Podcast Talent Coach

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 252:12:12
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The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Why ChatGPT Means You Matter Even More – PTC 430

    04/03/2023 Duración: 30min

    ChatGPT is all the rage. It's also the reason why you now matter even more than ever. As an oversimplified definition, Chat GPT uses artificial intelligence like Siri on your iPhone or your Alexa smart speaker. It is just much more powerful. GPT is short for Generative Pretrained Transformer. We'll get into a deeper definition in a bit. What I want you to understand is the impact it will have on your podcast. NOT ALL INFO Your podcast cannot simply be information. ChatGPT has nearly all the information anyone could ever need. It is the depth of the internet with the conversation of Alexa. It was an early Monday morning in March of 1995. I had just started my new job as Program Director of an alternative radio station in Lincoln, Nebraska. I was standing in the jock lounge. It was basically an open room with a countertop around the perimiter. All the DJs kept their stuff in there. Sitting on the countertop was a big, bulky, desktop computer. It was primarily used to schedule music logs for the stations. Howeve

  • 6 Steps To Profitable Podcasting – PTC 429

    25/02/2023 Duración: 30min

    It sounds so easy. So, why is it so difficult to create a profitable podcast? The gurus make more money by making it sound quick and easy for you. The truth is... It is easy to understand. However, the implementation becomes difficult when you are trying to do it yourself without a step-by-step system. Get the full details and enroll in Podcast Proftis Accelerator at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/accelerator. YOUR PROFITABLE SYSTEM On this episode, I am going to give you the 6 steps to build a profitable podcast. Just keep in mind that it will take diligent, consistent effort to reach your goals. These 6 steps will sound easy. You will find yourself saying, "Everybody knows that, Erik. This doesn't sound like magic." That's because it isn't magic. It is a system. Stop throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. Instead, Focus. Follow one course until successful. At the end of this episode, I will invite you join me in a program that will walk you through this entire system to create your profitable podc

  • Turn Interviews Into Clients – PTC 428

    18/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    When you conduct interviews on your podcast, how do you use those opportunities to attract clients? Interviews create wonderful podcast content. They also provide tremendous promotion for your guest. But, it is also possible for you to use those interviews to grow your own business. THE GUEST I had a coach come to me for help one time. He conducted fantastic interviews. In fact he told me, "My superpower is the cloak of invisibility. I make the guest the star." However, his podcast was not bringing clients into his business. He was getting great feedback on his amazing interviews. But, that feedback wasn't turning into business. The issue with his strategy was his superpower. I definitely want you to make the guest the star. However, you absolutely cannot wear a cloak of invisibility. If you only prop up your guest, you can't be upset when your listeners flock to your guest. We need to find other ways to ensure we build your credibility by association with your guest. Our solution was to interject more of him

  • Your Podcast Image With Amy Janece – PTC 427

    11/02/2023 Duración: 50min

    Let's talk about your image. What are you doing to make your podcast image stand out from the others? If you want to stand out in the sea of sameness in your niche, find ways to make yourself unique. When people hear your name, they need to think of something specific. That is the power of a unique podcast image and brand. IMAGE VS. BRAND The word brand is defined as "a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic." Image is defined as "a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art". It is also "the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public". Where brand is characteristic that tend to be more physical, image is more of an impression and representation that are more mental. To be unique, stand for something. Don't try to be all things to all people. If you try to be everything to everyone, your podcast won't have an identity. You will not have a distinct brand or image. Don't try to be all things to all people. It dimi

  • Unique Podcast Business – PTC 426

    05/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    To make money with your podcast, you need to create a strategy that you can repeat over and over again. Focus on one strategy step-by-step until you reach success to grow your business. That step-by-step process is my Podcast Profits Framework. It consists of six steps. COACHING Before we jump into it, let me invite you to get some help building your strategy. You know how most podcasters don't make money with their show? They waste a lot of time on their podcast when it doesn't do anything to grow the business? I am a content coach. I help you build powerful, sales relationships with your podcast. If you want to try it, the process is really simple. First, we have a 30-minute conversation where we get clear on your podcast goals, what you hope to accomplish and how the podcast works into that plan. Next, we figure out where you are today, determine what you've tried in the past, and build the strategy to get you to your goals. And if you like what we've built, and you want some help implementing your strateg

