Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas



Are you doing all the right things and success still eludes you? Are your relationships or health a struggle? Are you building a coaching or healing business and dont understand why your conversations with people are not as productive as they should be? Transitioning from research physicist to healer was prompted by dysfunctional relationships and failing health. On the Scientific Healing Healing, you will hear about people just like you that struggled with their health and relationships then succeeded. You will hear my best tips for getting yourself healthy, happy, and magnetically attractive to others. Listen in to get those tips and visit my website for more tips and free gifts at or


  • Grounding exercises and techniques for health as a fast energy healing

    06/02/2018 Duración: 14min

    Today, you’ll hear about grounding yourself, what effects you can expect and why you would want to do that.Even though I haven’t spoken about grounding much, it is the first thing that I do when I start working with a client to help their health (or even myself as my own client to improve my well-being).It is a way to quickly release the excess or disharmonious energy out of your body fast. It is the way I prepare my healing clients and students for up leveling their frequency or health. In this broadcast, you’ll discover some quick ways to do it for yourself AND how to use it to your best advantage to get faster results.Standout Quotes:“The deeper you go into this natural place, the more you leave behind.”“We are these amazing miracles vibrating at a very high rate of speed with 40 or 50 trillion cells with 9 trillion reactions every day.”Key Takeaways:A good ground exercise is to take your shoes off and stand outside in dirt, or go walking along the beach and go walking in the shoreline.Some of the disharmo

  • How to build influence and have a massive impact with Caterina Rando

    01/02/2018 Duración: 37min

    Caterina Rando passionately serves women leaders on a mission by guidance and mentorship to build influence and have a massive impact. She leads by example; she does exactly what she teaches. Caterina is a sought after speaker and a prolific author, including the titles “Learn to Think Differently”, “The ABCs of Public Speaking”, and “The Women’s Giving Circle Guide”.And if that wasn’t enough, she is the publisher of the Thriving Women in Business Magazine and founded The Thriving Women in Business Giving Circle. She hosts over 80 days of her own, live in-person events or retreats for women each year. She conducts everything from her high-level elite mastermind groups, to speaking business training programs, to her 2-day summits and her favorite, the annual Breakthrough Luxury Retreat for Women.Success leaves clues, people. I invited Caterina today to talk about making an impact and how to do it. Staying the world’s best kept secret is clearly the wrong strategy. Speaking, writing, and being out in the world

  • Tips to cleanse your aura or energy field in under two minutes

    30/01/2018 Duración: 17min

    In this broadcast, I show you how to cleanse your aura or energy field in under two minutes. Like physical hygiene, practicing energy hygiene every day helps keep you healthy, happy and clear headed.  I also explain some of the many ways you can pick up foreign energies that can really affect you and your mood.Clearing your energy field or aura is the first step in preparing you for healingIn my healing practice, I start with removing foreign energies, straightening up your tangled energy field, and sealing it back up to protect you. Often when I do this, the client receiving this clearing will say they feel more awake or can see more clearly, like their eyes were sprayed with window cleaner!If I don’t do this, it is often difficult to get an effective healing done on the person undergoing the healing. This gives you a good clue as to how important it is to do energy hygiene. I also give you a couple of tips to protect your energy field or aura when you go out amongst people, especially in big crowds.Standout

  • 3 steps to center yourself and then stay centered in under two minutes

    29/01/2018 Duración: 12min

    In this broadcast, you’ll hear how to center yourself and then stay centered using three easy steps. You’ll discover how centeredness shows up energetically and how that relates to your circumstances. The result is that your mind is calm and peaceful even if there is chaos all around you.You can get to this calm place even if you are in the worst circumstances.I know this because I’ve experienced it and watched many other people experience it. And by allowing yourself to experience that state, your body stays in a healing mode rather than in a stressed destructive mode. Your body experiences that off-center state by shooting out stress hormones like cortisol.You can be in the same circumstances on two occasions and yet one time, you’re miserable and other, it hardly phases you.In this episode you’ll hear a story that illustrates exactly that situation, being calm in one moment with chaos then the next in total emotional distress. I remember it as it if were yesterday, yet it happened over fifty years ago.Stan

  • How long will it be before I see the results of my energy healing session?

