Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 281:13:12
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Biz Women Rock: Inspiring interviews with the world's most incredible Business Women! Our guests share how they started their businesses, how they've grown them, lessons they've learned, failures and successes they've had, business practices they implement, how they stay motivated and ultimately what makes that fire inside of them burn!


  • LIVE COACHING: I Want to Leave My Full Time Job and Make My Travel Business Work with Francesca Montillo

    19/02/2018 Duración: 35min

    Francesca Montillo is the founder of Lazy Italian Culinary Adventures.  She provides cooking classes, easy to make Italian recipes and guided culinary tours around her homeland of Italy.     Like many entrepreneurs, she’s still working a full time job and wants to turn her side hustle into a full time business that can provide for her!     During this LIVE COACHING SESSION, Francesca and I dive into what her true goals are in the next phase of her business (and how that will get her closer to doing it full time) and back into what actions she needs to take to make it a reality.     We discover that her cooking classes and Italian tours actually require their own individual marketing plans, as they attract different people.  Which led us to identifying WHO HER AVATAR really is!   We spend the rest of the session digging into creative ways Francesca can go about getting in front of them in a meaningful way.  Strategic storytelling (making sure she tells her story as an Italian woman and foodie who is passionate

  • LIVE COACHING: How to I Fill My Programs & Create a Larger Movement with Linda Berger

    12/02/2018 Duración: 45min

    Linda Berger is the creator of Business Women Warriors, a 90 Day program that helps ambitious business women focus in on ONE GOAL they have and work on it intentionally (and with accountability!) so they can achieve it!  Her program is the culmination of years of being a productivity coach and she has a gift for helping clients create results when they FOCUS.     During this LIVE COACHING SESSION, I’m helping Linda strategize practical ways to get more women in her 90 Day Business Women Warriors Challenge!  Because this will allow her to realize her big dream of creating a movement!     If you’ve ever wanted to attract MORE of your ideal customers to your programs, then this is the episode for you!   To find out more about Linda and her program, check out her website here →   These LIVE COACHING SESSIONS are here so you can get deep insight into business issues, ideas and challenges that we all face as we create strategies, solutions and action plans that you can benefit from

  • LIVE COACHING: How Do I Monetize My Podcast & Community with Julie Neale of Mother's Quest

    05/02/2018 Duración: 51min

    Julie Neale is a total sweetheart.  She started her business and podcast Mother’s Quest in 2016 so she could talk about and support fellow moms who were looking for a more EPIC she was on her own quest.     During this LIVE COACHING SESSION, we do a deep dive into how Julie can do a better job of monetizing her podcast and community.  She’s aware she’s at the beginning phases of this (at the time of this recording, she had just brought on her first paying private clients!) and is prepared for a year of experimentation, but feels like there’s something she’s not seeing.   So, I walk her through a few specific exercises that help her get clear about WHAT she has to offer that provides value to her mothers and HOW she can translate that into helping her create a financial goal she has for December 1, 2018!   PS: it’s worth noting here that Julie has one of the BEST and most TOUCHING ways she monetizes her podcast!!!  It’s called a dedication and it’s brilliant!   There are a few tools I’ve used for man

  • How to Transition into a New Phase of Business with Luann Nigara of Window Works

    29/01/2018 Duración: 40min

    It’s going to take you all of 5 seconds to fall in love with Luann Nigara.  She’s a brilliant woman entrepreneur who’s been running Window Works, a company that provides custom window and awning treatments, for over 30 years.  In that time, she and her two partners - her husband and her cousin - have grown to 3 locations in New Jersey (and then retracted back into their one hub store), managed a growing team and dealt with just about every entrepreneurial experience along the way.     Back in 2015, Luann launched her podcast, A Well Designed Business, a show where she marries her love of business and interior design and talks to folks in her industry.  And from the podcast, an entirely new business has emerged...private coaching, masterminds and live events.     And even though this type of business model is all new to Luann, her strategy behind all of it is incredibly INTENTIONAL.     During this incredible conversation, Luann and I discuss why she started her podcast as a TRANSITIONAL PLATFORM and how she s

  • Create Healthy Habits By Taking Tiny Actions with Mariah Secrest-Comer of the Wellthy Boss

    24/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    I’ve heard it 1000 times: get enough sleep, eat healthy food and exercise regularly.  Not a new formula, right?  But how do we actually make these changes?  Especially when we’re in the throws of building our businesses?  I mean, late nights, crappy food and extra pounds are just a part of the “successful entrepreneur” right of passage, aren’t they?   NOPE.     And that’s why I brough Mariah Secrest-Comer on the show today.  She’s the owner of Wellthy Boss ( and loves helping entrepreneurs - we hard-driving, ambitious, crazy people - incorporate healthy habits that ultimately give us lasting results - in our bodies, our minds and our businesses!   I’m giving this to you as a BONUS EPISODE because (at the time of the recording), it’s mid January 2018 and you’re well into the New Year, which means that you’re pushing hard towards those big goals (and perhaps even had some “healthy” goals on your resolution list for the New Year).  So, I figured it would be the perfect time to t