  • The Magic Of Rapport – PTC 425

    29/01/2023 Duración: 31min

    So many podcasters struggle to make money with their podcast. It is the primary challenge when coaches come to me for help. The thing they are missing is rapport. Building rapport is the biggest piece of the sales process. And most podcasters miss it with their podcast. On this episode, I want to help you refine your process, so you can make money with your podcast. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. STRATEGY You know how most podcasters don't make money with their show? They waste a lot of time on their podcast when it doesn't do anything to grow the business? I am a content coach. I help you build powerful, sales relationships with your podcast. If you ever want to try it, the process is really simple. First, we have a 30-minute conversation where we get clear on your podcast goals, what you hope to accomplish and how the podcast works into that plan. Next, we figure out where you are today, determine what you've tried in the past, and build the strategy to get you to your goals. And if you like what

  • 9 Ways To Fill Your Audience With Clients – PTC 424

    21/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    Referrals are such a powerful way to land clients. If you've read "The Prosperous Coach" by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler or listened to the Referral Marketing Guru podcast with Michael Griffiths, you know what referrals can do for your business. Though referrals are powerful, they aren't the only way to leverage an endorsement for your business. There are many other ways to use the influence of others to attract your ideal clients. On this episode, I want to give you 9 different ways to benefit from the influence of others to fill your pipeline with your ideal prospects. IDEAL CLIENTS Before you can attract your ideal clients, you need to know who they are and where you can find them. Grab my Ideal Listener Development worksheet to get a clear idea of whom we are attracting. Download it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/listener. Who is your ideal client? What do you love about working with them? Which influencers already have the attention of your ideal client? You can't hit a target you can't see. Complete th

  • How To Make Money With Your Podcast – PTC 423

    14/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    So, you want to make money with your podcast. Why? I know that sounds like a crazy question. Who doesn't want more money? Dig a little deeper. What is really driving your desire? What would more money do for your business, your family, your mission and your life? How could a successful strategy that helps you consistently make money with your show change your life? Let's look 5 years down the road. Imagine what you can accomplish in 60 months if you know where you're going and have a plan to follow. Can you see it? Can you see how your life is different? That's why you want to make money. It isn't the money. It's all about the transformation in your life that the money makes possible. One of my clients told me, "If we are able to generate leads, that is awesome. If we are helping change people's lives, and they are reaching out to us, that would be a success. Becoming a resource is the goal." Money makes the mission possible. What would that feel like if that transformation came to life 5 years from now? How

  • Paying Guests? And More Podcast Questions – PTC 422

    08/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    I recently held an "ask me anything" session to answer your podcast questions. And, you didn't let me down. So many great questions. On this episode, I want to share that session with you. Here are a few of the questions we answer. ROSIE I've recently seen podcasts rereleasing old episodes. Is this a good way to get old content heard by new subscribers or does it risk loyal listeners feeling a bit cheated? FREDERICA I have been running my book-ish podcast from February but because of work/life/exams, I had to take a break in October. I'd like to get back to it however as the first few months were a bit underwhelming in terms of reach (I really loved doing it though) and I'd really like to give it a push. In terms of re-launching, do you have any tips or does/don'ts to share? Do you think it's too long a time without posting anything? CHRIS Do you pay guests? Is it something you've thought about? What do you think? SOPHIA What was your process for finding an editor? I'd like to make sure I get fair rates and w

  • The Book Baker Jennifer Harshman – PTC 421

    31/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    Writing a book using your podcast is a great opportunity to grow your influence and share your message. You are creating pages of content every week with your show that can be easily repurposed into a book. LAUNCH If you haven't launched your podcast yet, my next workshop will help you launch in 30 days. There are 6 steps to launch your podcast. Define your purpose Define your program Define your platform Produce your podcast Promote your podcast Profit from your podcast We are going to develop your plan to move through each of these steps during the FREE "How to Launch Your Podcast in 30 Days or Less to Attract Your Ideal Clients" Workshop. You can get details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop. This isn't a typical, empty webinar. This is a 3-hour workshop where we roll up our sleeves and help you get started launching your podcast. During this event, you will get things done. It is free and happens Saturday, January 7th. Will this be the year you launch your podcast? Don't let another yea