    25/01/2018 Duración: 21min

    In this cohosted show, you’ll hear about the typical results after your energy healing session. Scientific healing is about working on complex system of energy bodies that we all have. You hear about mind, body and spirit. In the mind, I would also count emotions since emotions have a huge influence on our present state of mind and health.Are you healed instantly in one session?Many people expect that after an energy healing session, you are miraculously healed as if I waved a magic wand. It can happen that way but the results are usually more complex than that.Many people do not even recognize that the changes they see happening 1, 3 or 6 months down the road are a result of reprogramming the energy body. It can be to clear out old emotional or mental patterns, it can be clearing up old relationship baggage or a whole host of other energy processes.Can anyone learn energy healing?I would say that everyone should learn some aspect of energy healing, even if it is only to listen to a healing audio daily to do

  • How energy healing can help you recover from financial abuse in marriage or divorce

    24/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    Today, you’ll hear about financial abuse that can happen in marriage and during a divorce. This involves theft of marital assets and then the very difficult and sometimes impossible recovery during the divorce. Some of you may be facing this very thing. Let me tell you about Carrie.Carrie had properties and a reasonable amount of wealth after retirement from a government agency. She thought she had enough to go through life. She is a very beautiful woman and thought she had attracted the love of her life. He wooed and treated her like a queen.She was only too happy to marry him and did not take the usual precautions of a prenuptial agreement because he carried on as if he had a lot of money as well. While he was dating her, he spent lavishly on her: gifts, trips, restaurants, you name it.After they married, he started taking her assets one by one and one day, after he got a lot of them (we’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars in money, properties, fine things, etc.), he wanted a divorce.This surprised

  • Clearing out dysfunctional relationship energy can repair or help end it gracefully

    22/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    Today, you’ll hear how quickly behavior of an estranged or difficult partner can shift when you do the work on your side energetically, that is clearing old relationship baggage. This is a story about Mary Ann who has a certain amount of intuitive abilities but didn’t have all the knowledge she needed to take care of the looming personal decisions ahead of her.Her Relationship Problems Caused Trouble in Her Lucrative BusinessMary Ann is a very talented businesswoman with a half a million-dollar business. It wasn’t going so well, and she was in the midst of a divorce. It was one in which she felt uncertain in going through with it.Her estranged husband had gotten fat and lazy, meaning he stopped working and depended solely on her income He had also let himself go physically and gained nearly 100 lbs and was no longer the man she thought she had married. She felt overwhelmed because she couldn’t help him take care of her their two children and herself and keep running her business.Find out what surprises happen

  • What happens during an energy healing session and what results can you expect after one treatment?

    18/01/2018 Duración: 29min

    Today’s show is about what you could experience after one energy healing session. You’ll hear about several techniques, many of which you are already familiar with, and what they all do.Are you going to feel anything?Common questions I get are: am I going to feel anything, do I only need one session, what’s going to happen, do changes happen right away, what changes could I expect, does it always work, and how long will it take?Too many people are mis-informed about what happens. They expect energy work to be much like Jesus and the Apostles, one wave of the hand and they’re done with the problem. Taking one cholesterol lowering medication does not solve the problem, taking two aspirin doesn’t keep the fever away forever and dieting one consecutive day doesn’t mean your weight problem is solved. Listen in to hear whether these examples describe energy medicine or not and what to do to make sure you are rid of the problem.Hear what Gwen Lepard and Dr. Anastasia Chopelas share about what occurs after one sessio

  • 4 Tips to improve your muscle testing technique – muscle test on yourself

    16/01/2018 Duración: 16min

    In this video, you’ll see what to do if your muscle testing doesn’t work. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the use of muscle testing, but there is a scientific basis for it.There is research that even shows body posture and your stress hormone levels are directly connected. Many people fail to get accurate results with muscle testing and despite trying these 4 tips in this video, still won’t.But for the vast majority, following the 4 tips in this video will improve accuracy and help you gain more confidence.Watch the muscle testing video here.Standout Quotes: “The thing that I tell my students and clients, especially students who are learning how to do the muscle testing is that in order to correct a problem, you have to know that it's there.” “You just can't start muscle testing and expect it to always be the right answer.”Key Takeaways: Muscle testing is a way into your subconscious. Hydrate yourself in the morning because if you're dehydrated, you could get the wrong answer. Shake y

  • Energy healing to end unhealthy relationship and even stop stalking

    15/01/2018 Duración: 11min

    In this episode, you’ll hear how you could possibly invite dysfunctional relationships into your life and how you can stop a current or future problem with energy healing. You might have found yourself or find yourself in a frightening situation such as having an abusive or just plain creepy person following you around. And it’s not a matter of intelligence.In today’s story, you’ll hear how a woman named Vivian was ensnared in a creepy situation with a “suitor” calling her often and wanting more and more from her than she could possibly give. You can get easily entangled in such a situation in a moment of weakness or generosity. Learn how to untangle and clear these relationships. Find out what happened in Vivian’s case after a simple relationship clearing. This involved cutting energetic cords, rescinding any “contracts” and clearing karmic agreements, all energetically.Standout Quotes: "After I learned more and more about the energy body, I realized that we are built to be social creatures, and we&apos

