Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas



Are you doing all the right things and success still eludes you? Are your relationships or health a struggle? Are you building a coaching or healing business and dont understand why your conversations with people are not as productive as they should be? Transitioning from research physicist to healer was prompted by dysfunctional relationships and failing health. On the Scientific Healing Healing, you will hear about people just like you that struggled with their health and relationships then succeeded. You will hear my best tips for getting yourself healthy, happy, and magnetically attractive to others. Listen in to get those tips and visit my website for more tips and free gifts at or


  • Balancing Hormones Naturally With or Without Energy Healing

    07/12/2017 Duración: 57min

    On this broadcast co-hosted by Gwen Lepard, you are going to hear about how to balance hormones naturally without the need for hormonal supplements, chemical or naturally compounded. You’ll discover*  the common symptoms of hormonal imbalances, some may surprise you.*  the three steps to healing your body naturally from this problem. This includes first eliminating toxins from your environment and your food supply, helping your body cleanse from what you’ve already taken in and accelerating the healing process.We dive deep into each of these topics to help you find a solution without having to be on years of prescription medications.Resources:Books for detoxing and for healing.Medical Medium by Anthony William.  Describes how latent viruses and toxins can degrade the glands and organs and how to clean these up.The Green Smoothies Diet by Robyn Openshaw– Gives you a great plan of action of how to incorporate more vegetables in your diet painlessly every day.  Her longer detox plan is one that I’ve followed wit

  • Beat Stress and Overwhelm with Mindfulness with Bruce Langford

    30/11/2017 Duración: 45min

    Stress and overwhelm are the number one complaint amongst the successful and ambitious.What is your success costing you? So many people are focussed on their achievement that they forget to consider themselves in the equation. Many healers, coaches, doctors and other practitioners are guilty of this, as well as myself.Bruce Langford is a calming influence: he helps people regain their inner calm.As way of history, Bruce became passionate about helping bullied children in 2003 when he saw first-hand the negative effects of bullying in the school where he taught. He left his teaching profession to become an entrepreneur and coach and has delivered anti-bullying and respect presentations nationally and internationally for over a decade.Bruce now coaches those that are in stress and overwhelm with their lives to bring inner calm and peace using a practice called mindfulness, which is really sweeping the country because of the amazing positive results it has gotten. It’s now in programs in schools and several big

  • After you’ve achieved it all but want more, discover what’s next with Felicia Searcy.

    22/11/2017 Duración: 41min

    You’ve achieved it all and you’re wondering, is that all? Felicia Searcy has a solution. She speaks so passionately about you transforming your life to live your dream life exactly as you imagined.She helps you discover the immutable laws of the universe and how you can use them to transform you in ways you never thought possible. She has helped tens of thousands of people do just that. She has inspired many more just with her speaking, her writing and her ministry.She is thrilled by the results that people experience in their lives as they learn and apply the system she shares – and she is passionate about helping you create the results you want so you can live your dream life!To connect with Felicia, go to to download her free gift of “The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Going After Their Dreams and How to Avoid Them”Listen in as Felicia gives you steps to doing just that.Standout Quotes: "Successful people always have a spiritual side." "Growing up, I always had a longing f

  • Number 2 factor for health and wealth is a satisfying career, but what if it isn’t?

    26/10/2017 Duración: 54min

    In this weeks radio show, you’ll hear about the importance of a satisfying career.  But what if you ended up in one that numbs you to the core, but you need the job?  Why do so many millionaires lose their fortunes once they make their goals?  What’s the missing piece?  Listen in to this weeks show for these answers and more as Gwen Lepard and Anastasia chat about these and much much more.Standout Quotes: “When I heal people, I don’t just do magic stuff. I also counsel them.” – [Dr. Anastasia] “There is no competition. It’s collaboration.” – [Dr. Anastasia] “You don’t even have to be smiling on the outside. People will still smile.” – [Dr. Anastasia] “You want to have that joy in what it is that you’re doing.” – [Dr. Anastasia] “I’ll never say what you’re worth. Because if you say that, that means that you’re worth a finite amount, and we’re not.” – [Dr. Anastasia] “You never charge what you’re worth because there’s no one that can pay for it or afford it because you are infinitely valuable.” – [Dr. Anastasia