  • Live Event Strategies and Power vs. Force in Selling with Erin Joy of Black Dress Partners

    22/01/2018 Duración: 41min

    Erin Joy and I connected on a deep level instantly.  She’s the owner of Black Dress Partners, which provides private coaching and consulting and live events for female business owners in St. Louis, Missouri.  She’s also a mom of a gorgeous little girl and dedicated to living a big life.   During this conversation, Erin shares a bit about how she started her company (as a single mom when her daughter was 1!) and how she structures her services.  In addition to her monthly round tables, she also produces workshops, mini events and her signature annual conference called The Midwest Business Owners Conference.     Erin gives great tips for how to use events to create a community around a signature event (so good!) that will deepen the impact of the attendees, the sponsors and ultimately her big purpose!   We get into a deep discussion about using power vs. force in your conversations to SELL into your programs and services and what Erin’s big mission is here to do in this world (and why “being a household name” m

  • The Power of Storytelling and The Biz Results It Brings with Dawn Fraser

    15/01/2018 Duración: 45min

    Dawn Fraser blew my mind on today’s episode and I know you’ll feel the same way after listening.  Because we’re not just talking about “how to be a better speaker” or “how to build a speaking business,” we’re talking about storytelling.  The art of a story...of your story...and how infusing your marketing, your website, your talks and your conversations with YOUR STORY is a seriously powerful way to grow your business.   Why?  Because sharing our stories gives us an opportunity to deepen CONNECTION.  And it’s that connection that drives the “know, love and trust” factor through the roof!     And it won’t take you very long to see why Dawn is such a genius at storytelling.  She’s been teaching and coaching others on the power of storytelling for a long time, works with The Moth, has a show and upcoming podcast Barbershop Stories, has given a tremendous TED talk and works with so many entrepreneurs who want to better infuse storytelling into their business so they can have better results.   During our conversat

  • Inside a Mastermind Part 4: From an Entrepreneur Mindset to a Business Owner Mindset with Heather Robertson-Devine

    12/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    Wait, what?  I thought "entrepreneur" and "business owner" meant the same thing?   Not according to my good friend and Mastermind participant, Heather Robertson-Devine.  She's the owner of Books del Sur, a phenomenal company that supplies schools with authentic Spanish books to support dual language programs around the country!   Heather will be the first to share that when she began the Biz Women Rock Masterminds in 2017, she was showing up to her business with the mindset of "oh, this little business I have," even though her company had all the markers of "successful" to anyone looking in.   Six months later, Heather has a very different mindset and approach to her business.   And in today's INSIDE A MASTERMIND SERIES, she's talked about why and how that shift occurred for her!   I absolutely LOVE sharing these inside looks into the Biz Women Rock Masterminds because I'm so juiced up about the massive UPLEVELING they can do to your business in a relatively short period of time!   If you know you're ready to

  • Inside a Mastermind: Part 3 Allie Weitzel

    12/01/2018 Duración: 39min

    "You just don't know until you experience it!"   Over the past 9 years of facilitating Masterminds, this is the most common phrases I've heard from participants when I ask them about how they would explain their experience to others.   Which may be why Masterminds may seem a bit like a "Secret Society" sometimes.  Because, well...they are!   In the best sort of way, of course.   They're a sacred space where YOU can nurture and grow your best business self within the safe confines of your wise peers.   And no amount of genius marketing I could ever do would give true voice to their power.   Which is why I created this series and brought on amazing women entrepreneurs who have participated in the Biz Women Rock Masterminds!   Because who better to share what really happens inside a Mastermind than the participants themselves!?   Today, I'm so happy to be featuring the amazing Allie Weitzel.  She's the owner of Summit Business Team, a company that helps small business owners with bookkeeping, payroll, taxes and

  • Inside a Mastermind: Part 2 Kim Birbrower

    12/01/2018 Duración: 44min

    There are so many ways people are using the word "Mastermind" to provide support for entrepreneurs these days.  Which is why I want to make sure you know exactly how the Biz Women Rock Masterminds work - from the Inside Out - so you can be educated about this phenomenal resource at your fingertips!   Today is part 2 of the Inside a Mastermind Series so you can get a real view of what the Masterminds are all about!   Today, my guest will be Kim Birbrower of Big Picture Educational.   Sneak peak: Kim was about to give up on her business entirely before she joined the Biz Women Rock Mastermind in 2017.  Hearing about the turnaround she had - and why she had it - is worth showing up for!   Love,   Katie   PS: If you know you're ready to change the way you show up to your business so you can experience the results you've dreamed about, then apply to the 2018 Biz Women Rock Masterminds today -->

