Live Rich

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 14:10:19
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Do you have the desire to get ahead? What are you prepared to do in order to get there? What is driving your desire for change in your life? We all want to be rich and retire early, but what is truly driving you to succeed? You may have a vision of the life you want, but what is motivating you to achieve this? Simply reacting to outward needs will likely not be enough. Most people are content to settle for whatever life they have dealt to them, as long as they have a roof over their head and food on the table. That may be okay for some, but for a select few this is simply not enough. It takes a great deal of determination and focus to set your goals and achieve great things. The strength of your inner desire for this change, and your level of passion and commitment to achieve your goals, will ultimately determine your success. No one else can have this desire for you; it must come from within. If youre going to get ahead you must start making some choices and take action. There are no shortcuts, and great effort will be required. If you truly have a burning passion and desire for change within you, with the right training, focus and determination, the sky is the limit.


  • You've Got To Know What You Want

    22/10/2015 Duración: 09min

    As one famous book title put it, “If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll Probably End Up Somewhere Else”  By assessing your inner subconscious desires and aligning them with your daily habits and conscious actions, you'll be on the way to making your dreams a reality! View the full post and video here:  Summary: As the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson famously put it, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” There is only so much you can determine about yourself and your abilities at surface value. In order to tap into your full range of talents and potential, you must learn to harness your subconscious thinking. A large portion of my work is focused on helping leaders and entrepreneurs to uncover their own internal thinking – thoughts they may not even be aware of are having a very large impact on their efforts to reach the lives they seek to build. Helping others to tap into their inner potential and identify what goals they really

  • The World Needs More Gentlemen

    22/10/2015 Duración: 08min

    It is instrumental that we learn how to conduct ourselves as gentlemen – or as ladies – if we hope to make a positive impact on the world. Very few among us can hope to make it on our merit alone – we first must signal that we are a professional through other means, including our clothes, manners and grooming. Listen to find tips on how you can make your presence and presentation work for you! View the video and full post here:  Summary: Manners truly can make the man – or woman. This is a lesson I was reminded of recently when I sat back to enjoy the film, “The Kingsmen: The Secret Service” starring Colin Firth. While the movie is a very enjoyable action ride, it also tells a story about what it takes to be considered a gentleman. In the film, there is a very strict code of conduct that is necessary in order to become a member of an elite spy unit. No matter how strong one’s skills are at espionage, they are for moot without proper decorum and style. The movies resonated with me because o

  • Why Wealth Starts With Sweat

    15/10/2015 Duración: 08min

    Exercise might not seem to have an awful lot to do with money or attaining wealth. But I would argue that guides to clean eating and physical fitness should absolutely be included in the personal finance section of the book store. Here are some general guidelines that can help you to integrate more physical activity into your daily schedule so that you can remain in prime shape to tackle your goals. View the full post and video here:  Summary: What does exercise have to do with money? Why is a gym or a small set of personal equipment maybe the best investment you can make for your financial future? It may not seem intuitive, but there is a direct correlation between your fitness and your finances. Studies have proven that the most successful and high achieving of professionals make time, no matter how crazy their schedule can get, to fit in regular and hard driving workouts. The reality is that sticking to a rigorous routine - and holding high expectations for your physical condition - cre

  • How Future Millionaires Approach Their Jobs Differently

    07/10/2015 Duración: 08min

    What distinguishes those who ultimately end up with more commas in their bank account from those who remain in the same cubicle? Mindset. Future millionaires approach their jobs very differently – they see working for someone else as an opportunity to learn about how they can become the boss themselves. They see each day as a lesson, in the front row of the classroom, to take away when they launch their own empire. View the full post and video here:   Summary:  Many of us start out our careers in the same place – working for someone else. But we can finish in any number of areas. What distinguishes those who ultimately end up with more commas in their bank account from those who remain in the same cubicle? Mindset. Future millionaires approach their jobs very differently – they see working for someone else as an opportunity to learn about how they can become the boss themselves. They see each day as a lesson, in the front row of the classroom, to take away when they launch their own empire.