  • Change your habits to change your body with Lisa Goldberg

    12/10/2017 Duración: 46min

    On today’s show, Lisa Goldberg says “I chose to stay home and stopped my life because of my weight!”  Does this painful situation sound familiar? It did for me!When I heard that Lisa was less about diet and exercise and more about changing habits and behaviors to help people get lean and healthy, I wanted to know more. To remind you, there are 8 factors that are vitally important to your health, wealth and happiness and having a healthy body is on the list with diet, exercise, sleep etc.I know from years of my practicing healthy habits that the people that believe a diet is something to go on and off are the ones that will yo-yo.  I brought one of the top experts in the country to you so you can hear it straight from her.Lisa has a Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University, but in addition to that she has several certifications including personal trainer, certified nutritionist, and weight management specialist from esteemed organizations such as the ADA.  She was the Nutritionist for The

  • The Doorway to Success

    14/09/2017 Duración: 49min

    Too many people hold themselves back from success. What do I mean by success? It could mean being financially free for some, or writing a book, or having a successful relationship or even being healthy and fit until you’re into your 90’s and beyond.Not so surprising to those of us that understand the ebb and flow of energy between us and the rest of the world, the things that cause you to live a long and healthy life are the same things that help you become successful.I know for myself that if I am not careful in taking care of myself, things start to fall apart in all areas at once. Listen in today as my guest host, Gwen Lepard, and I explore the top three factors in life success.Standout Quotes: “The needier you are, the more you push more people away.” [Dr. Anastasia] “Everybody has the potential to create some sort of art.” [Dr. Anastasia] “A lot of religion contains dogma and lots of rules and regulations. Many times, those rules and regulations don’t have a connection with what reality is.” [Dr. Anastas

  • What can be done about our health crisis?

    10/08/2017 Duración: 53min

    Have you ever wondered what can be done to help people get well as they age instead of getting sicker and on more medication? Often an entire lifetime of wealth accumulation can be wiped out in a year or so from one serious illness, usually something that’s preventable if you know what to do.After healing hundreds of people over the last so many years, it occurs to me that no one branch of medicine can serve all problems. The problem with the various systems is that they are disjointed and don’t communicate with one another. Listen to this week's radio show as my guest host Gwen Lepard and I talk about this issue and possible solutions. Join us in the mission to impact global health.Standout Quotes: “It takes 220 people to taking the stat medication to help one person survive longer.” “One of the things about conventional medicine is that they don't handle chronic problems very well.” “We need to bless doctors for all the amazing things that they do, but we also need to recognize that there are some

  • Conscious Marketing to Attract Your Ideal Client with Lisa Manyon

    26/07/2017 Duración: 49min

    Are you tired of all the old style push marketing that makes you want to run in the other direction?  Then conscious marketing might be for you.When I first met Lisa Manyon, I loved, loved, loved her marketing concepts. It felt more congruent with the way I wanted to speak to people, with upbeat messages rather than poking in the pain. And then doing manipulative marketing to “trick” you into wanting the product or program. That always went against my grain and caused me a big amount of stress. Wouldn’t you just love to have marketing that is authentic and upbeat? That’s why I brought Lisa on my show, to share with you how to do that.Lisa has a big mission in the world, to basically heal how we connect with one another. She’s leading a shift from those antiquated manipulative marketing methods (specifically the “problem, agitate and solve copywriting formula/approach) to a values based approach incorporating her own trademarked simple 3-step formula to build relationships and speak: “Challenge. Solution. Invi

  • The “frequency” of what you eat and how it can change your life

    14/07/2017 Duración: 44min

    July is the first of the summer months, where we strip down to our shorts and t-shirts, bathing suits or even birthday suits. Most of us struggle with correct nourishment in today’s world because we are flooded with a lot of propaganda and conflicting information about what’s good for your body. This includes not only what we put in it, but what we put on it.Every January new “so called” diets roll out and everyone jumps on the bandwagon thinking that this is going to be the magic solution, the miracle we’ve all been waiting for. Some diets are even crazy, like eating sardines or grapefruit all day long.I’ve studied all these ideas for about 50 years. I read about every diet and nutrition book I could get my hands on, research from nutrition and health journals, and tried many of those fad things myself, well, except for those extreme things. There were a lot of years between then and now where I struggled with wanting to eat all day long, even though I was active and lean. I literally craved food all the tim

  • Speaking to Attract Your Ideal Client with Dustin Mathews

    06/07/2017 Duración: 43min

    I’ve been connected with Dustin Mathews for more than 8 years, 4 years at the time of this broadcast. I’ve learned so much about marketing from him in programs and in masterminds. When it comes to helping people put together messaging and marketing that converts, one figure stands out in this information overloaded world: Mr. Dustin Mathews. The reason I am introducing you to someone that helps you be able to do great presentations is that in order to get your healing and enlightened message out there, speaking is the most powerful way to reach people.Most healers or health professionals aren’t skilled at running a business or even attracting the right client. The average income of healers, chiropractors, massage therapists or even talk therapists isn’t high enough to sustain themselves comfortably. Your business needs healing as much as other people do.Dustin Mathews has an impressive record in marketing. Right out of school, Dustin helped take a company from $1M to $14M and land at rank #35 on Inc. Magazine

  • What does your self-care routine look like?