  • Inside a Mastermind: Part 1 Tina Conroy

    12/01/2018 Duración: 36min

    Ever wonder what it's really like inside the heart of a business Mastermind?   Today, I'm kicking off a special 4 part Series called Inside a Mastermind.  It will feature four incredible women entrepreneurs who have been a part of the Biz Women Rock Masterminds and they're sharing their own experiences of what really happens inside a Mastermind.     They'll share about...   * Where they were in business when they started * What their goals were * What they wanted to get out of their Mastermind experience * Why they decided to do it * What they got out of the mastermind that was completely unexpected * An update on how they did with their goals by the end * Their inside view of the entire experience!   Today, my guest will be the amazing Tina Conroy of The Intuitive Woman.   If you've been wondering about how a Mastermind really works and how you can leverage one to get MAXIMUM RESULTS out of your business in 2018, then join me for this FREE Series!   Love,   Katie   PS: If you know you're ready to change the

  • Step by Step of Building an Online Business with Kendra Hennessey of Mother Like a Boss

    08/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    The moment Kendra Hennessey came into my space, I knew I had to talk to her.  She’s the Founder of Mother Like a Boss, an online company that is dedicated to bringing homemaking into the present helping moms better run their homes so they and everyone in their family can thrive.     She started her entrepreneurial journey as a house cleaner and after 10 years of that, decided she was done and wanted to do something that really lit her up.  So in January 2016, she began Mother Like a Boss and spent the next year stumbling as she tried to figure out what the brand actually was and how she could best serve.     During our conversation, Kendra shares her story about how she first began creating platforms where her audience could be attracted to her, some of her biggest failures that eventually forced her to LISTEN to what her moms really wanted...versus what she THOUGHT they wanted.  And a collaboration that not only grew her audience but shot her business into an entirely new stratosphere!   Check out more about

  • LIVE COACHING: Clients Aren't Showing Up For Their Sessions and It's Wasting My Time with Anna Seewald of Authentic Parenting

    01/01/2018 Duración: 44min

    Anna Seewald is the Founder of Authentic Parenting.  She’s a coach, educator, podcaster and mother who provides tons of resources for parents.  About half of her company’s revenue comes in from a very specific type of parenting education - a 12 week parenting class that’s been court ordered.  These parents are not choosing to take this class, but are mandated to do so.  It’s a very special niche that Anna gets a lot of joy from serving.   After Anna books these sessions with these parents, a majority of them either don’t show up or cancel last minute, despite her current reminder system.   It’s a major frustration for her because she feels like her time is wasted! (we can all relate, right?!).  During our LIVE COACHING call, I get down to the nitty gritty of Anna’s process with the ultimate belief that we train others how to treat us.     We talk about her step by step process and make minor, but significant tweaks in it so she can make sure she’s properly communicating how she works.  We also talk through ho

  • Year in Review: What Worked, What Didn’t and All the Lessons Learned in 2017

    27/12/2017 Duración: 27min

    I absolutely love the end of the year because it forces me to stop, breathe and acknowledge everything that happened.  If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly moving forward and thus oftentimes forget to learn the vital lessons the past has to teach us - and therefore guide us in our next moves ahead.   So, I want to take this opportunity to share with you - in true, RAW Katie style - my year in review for Biz Women Rock.  I’m sharing the tools I loved, the best investments I made, the things that worked really well...and all the things that DIDN’T work and the ginormous lessons I learned this year.     My purpose for sharing all of this is two-fold.     First, I want to key you into some of the great tools and strategies that worked for my business so you can be aware of them to use as you see fit for yours.  These are tech tools for organization and productivity, education and courses I invested in that created big changes and practices I habitualized that made deep impacts!   Second, my intention is

  • The Massive Benefits of Having a Signature Offering with Racheal Cook

    18/12/2017 Duración: 33min

    Ever since I had Racheal Cook on the podcast years ago (, I’ve had an immense respect for how she chooses to do business.  Holistic.  Slow and steady.  Heart-centered.  Brilliant.  Which is why I wanted to bring her on the show again today.     During our conversation, we discuss the difference between an “entrepreneur” and “business owner” and how powerful making that distinction can be for how you show up in your business every day!     We also dive deep into the massive benefits of having a signature course or offering!  This is ideal for you whether you’re thinking about an online course or are a service provider thinking about creating a signature offering.  The power of having a productized “thing” that takes people through a process that produces amazing results for them is incredible!!!   And, it makes marketing so much more focused, purposeful and impactful!  Racheal walks through 3 stages of marketing th