  • Financial Myths That Are Holding You Back

    29/09/2015 Duración: 08min

    Recognize the financial myths that have been holding you back, and take charge of your financial future.Don't be limited by these common misperceptions. View the full post and video here: Summary: We all love stories. From the beginning of our society, they have helped us connect to each other and find meaning in the world. But what kinds of stories are you telling yourself about your money goals and your plan to reach them? Learn to be aware of these stories – and how to discern the truth from fiction. Too many of us continue to indulge in “happy think” and mythology about where we really stand rather than face a potentially unpleasant reality. It may feel good in the short term to tell ourselves what we want to hear about where we stand, but we are only doing real damage to our prospects over the long run. Is saving the same as earning more money? Can you achieve success all on your own? Have the limits on how much you will be able to earn in your life already been set in stone? Do you h

  • Decisions That Move Your Life

    17/09/2015 Duración: 08min

    Attaining lasting wealth is a conscious decision – and so is choosing mediocrity. The roots of success and failure are found in numerous small decisions that you make each and every day about how you are spending your precious energy and time. Are the steps you are taking today moving you in the right direction? Read the full post: Summary: We all make decisions each day – many without even actively thinking about them as we make them. They may seem to be small actions, but they collectively add up to determine the quality and impact of the days, months, and years that make up our lives. Are you actively making decisions that drive you toward reaching the outcomes and goals that you have set for yourself? Or are you allowing your decisions be made by others or by default? It can be very easy to justify making small deviations away from your fitness or financial goals when caught up in the moment. But allowing the exception to prevail each and every time is a surefire strategy that will se

  • Making The Most Of Your Downtime

    10/09/2015 Duración: 07min

    It's important to recognize the need to recharge once in a while and allow yourself the bennefit of some downtime. but if you love what you do for a living and abhor the thought of nothing but idleness,there are a number of strategies you can use to stay productive and on target while you are on vacation. Here are some best practices for how you can use your leisure and vacation time to continue to work toward your vision, while still enjoying fun with your loved ones. View the full post and video here: Summary: We all need time to relax and recharge if we want to maintain our energy and focus over the long haul. But time off doesn’t need to be time lost. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a respite from the office while still growing your inspiration and focus to  meet your goals. If carried out properly, you may find that there are few tangible differences between work time and vacation if you truly love what you do. There are a number of people for whom time away from working har

  • An Extra MinuteThat Can Make You A Fortune!

    10/09/2015 Duración: 07min

    An extra minute. It's just sixty seconds - not enough time to mircowave a bag of popcorn - but you'd be surprised at just how much you can manage to get done in even a narrow sliver of time. There is tremendous power in adding just a little more time into your schedule to tackle your long-term goals. What seems like a drop in the ocean when seen in isolation can ultimately add up to something very big over time.   View the full post and video here: Summary: It might just be sixty seconds, but a minute can make a very big difference if used correctly. Too often we discount the power that is in seemingly small actions or small periods of time. If used properly and deliberately, you can use strained resources to make giant strides toward meeting your goals. If you find yourself pinched without enough time to see the results that you are seeking, consider adding in just a bit of time to the beginning or end of your day. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish by focusing intensely for even

  • Stay Open To Change

    03/09/2015 Duración: 07min

    Being open to change isn’t an excuse to not plan or to think ahead of what will happen with your customers over time. It merely means being adaptable and willing to revisit your plans based upon changing conditions on the ground.  The prospect of change can be daunting. But by maintaining a flexible spirit and curious attitude toward how new changes will shake out, you will ensure that your head isn't buried in the sand, keeping you open to new opportunities and ahead of the competition. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Are you coasting along on your success? Or are you continually upgrading your skills and knowledge to take advantage of new opportunities? Change can be scary, but continuing to adapt and evolve along with the times is a prerequisite for success.  Too many of us only see fear and uncertainty when we hear the word “change”, rather than seeing all of the ample opportunities that abound as well. The pace of technology and legislation can make it hard to keep up