  • An Amazing Year – PTC 420

    24/12/2022 Duración: 30min

    It was an amazing year for Podcast Talent Coach. And, I want to thank you for all of the support. It is my hope that this show and my content helped you reach a few of your goals. It is important that we take time to reflect on the great things in our lives. While I was traveling over the past week, I did just that. TAKE FOCUSED ACTION THIS YEAR What I realized is that focused action makes a big difference. In September, I began following a new coach. He put me on a journey to specifically follow up with those I've talked with over the year. I set out to serve these people and continue the conversation we began. I delivered content and resources that I felt could help each of them individually. There was no sell or ask. It was just service. Rather than approaching it with what I wanted, I went back and reviewed those original conversations. Then, I sent each of them something that would help with the challenge we discussed. Some of those led to additional calls. Others were just notes of thanks. Either way, i

  • Grow Your Audience In 6 Weeks Or Less – PTC 419

    17/12/2022 Duración: 48min

    There are two thing you need to do to grow your audience. First, get in front of new people who don't know you, and invite them to your show. Then, keep your listeners coming back week after week. Before you get started building your audience, you need to understand why you want to grow in the first place. THE AUDIENCE MISTAKE The one thing I want you to remember today is content drives business with relationships and authority, not sponsorships. Bring your listeners into your business. Many people want to grow their audience, so they can sell sponsorships. That is the worst thing you can do. And, I'll show you why in just a bit. This is going to be powerful for you today. Make sure you have a pen and paper to take notes. Many times we get training like this, we go to free webinars, or we attend seminars and get a ton of information. We get all excited. Then we go home or return to our "to do" list and we do nothing with the training. We never put it into action. I want to give you this strategy, so you can i

  • The Challenge Of Time With Kevin Davis – PTC 418

    10/12/2022 Duración: 37min

    Finding time to squeeze it all in is a challenge for most podcasters and entrepreneurs. It becomes even more challenging when you are a solopreneur. On the episode today, we help Kevin Davis find ways to get more time in his week. He is host of the podcast "4 Pillars of Health With Kevin Davis". You can find it at KevinDavisHealth.com. Podcast: ‎4 Pillars of Health on Apple Podcasts STRATEGY CALL If you would like help getting clear how to use your podcast to drive your business, join my next workshop. You can get details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop. Each month, I help a group of coaches get clear how to fill their pipeline with potential clients. We cover the exact steps to covert your listeners into clients. You can't keep wasting a bunch of time and energy on a podcast that isn't doing anything to grow your business. It's time to take action, and do something different. Get the details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop. THE IMPORTANCE OF TIME There are two truths about time. There are only

  • Answering Podcast Questions – PTC 417

    03/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    We recently got together to answer your podcasting questions. On this episode, I share those answers to help you on your podcasting journey. If you have questions regarding your podcast, you have two options to get those questions answers. You can get your questions answered on the Podcast Talent Coach Facebook page. Just go to www.Facebook.com/PodcastTalentCoach and post your questions there. If you would like a little more indepth answer and conversation, take advantage of my podcast strategy call. It is a free call where you and I get your questions answered and build your strategy for success. You can apply for that call at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. THE QUESTIONS Here is a look at the questions we answer today. GET LISTENERS Chris: Q: I've been podcasting for over a year now and I’m curious. What’s the one thing you started doing that made you start to get listeners. A: Get on other stages and get people on your email list. Attending Collaborate is a powerful way to find partners and stages. Get d

  • Behind the Scenes of a Podcast Review – PTC 416

    26/11/2022 Duración: 56min

    Doing a podcast review of your show is the best way for you to improve. Whether you review your own show or have someone else review it for you, nothing helps you get better than honestly assessing our progress in real time. Here are the links discussed in this episode: Oscar's Website: https://www.oscartrimboli.com Oscar's Books: Deep Listening: Impact beyond words How To Listen: Discover the hidden key to better communication Oscar's Podcast Episode: https://www.oscartrimboli.com/podcast/106/ Show Review Worksheet: www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/reviewworksheet Free podcast strategy session with Erik: PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply WHY WE REVIEW Reviewing your content on a regular basis is critical to your improvement. Learning how to critique yourself will help you sound more prepared, more organized and more like a true, professional broadcaster. When I was beginning my broadcasting career, I feared people would see me as someone simply trying to play the part of a professional. I didn't have any idea what I wa