    15/12/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    BONUS MASTERCLASS: 5 WAYS TO PLAN & EXECUTE YOUR BEST YEAR YET IN 2018   Today's bonus episode is from a Masterclass I recorded earlier today that received a huge amount of feedback for being practical and actionable, so I wanted to turn around and share it with you as soon as possible!   This was recorded as a Live Masterclass on a zoom call, which means you're going to hear the live chatting back and forth between me and the participants.   Before we even got into the 5 steps, I discussed 2 big “pre-steps” to go through…   PRE-STEP 1: Take an Inventory of 2017.   PRE-STEP 2: Brainstorm on what’s possible for 2018.   And then…here are the 5 steps. To get the FULL RUN-DOWN of each of these, along with practical examples and applications, make sure to LISTEN to the entire episode!   1. Schedule your execution and marketing for what’s already on the Horizon.   2. Decide on 2 Areas of Focus   3. Decide on 3 Offerings   4. Create a Daily Mindset Practice   5. Commit to the SUPPORT You Need!   You’ll hear us t

  • Want More Sales? Take the Time to Tweak Your Personal Brand with Monaica Ledell of Truth Hacking

    11/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    It took me all of 3 seconds to get a girl crush on Monaica Ledell.  And when you listen to our very impassioned conversation about why PERSONAL BRANDING is so important to getting the business results you want, you’ll most likely have a crush too.  ;)  Monaica is the President of Truth Hacking, an unconventional branding and sales positioning company.  She’s helped her clients bring in over $10 million in revenue and it’ll be no surprise as to why once you’ve listened.  During this interview, Monaica talks about why personal branding is so much more deep and intimate than your logo, the colors you use and even the words you use to describe yourself.     Once you do this work, Monaica says (and I agree), it puts you in a bubble where no one else can touch you.  There’s no such thing as competition.     But where do you start?  Monaica talks you through some practical questions to ask yourself that will uncover answers to help you tweak your own personal brand.  And in her opinion, once you make those small tur

  • When Profit and Purpose Meet: A Conversation About the Entrepreneur's Journey with Antonia Saint Dunbar of Thinx and Antonia Saint NY Shoe Company

    04/12/2017 Duración: 35min

    Antonia Saint Dunbar and her 4 different companies EMBODY what it means to have a profitable business that is driven by purpose and passion.  Antonia is the Founder of Thinx, a company that creates period panties for women.  She also created Icon, same concept, but for women experiencing incontinence.  Her most recent companies revolve around solving yet another pain point or most women - painful shoes.  Her shoe line, Antonia Saint NY are heels that feel like you’re wearing a sneaker.  And lastly, the Brooklyn Shoe Factory was created so she could fulfill the custom orders for her shoe and for the shoes of other companies.     Whew!  Got all that?   Basically, Antonia is serious about starting and growing companies that create products that help women AND make a difference in the world.     During this inspirational conversation, Antonia and I talk about how she set up her companies to make a difference and solve big world problems, which is why I would consider her a “social entrepreneur.”  We talk about th

  • 5 Facebook Live Strategies with Dana Goldstein of Chic Flicks

    27/11/2017 Duración: 37min

    Dana Goldstein has been an active member of the Biz Women Rock community for some time.  Her company Chic Flicks produces high quality videos for savvy business women who want to leverage the power of video for marketing and branding to grow their businesses.  Additionally, she has an arm of her company that focuses on Facebook LIVE videos.  She works with clients to create Facebook Live campaigns that produce results!     During this conversation, Dana walks us through 5 strategies (+ 1 bonus!) you can use to make your Facebook Live videos really WORK for you!     In a day in age when video marketing and personal branding are central to sharing your message and attracting your ideal clients to you, these Facebook Live Strategies are vital! You can check out more about Dana here →

  • LIVE COACHING: I've Sunk a Lot of Money Into this Biz and I Have to Make It Work with Jenn Swanson

    20/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    Jenn Swanson is the diva behind the Communication Diva.  She provides career education and coaching to women and men who are making a career change or jumping back into the job force after being out of it for awhile.     Jenn truly is a diva and helps her clients create amazing results!  Except there’s one problem: she’s not making enough money in the business.  She has put in so much of her time and money into it over the past few years and she’s frustrated and wondering when she’s going to make that turning point...when it’s finally going to “make it!”   During this LIVE COACHING CALL, I help Jenn dissect who she really is, what she offers and how and who her products and services are actually ideal for.  Her answers all point us to a big conclusion...she needs to rebrand.     Immediately this might sound scary and big, but we actually come up with a new name during the conversation and create real, actionable activities that Jenn can do to help her solidify this even more.     This LIVE COACHING CALL is pe

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