  • Essential Skills for Conscious Evolutionaries to Manifest Their Dreams with Anne Rose Hart

    11/01/2018 Duración: 52min

    Are you someone that is a little worn out from trying everything to manifest your dreams?  To get successful.  Anne Rose Hart gives you a different take.In this episode, she shows you how to manifest bring your dreams into reality through joy. She makes some key points that when you laugh, you show the universe what it is you want. It sets you on the path to being able to achieve it without exactly knowing how.  Yes, it sounds simple.  But too often you forget.Anne Rose Hart is known as a Joyful Genius for her pioneering work in the field of human potential and applied neurophysiology over last decade. As the creator of the revolutionary Quantum Play method for personal transformation, Anne uses playful mindset, playful movement, deep inquiry, and the energy of joy to help evolutionary leaders unleash their awesomeness and creative power.Here’s what manifesting your dreams could look like:She is really a renaissance woman with a diverse background as a skydiving instructor, triathlete, barrel racer, historian

  • What is stopping you from discovering your purpose in life?

    09/01/2018 Duración: 13min

    In today’s show, you’ll hear how to discover your purpose in life. Are you tired, disappointed in the course of your life, ready for a big change? Maybe you are overwhelmed and stressed out.Two women asked me this question recently: “Can you tell me my purpose in life? I can’t see it for myself.” While I’m many ways psychic with clair-skills, I don’t answer these questions. I help you answer them for yourself by taking 3 to 4 steps.Blocks and results after steps:These steps involve gaining mental and emotional clarity by going through a few processes to enable you to access your subconscious mind for guidance. Often this clarity is blocked by stress, low energy, emotional conditions such as depression. In this brief video/podcast, you’ll hear how two women recently found clarity fast and what steps they took to do it.Standout Quotes: "When you start to shift energetically, what was on your path before changes. It's like our life looks like a tree. And every decision that you make, you go along all t

  • How old relationship issues, whether emotional or sexual, can cause financial problems

    08/01/2018 Duración: 09min

    In today’s episode, you’ll hear that even friendly and amicable separation or divorce can cause relationship issues within you. This could include financial and business problems. Have you gone down a separate path with a former partner or spouse and something is just not right anymore? This story could be for you.You’ll hear about Diane, who has had a very successful coaching and consulting business for over 30 years. In short order, new clients dried up, and her income took a big hit. She asked me what could have stopped the flow of clients and money? When I did a reading on her, the results very much surprised her.Despite it being amicable, there were still relationship issuesShe had an ex-husband that she is still friendly with. She felt everything was complete, and that chapter was closed. The result that his old relationship energy blocked her success surprised her.  Diane felt that it couldn’t possibly be the cause and it must be something else.Listen in to hear what happened: Did her ex-husband block

  • Top self-care strategy to stop the cycle of physical or verbal abuse in your partnership

    05/01/2018 Duración: 10min

    Today, you’re going to hear how the cycle of spousal abuse can be stopped by either the perpetrator or the victim. Often you see spousal and partner abuse victims go back over and over again to their unhealthy situations. If you are in this situation, you don’t realize you have a lot of power. Somewhere along the line, you got disempowered.This story is about an abused woman that was asking. “When is it going to stop?” in a self-help meeting. The story was difficult for me to hear, but the answer that came out of my own experiences surprised me and surprised the rest of the people in the room.You have more power than you think. You have the power to create your own life and do it in a way that feels good to you. Listen in to this simple mind shift and how this woman (and I) finally solved the question of the abuse stopped.Standout Quotes: “You each have 100% responsibility for the course of any relationship.” “I just got up and I left. And I said I'm not going to listen to it anymore.” “When someone clai

  • How to Stay in a Forever Honeymoon with Your Soulmate with Denise Darlene and Joe Paulicivic

    04/01/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    You’ve heard me say it many times. Research over the last seventy to 80 years shows that your health and wealth depend on eight factors. The number one factor is your relationships.  New research shows that it even changes your DNA to strengthen your immune system!Today’s guests, Denise Darlene and Joe Paulicivic are going to talk exactly on that important topic.Matchmaking, relationship coaches, relationship therapy are all really big business. This popularity points to the struggle so many have with relationships. Why is it so tough to be happy in them and why are these programs so sought after?How to make your honeymoon with your soulmate last foreverDenise and Joe bring unique insights to what’s going on in your close relationships. You’ll hear how the honeymoon phase lasts 18 months to 2 years. Denise says it can last a lot longer. Find out some ways how as they share ideas based on their combined vast years of coaching, counseling and mentoring.Joe is an international speaker, teaching workshops to thou