  • Helping Richard Chelson Find His Confidence – PTC 415

    19/11/2022 Duración: 57min

    Last week on Episode 414 we talked about finding belief in yourself. On this episode, I want to bring you a discussion I had with Richard Chelson about finding confidence in yourself and what you do. WHERE DO YOU FIND CONFIDENCE? Where do you find the confidence to put it out there for the world to see? That is the journey I'm on. As I shared with you last week, my coach has challenged me to earn $100k in 100 days. A big, hairy, audacious goal like that is a little scary. But, exciting at the same time when you back it with confidence. Like we talked about last week, Wayne Gretzky said, "having a belief in yourself is ¾ of the battle." Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men's souls. If you want to be great at something, be willing to be bad at it. If you missed that episode, give it a listen RIGHT HERE. THEY ARE JUDGING When you put yourself out there, people have the opportunity to judge you. With the trolls on social media, that is even more likely in today's world. That makes confidence even m

  • Belief in Yourself – PTC 414

    13/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    Finding belief in yourself is the most important and critical step when accomplishing anything. My coach recently challenged me to generate $100k in 100 days. Yeah, I got that feeling in my stomach. Who am I to generate that kind of money that fast? That's when I realized I am fighting against that same voice I help others defeat. It is funny how things appear in your path when you need them most. Three things came into my world this week that told me this is possible. Three is a magic number. These three things really got me inspired to take action. WAYNE First, I recently got a membership to MasterClass. It's the online platform where celebrities and experts teach from their zone of genius. Well, you know I'm a big hockey fan. The first MasterClass I had to watch was taught by Wayne Gretzky, arguably the greatest hockey player ever to play the game. It was amazing. He had so many great business and personal growth nuggets in that presentation. There was one that jumped out at me and grabbed me by the collar

  • Tashaya Singleton and Repurposing Content – PTC 413

    05/11/2022 Duración: 42min

    Are you using your podcast content in the most efficient and effective way? TAYLOR SWIFT An artist like Taylor Swift will monetize her music in multiple ways. She creates her content by writing and recording the song. That's just the start. Taylor's record label then sends the song to radio stations to get played. This creates more attention and demand for the song. She just released her new album "Midnight". Weeks before the album was released, she was teasing it across her social media platforms. Taylor even did a bit on Thursday night NFL football to promote the album, which got her on television. The album was released at Midnight to great fanfare. At 3am, Taylor released a special edition of the album with additional tracks as a surprise for her fans. The content then gets repurposed across many other platforms. Video go on YouTube and the video channels. Taylor plays the songs live in concert to thousands of fans at every show. There is merchandise, limited edition versions, digital versions, sheet musi

  • Finding Confidence With Greg Standen – PTC 412

    30/10/2022 Duración: 48min

    As I talk to podcasters, many of them are so close to taking the next step. They simply lack the confidence to believe in themselves. EXCUSES They tell me things like... "I'm 30 days away from launching." "It looks like I am about 90 days from going live with my podcast." "I'm still conducting interviews preparing for my course launch this summer." What is holding you back? I know what you feel. I was in your shoes when launching my podcast. Planning. Learning. Researching. Trying to get it just right. Don't let perfection keep you from launching. Find your confidence. We often let procrastination creep into our lives disguised as "planning" and "researching". We tell ourselves we will launch right after we complete a few more steps on our "to do" list. Here is the problem: The "to do" list keeps growing preventing us from launching. When I was launching, I started with a blog. The blog grew slowly. I finally came to the realization that podcasters would rather listen to podcasts than read. That is when my po

  • Helping Ruth Snyder Find Time – Episode 411

    22/10/2022 Duración: 51min

    Imagine what your business could look like if you spent less time editing and publishing and more time getting and serving clients. How could your business grow if you could invest your editing time into building your business and generating revenue? Let me show you how. CONVERTING CLIENTS Your production doesn't create clients. It's your content that converts listeners to clients. Spend your time on business drivers. Let me show you how. MYTH #1 – MICROPHONE Most gurus teach you about microphones. Nobody says, "That is such a great podcast – I love her microphone. You should listen." Nobody is sharing that podcast. Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the biggest influencers in the online space. Gary often records his podcast in the back of an Uber in between appointments. People come to your show because of you and your content. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about the tech. Spend your time properly preparing with a purpose and attracting clients. MYTH #2 – UMS Most experts want you to remove all the silence gaps

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