    22/06/2017 Duración: 42min

    Those of you who are in careers or businesses that take care of other people, help other people, in the healing arts or otherwise, are usually the ones that aren’t caring for yourselves. Often, the partner of an ailing elderly person dies first because they spend so much effort taking care of their sick spouse that they neglect themselves. Doctors have an average life span of 73 in this country, according a recent study. When contrasted against other college educated adults, this is a good 10 to 12 years less, a statistically significant difference. The demands on us often have us neglecting ourselves.Aside from the usual recipes for health, such as enough sleep, good eating habits, hydration and exercise (and of course avoiding the foods and habits, like drinking alcohol and smoking, that aren’t good for you), there are a series of small but not time-consuming daily energetic health habits that can contribute greatly to your well-being. Listen in as Gwen Lepard and I give these a good run down, so you can ge

  • Relationships are THE NUMBER ONE factor in health, wealth, and happiness

    11/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    You may have heard me say this before, but it bears repeating.Relationships are THE NUMBER ONE factor in health, wealth, and happiness.Don’t just take my word for it. More than seventy years of research at prestigious universities and medical schools, such as Harvard, Yale and Johns Hopkins, have shown this. And my healing practice reflects this statistic based on the frequency of health problems related to relationships and the stress in them.I was one of those. I did everything “right”, meaning the right food, plenty of sleep and exercise. I still got very ill where I was to the point of having at most two good hours a day in which I was alert, able to think clearly and move around. I remember dragging myself to work by 11 or so, and my head would be down on the desk between two and three sound asleep.It took me at least 15 years to recover myself back to the land of the living and 20 years to have a great relationship appear in my life.It doesn’t have to take that long for you.In today’s radio show, Gwen L

  • No Wine Before its Time: Pacing Yourself to Master Success by Claudia Thompson with Moon Astrology

    03/05/2017 Duración: 39min

    Moon astrology, according to Claudia Thompson, gives you the following lesson: Turning up the heat in an oven to make your dish cook faster is never the answer. You end up with a burned shell with a raw core.For many things in life, there is a correct speed and vigor for which you accomplish something that makes the perfect dish. Ever wonder what that might be? This is one bit of wisdom that Claudia Thompson can help you with.You get a dose of that in today’s show. The first time I heard Claudia speak in front of a large audience, she shared a wealth of calm wisdom. She calls herself a moon astrologer, but wait until you hear what that means.Before this activity, Claudia has had an amazingly diverse set of activities: This includes an earlier career as a make-up artist and hairstylist for television, for which she won an Emmy. She hosted her own radio show called “Star Talk” and is a prolific writer of books and appeared in magazines and on television to talk about what she calls lunar astrology.She looked to

  • Do you have old ties and Karma you want cleaned up?

    20/04/2017 Duración: 46min

    Sue Lundquist created an amazing business based on gratitude. Her radio show, The Gratitude Cafe, is a series of uplifting messages. I was privileged to be on her show this week.In the first half of the show, we talk about my background and reveal some profound insights into why people get sick and where their illness shows up.The focus of the second half of the show is on relationships, where I introduce my free 5-day Relationship Challenge. It created a lot of activity and buzz. Here are the details:According to 70 plus years of research at prestigious universities such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Yale, the number one factor that contributes to health wealth and happiness is your relationships. Your relationships come above what you eat, your exercise, your career, your mental or emotional health. Your relationships are that important.One fast way to improve these relationships, whether they are past or current is to clear any poor energetic imprint they’ve left on you.How would you know if you have such

  • Are you living in a fog of deception?

    13/04/2017 Duración: 54min

    April is a time of rebirth. The flowers are in explosive bloom after a winter of laying dormant. It’s time to move from your inner space to your outer world in the same way.This is about exploring how you move from your inner world to the world around you through authentic communication. The way you communicate and the words you use them can either improve your relationship with yourself and others or damage them.Individual words have energy. Feel the difference between “pretty” and “not ugly”.In today’s blog post and radio show, we explore how this makes a huge difference in your life and how the world perceives and experiences your inner world. It will make a huge difference in your relationships and/or your business. After all, business is about relationships not products especially if you are providing valuable services.To discover more, click here. There are ways to release the fog from messages you hear all day long, such as cutting cords and grounding, standby tools for clearing energy you don’t want.