  • Going Your Own Way

    27/08/2015 Duración: 08min

    Create a plan and take the leap to financial independence.  View the full post and video here:  Summary: Fleetwood Mac was right – you can go your own way. The surest way to achieve prosperity and financial independence is to go your own way and start your own business. You’ll likely encounter plenty of naysayers along the way. Some will be voicing genuine concern for your wellbeing, while others’ motives may be more nefarious. But if you are going to carve your own path to financial freedom you will have to learn to deal with the naysayers and uncertainty that comes with it. There are some useful strategies to keep in mind that will help keep you focused, confident and unwavering as you strike out on your own and stride toward the future you want to create.  Find and build a network of support around you as you embark upon your new venture. Understanding that your loved ones and others may need time to understand and become adjusted to the change occurring in your life. You must al

  • Speak Up to Stand Out

    18/08/2015 Duración: 08min

    Speak up to stand out and trubocharge you on the path to financial freedom. Developing your public speaking skills will help you succeed. Don’t allow nerves to prevent you from all of the opportunities available to those who are willing to speak up and stand out from the crowd. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Modesty has its place in life. But in business, you have to speak up to sell yourself. A surefire way to turbocharge your career is to establish yourself as a public speaker. Modesty or nervousness might be keeping you from sharing your expertise with those who would greatly benefit from it – and maybe even bring your business to the next level. I can guarantee you that presenting your field of knowledge at events is one of the single most powerful tools you can leverage in your quest to become financially independent. My career before I began speaking publically looked very different from the opportunities that I have available today. If I can do it – so can you.

  • Accept No Limits: The Power of Making Your Own Rules

    13/08/2015 Duración: 08min

    A key difference for high achievers is that they won’t accept limits – not on their ambitions and not on their income. They don’t stop dreaming even when they awake – and they take deliberate actions toward making their dreams reality. View the full post and video here:  Summary:  The power of dreams is that there are no limits to what is possible. You can do anything and go anywhere. You are limited only by the power of your imagination. What do high achievers across all disciplines have in common? They refuse to ever wake up from their dreams. They don’t accept limits and they won’t bow to conventional wisdom.  They don’t care a wit for following arbitrary rules that only put shackles on their ambitions and income. In short – they refuse to accept limits. And yet too many of us have resigned ourselves to waking from our dreams. We bring a worker’s mentality to the world. We think about our future gains in terms of promotions and raises – instead of thinking outside the box. Instead

  • The Best Investment

    03/08/2015 Duración: 10min

    Take steps to invest in your earning power, so that you're better equipped for higher financial gains. Never feel that spending time, money or effort on improving yourself, expanding your knowledge, or on becoming a better person, as a cost. This is about putting the time, effort and money into your ability to reach your goals faster and more efficiently with fewer risks of failure. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Many people focus on investing in stocks, real estate and business ventures. While these avenues are obviously very lucrative and areas that you should explore, there’s a far more valuable asset that you can invest in. This is an investment that promises infinite returns on a long-term basis with zero risk. The more you invest, the higher your returns, no compromise. It sounds too good to be true but I assure you such an investment exists. Of all the investments I’ve made, this is the only one that has proven to be the most worthy of my time, effort and money. I am t

  • How To Be A Super Achiever

    31/07/2015 Duración: 09min

    Learn six stragegies that will help you consistently achieve a higher level of performance and have you functioning to your fullest postential, so that you too can live rich. See the full post and video here:  Summary: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your “peak” days are behind you or that you’re “waiting” to hit your potential. Achieving greatness on a consistent basis is attainable through conscious thought and action at any stage in your life. The ability to be at your peak at all times is what it means to be a super-achiever. It’s not about perfection but about excellence. Clarity of your vision and goal is the foundation of your inevitable success. But in order to reach it, you need to have a plan of action. In this article I am sharing six strategies to boost your performance so that you maintain higher levels of achievement on a long-term basis. These strategies consist of:  having the flexibility to take on different perspectives and approach problems from another angle; chan

  • How To Influence Others

    21/07/2015 Duración: 09min

    One of the keys to success in life and wealth is building relationships of value. Whether it’s with your nearest and dearest, business partners or potential customers, being able to create win-win relationships is dependent on your ability to influence. View the video or read the full post here: Summary: Influence is key to creating win-win relationships with the people in your life. From your significant other to business partners and potential customers, having the ability to craft influence will bring you extraordinary results. In this article I’ll be sharing my three tips to boost your influence and build relationships of value with the people around you.  As a person of influence, you’ll be able to present and speak with authority, clearly define your message and have people willingly jump onboard with your ideas. Those who truly understand influence have the power to persuade others and be in control of any situation. Those who do not a

