysfunctional relationship, often the other leaves the relationship voluntar

  • Energetic Perspective on Disease – Cause and Effect: 3 energy healing tips you can do yourself

    28/01/2021 Duración: 14min

    You can do all the right things and still get sick. Disease prevention goes beyond the physical. Learn more about energy healing https://scientifichealersuniversity.comDoing all the right things doesn’t guarantee healthEven though you’ve eaten well, exercised and didn’t poison yourself with drugs, smoking or alcohol, you might wake up one day sick. I did. There are other factors that contribute to disease even beyond hereditary, karma, or lifestyle. Emotional and mental stress are bigger killers than the poisons.When you look at the factors that lead to longevity, last on the list of eight is your lifestyle and diet. Ahead of that is mental-emotional health, relationships, career choice, spirituality, and self-expression. However, stressful relationships are the leading cause of stress-related illnesses.One of the problems that shows up is that the normal course of actions for most people are to run to the doctor for medications. The problem with medications is that they cover up the symptoms, and you aren’t

  • The Destructive Energetic Effect of Over-Criticism on Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships

    27/01/2021 Duración: 30min

    When you are criticized without the balance of compliments in your early life, it has profound effects on your energy field: it develops openings, cracks and shrinks. Solution? Your energy field is your defense, which with too much criticism, it develops openings, cracks and shrinks down so you become susceptible to others stealing your energy. Co-hosted with Gwen LepardWhat happens to your protective energy field with criticism?Undue or over criticism is a constant barrage on your spirit. It depletes your protective energy field around you. You may have heard, “this is for your own good,” or, “I’m just trying to help you improve.” That’s not how it feels. You end up feeling like you are drowning in words, it weakens you, you feel tired in the end. This is not how constructive criticism feels.Most of this damaging criticism is unsolicited. You didn’t ask for it. The deliverer of this “helpful” criticism can’t help themselves. Energetically, the way it works, it looks li

  • Why successful people thrive: they develop morning habits that become rituals to get their day going right

    27/01/2021 Duración: 15min

    Rituals go back to ancient human history. Many of these have transcended culture and religion. The purposes of habits and ritual includes having a reminder of what you are doing, the symbolic connection and develop an automatic way to remember it. No energy depleting decision making is required.Rituals are ways to circumvent decision making for doing the steps to making you feel better, more productive and creative. is the purpose of rituals and how far back do they go?Rituals go back to ancient human history. Many of these have transcended culture and religion. The purposes of habits and ritual include having a reminder of what you are doing, the symbolic connection and develop an automatic way to remember it. No energy depleting decision making is required. This is what morning rituals do for you.One of these is the use of a cake of sorts (called koliva) in memorial services, a tradition that goes back more than 5000 years, well beyon

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