  • Merging business with contribution with Laura Gisborne

    28/03/2017 Duración: 40min

    Laura Gisborne and I met a few years ago and chatted briefly.  I was instantly attracted to her but it wasn’t until I ate lunch with her early last fall that I realized what an amazing business coach she is.  With 20 years experience in business, Laura gained a wealth of knowledge by structuring and selling small boutique businesses to owning a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire, in total 9 businesses.Laura is an engaging Internationally recognized speaker and consults for top business leaders and entrepreneurs in a wide range of industries. The innovative business model of her company, Legacy Leaders Global, exemplifies that companies can be both profitable and purposeful.She has appeared on major TV networks like CBS and ABC, has helped build community and education through contribution via non-profits, and written popular books, her latest called “limitless women.”Listen in as she reveals her top secrets to bring ease and joy into her client’s lives while they have a successful business that

  • Developing the Art of Listening to Your Inner Voice Amid the Noise in Your Life

    23/03/2017 Duración: 49min

    In today’s world, more than ever, it gets harder and harder to pay attention to your intuition or inner voice. You can get caught up in the doing, going down your checklists, ticking items off one by one. You can get pushed into making fast decisions where you are running as fast as you can and often end up making the wrong decisions.Here you are functioning in the conscious brain, vacillating between your emotions and logical mind, especially if the emotions are low energy. The noise gets so loud in your brain that you can lose connection to what’s really important.Why slowing down to speed up is so importantThere are even further issues that you might not be aware of, that is that of cording. Cords are lines of energy that connect us to things. In addition to people in your family, your business, your friends and your clients, you have a lot of objects in your vicinity, including your clothing/shoes/jewelry, your books, your artwork, your furniture, and even your home. Everything around you, where you’ve go

  • Being YOU with the Right Brand with Tiffany Scott

    14/03/2017 Duración: 40min

    Tiffany Scott is a master brand strategist, helping you discover who you are at a core level. Many of my listeners are healers, coaches, authors and speakers, and they primarily work offline.Often, we all sound the same, labeling ourselves as “energy healer”, “intuitive life coach”, and “best-selling author” and using words like purpose and passion.How do you differentiate yourself? How do you show who you truly are? Who can tell you what is unique about you, so you can magnetize your audience, friends or families, clients or customers.  Tiffany Scott is your go-to person for that.I met Tiffany right when she was starting her branding agency. We hit it off right away. I have watched her blossom in her business, attracting an amazing group of women to her, speaking eloquently in front of worldwide audiences about her topic.Tiffany Scott Can Brand YOU So You ShineTiffany is a genius when it comes to bringing out the best in you. She has worked with very recognizable brands, like Speedo and Miller’s of Australia

  • Coming back to life from cancer with Dr. Tedd Koren

    08/03/2017 Duración: 50min

    Dr. Tedd Koren trained as a chiropractor but he’s not just about helping you relieve your back pain.  He has demonstrated how much the body is a whole unit and adjustments can help change so many things in your body.  He’s an amazing advocate for natural and integrative medicine, has gone up against big organizations when they tried to dictate his actions AND won, and developed his own process for helping release trauma from the body called the Koren Specific Technique.  He is a prolific writer, sought after speaker and teaches people all over the world his trauma release technique.In fact when I met Dr. Tedd about 3 years ago, he demonstrated how this worked to me and I could feel the energy flow so dramatically and the headaches I had developed over the last decade became a thing of the past.  This is permanent, unlike so many processes that are offered out there.One of Dr. Tedd’s many passions is the mis-conceptions around cancer.  That’s our topic for today.Today you’ll hear some amazing new ideas (or rea

  • Finding Love and Happiness After A Bitter Divorce

    23/02/2017 Duración: 42min

    Commonly, people suffering in their love life are suffering physically somehow, whether it’s chronic pain, a broken heart (heart problems), breast or lung cancer.  They long for that deep connection with someone that seems so elusive that they are in this physical distress.  Worse is after divorce, especially a hideous one, picking up the shattered fragments to put together a loving connected life seems nearly impossible.People come to me all the time to solve a physical malady but in essence really need to heal their love life.  Let’s look at what happens when hopes and dreams die, the happily ever after fades into the distance, and your heart breaks into little fragments.Yes, trust is gone, bitterness sets in, anger fills your life, you have a filter over your whole being that colors everything in that light.  Life isn’t sweet.  Your frequency has dropped, literally, and it sets you up for chronic illness or worse.In that deep pain, many of you think to yourself that finding love again is going to help.  So

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