  • Live Rich 30: Dealing With Stress

    14/07/2015 Duración: 10min

    You can learn simple strategies and techniques to manage and mitigate stress. Ultimately, reducing your stress starts with having a clear purpose in life and moving in that direciton each day. Define what you want in life, set a plan and go after it. This will bring joy and fulfillment into your life instead of stress.  View the full post and website here:  Summary: Stress is an inevitable factor for us all. It can occur anywhere and anytime throughout our life. It is our body’s response to pressures that we encounter on a daily basis. Our ability to manage and mitigate stress will greatly affect our overall enjoyment of life and level of success. There are simple strategies you can use to take control of your response to life’s stresses and help you achieve all that you want out of life. Stress can occur as a result of physical aspects such as a reaction to something dangerous (for example, parachuting out of a plane or facing an attacker with a knife or gun). Stress can also be caused by

  • Make Every Day A Great Day

    02/07/2015 Duración: 07min

    There are some simple tips and strategies you can use to make every day a great day! Life is too short to spend it in a bad mood, so take charge of your attitude and make the most out of life. View the full post and video here:  Summary: In this post I talk about how to make each and every day great and improve your life's quality. The point is that you don't have to accept that you are having a bad day. You are in charge of your life, and you alone can change it. I am happy to share with you some simple and easy tips that will help keep you on track so you can enjoy your life to the fullest, because life’s too short to spend it in a bad mood. Try to sleep 8 hours a day. That way you will have more energy and won't be cranky when you get up in the morning. Ensuring you get enough sleep will allow you to get the maximum out of your day. Also, focus on today. You will have plenty of time to think about tomorrow when you get there. Always remember to smile and spread positive energy. It wil

  • Healthy Body Healthy Mind

    01/07/2015 Duración: 10min

    Maintaining a healthy body will give you the energy you need to achieve more and the ability to enjoy your success when you get there. Don't compromise on your health while you strive for financial freedom. Take on both hand-in-hand and you'll find that they compliment one another perfectly to give you the best life you deserve.  View the full post and video here:  Summary: As trivial as it sounds, health is essential to living a high quality of life.  Yet people rarely give their health a second thought, until it’s too late and they no longer have it. We live in a society where people constantly abuse their bodies and neglect their health. I don’t really need to tell you that it’s important to eat healthy and stay active; it’s common sense. The thing is, people rarely associate getting healthy with generating wealth. Sometimes, a person is so consumed with working toward reaching financial freedom, that their health often takes a backseat. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to, and

  • Live Rich 27: End Procrastination Now

    23/06/2015 Duración: 12min

    In this post, I present my five steps to beating procrastination, taking control and making your own success. Once you understand the principles behind the five steps, you will not only end procrastination but also sustain long-term productivity with a mindset that's hardwired for success. View the full post, video and website here:  Summary: I believe that procrastination is the killer of dreams, goals, aspirations and people’s spirit. It’s what separates the winners from the losers and the rich from the poor. Sure, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and no one is expecting you to become a millionaire overnight. But if you’re really serious about achieving your goals, if you truly want to be financially free, then you must take the necessary steps to get there on a consistent basis. Even though my system is simple, it doesn’t mean it’s easy, there are complexities  So if you feel yourself slipping into old habits, opting for a brain drain in front of the TV rather than firing up your computer, c

  • Live Rich 26: Sales - A Necessary Non-Evil

    18/06/2015 Duración: 09min

    Learn the basics and then put your sales skills into practice. You will soon see just how truly powerful these skills are in helping you build better relationships and achieve greater success in your business and personal life, so that you too can live rich. View the full post, video and website here:  Summary Sales are an important aspect of all businesses and are pervasive in most areas of our normal day-to-day lives. Whether you are a business owner selling a product to consumers or a just aiming to convince your friends which movie to see or where to take their next vacation, sales skills are essential to your success. Selling is ultimately about our relationships and people skills. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur and business owner you must hone your sales skills and understand the prime importance of relationship building. There’s no real mystery or magic involved; these skills are entirely teachable. An investment in your sales education will pay dividends, not only in y

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