  • How repressed anger at a former partner can lead to relationship issues and block your success

    03/01/2018 Duración: 07min

    Today, you’ll hear about Louise’s difficulty in getting over her ex-partner. She had a lot of repressed anger. She was furious at him and this fury was radiating out all over the place unbeknownst to her. In fact, when you spoke to her, you couldn’t tell by her behavior how angry she was. She seemed happy and calm, unless the topic of her ex-partner came up. Then it was obvious.She complained to me that she was having trouble meeting someone new despite her being on various contact or dating sites. But there’s even more to the story.Are you angry, disappointed, sad, jealous or depressed over an ex-wife, ex-husband, ex-partner even an ex-business partner or good friend? If so, you are still in a relationship with them and exchanging information and energy with them. In fact, your connection to them could cause you similar problems as Louise was having. What’s the solution?Standout Quotes: “Sometimes people think of karma is when you do something bad to someone, and then you allow them in another life to do tha

  • How to find your soulmate – the fastest path

    02/01/2018 Duración: 10min

    In this show, you’ll hear about how you can attract your soul mate, when you shouldn’t, and when you should. Around me, single people often say they’re looking for their soul mate, their perfect mate, or the love of their life.I’ve written and spoken about this before. You might not like the answer, but settling on someone before you’re ready may not end well.In this short episode, you’ll hear why and how you can accelerate the process of being ready. You’ll also hear what it means to be ready and how fast and easily it can move from being alone to being with that special someone.Standout Quotes: “Nothing is fate or preordained. We all have free will. One little decision can change the whole path.” “Be a self-sufficient strong person, the best version of yourself so you can meet another strong, self-sufficient person.”Key Takeaways: You don't want to meet your partner while you're in this desperate state, feeling bad, guilty, terrified, or angry. You are not in joy, happiness, love, or serenity whil

  • How assertive communication improves emotional self care and relationships

    01/01/2018 Duración: 04min

    In this broadcast, you’ll hear about the lack of self care that pervades our culture leads to self-defeating behavior and guilt.  This is often felt by women who exercise self-care without the proper mindset. Exercising self-care can be as simple as being assertive in expressing your needs.Further, many of you are not even aware of how you put everyone else’s opinions and needs ahead of your own.  Even without being aware, this manifests as stress in the body.  Which in turn, can lead to problems in your relationships and your health.  Discover what this simple strategy is and that it has transformed a number of my distressed clients.Standout Quotes: "Arelationship healing can help by disconnecting all those unhealthy energetic connections or chords." “No is a complete sentence; no, period.” “What can you say no to today?”Key Takeaways: Bridget, Anastasia's client, admitted to her that she no longer wants her marriage since her husband was doing all of these awful things to her that she disappr

  • How Energy Healing Works, When It Doesn’t and What to do About It.

    21/12/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    In today’s radio show, Gwen Lepard interviews Anastasia about how energy healing works. First, you’ll hear what is well-served by energy healing and what isn’t. Too many people unfamiliar with energy healing have no idea that quantum physics shows us how it works. You’ll discover exactly how science backs up distance healing.Sometimes energy healing doesn’t work. Discover what the three reasons are and how to help you get more out of your energy healing sessions and avoid the most common mistakes . You’ll also get some tips on feeling good right away.Standout Quotes: "People don't understand the way our bodies function on the energetic level." "It's really important to know that you can't just do one, you have to do everything" "We are multi-dimensional beings; we operate on many different levels." “Maybe we didn't exist in this particular format before.” “Our spirits cross back and forth into the other realms even while we sleep.” “Emotional conditions are ve

  • Holistic healing of scars and why you should pay attention to them with Shannon and Renee

    14/12/2017 Duración: 46min

    Do you have scars on your body that just never healed right?  Did you know that you could treat them with holistic healing to improve the functionality of your body, reduce pain and improve your health?  Too little attention is paid to scars but here's what I learned from Shannon and Renee, who run the Natural Healing Center here in Costa Mesa, CA.Their Center has a huge variety of alternative therapies available, including: nutrition, massage, cellular rejuvenation, athletic performance, detox, etc. Many of these things you’ve heard of before, and together they add up to a comprehensive alternative set of therapies. One therapy that you might not be familiar with is scar healing.Why holistic healing of scars is importantScar Healing isn’t something that’s well known or practiced but I know from my own experiences with scarring that it is an important one. It breaks the flow of energy through your body and can cause all kinds of issues. I’m sure this is a topic that you’ll find interesting, especially if

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