Powers Hour



This podcast, hosted by Laura Powers, is designed to give you resources and tools to help you make big changes in your life. Hear from experts in the fields of leadership, empowerment and business and other topics aimed to empower you to shift. For more information on the podcast, events, articles, and Laura, go to www.powershour.biz.


  • How to Become a Media Celebrity with Josh Elledge

    09/01/2017 Duración: 40min

    Josh Elledge is the Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.com®, and is one of the nation’s leading experts on consumer savings. Josh is a weekly syndicated newspaper columnist – reaching more than 1.1 million readers. He also regularly appears on more than 75 TV stations across the country – having appeared on TV or radio more than 1500 times. upendPR provides step-by-step video coaching, live training, direct access to over 1 million media contacts, media monitoring for ongoing story-ideas, agency-level journalist inquiry monitoring, ongoing pitch creation, and impactful consulting for entrepreneurs and startups seeking to exponentially increase sales & traffic. Josh lives in Orlando, FL and is a US Navy veteran, a dad of 3 awesome kids, and is a self-proclaimed fitness geek. Josh will be revealing all his best step-by-step strategies to become a media celebrity in this Podcast and for additional information, you can connect with Josh via his website: http://upendpr.com/ or on Twitter @JoshEl

  • The Importance of Design with Dan Nelson

    03/12/2016 Duración: 27min

    With over 15 years in technology, former developer, business analyst, and then project manager, Dan is now involved in helping startups and middle market companies solve complex technical problems by applying DXY Solutions' design first strategies to break apart business needs and putting them back together again in a usable manner. In this podcast we concentrate on how a solution will interact with then key users even before the development process begins. You can connect with Dan via his website: https://www.dxydoes.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DXYdoes/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theonedannelson and Twitter: https://twitter.com/theonedannelson For more information on Laura and her work you can go to her website www.powershour.biz and you can find Laura on twitter @thatlaurapowers.

  • Mobile Technology with SC Moatti

    12/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    SC Moatti is a technology visionary, venture capital investor, and bestselling author of mobilized, an insider’s guide to the business and future of connected technology. While serving as an executive at mobile pioneers like Facebook, Trulia and Nokia, SC launched and monetized mobile products that are now used by billions of people and have received prestigious awards, including an Emmy nomination. Today, SC is the managing director of The Angels' Forum, an early-stage hybrid venture fund, and the founder of Products That Count, a community of 12,000+ product managers and innovators that produces a popular speaker series on product design. She also serves on boards of both public and private companies, including mobile technology giant Opera Software (OPERA:Oslo). SC frequently gives keynote on the business of innovation and is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review. She lectures at Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she earned her MBA and has a Master of Science in electrical engineer

  • Indiegogo with Kate Drane

    06/10/2016 Duración: 28min

    Kate Drane is Indiegogo’s Senior Director of Outreach for Tech and Hardware. Her favorite thing to do is democratize access to resources, and considers herself as a VC of the people. Since starting at Indiegogo in July 2012, she's empowered more than 500 entrepreneurs to collectively raise over $80M on the Indiegogo platform, including Canary, Misfit, and Skulpt. For more information on Indiegogo go to www.indiegogo.com or connect with Kata on Twitter @katedrane. We met at the Industry conference in Cleveland http://indsum.com/. For more information on Laura and her work you can go to her website www.powershour.biz and you can find Laura on twitter @thatlaurapowers. Laura also is now taking pre-orders for her new book Supernatural Survival Guide! You can get order the book and get great perks at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/supernatural-survival-guide-book/x/2967887#/.

  • Building Relationships with Jason Treu

    22/09/2016 Duración: 31min

    Jason Treu is a top business and executive coach and author of the book Social Wealth: How to Build Extraordinary Relationships by Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Lead and Network. He's a leading expert on human behavior, influence, sales, networking and leadership. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true "wealth." Everything we accomplish in life is with or through other people. We discussed how to build quality relationships. For more information on Jason, you can go to his website www.BeExtraordinary.tv For more information on Laura and her work you can go to her website www.powershour.biz and you can find Laura on twitter @thatlaurapowers.

  • Reality TV with Troy Devolld

    05/09/2016 Duración: 26min

    In this interview, Laura talks with Troy Devolld, author of Reality TV: An Insider’s Guide to TV’s Hottest Market. Troy DeVolld is widely regarded as a leading authority on the reality television storytelling process, and regularly speaks to students and media groups from Los Angeles to London to Tel Aviv about what it takes to create engaging content. We discussed reality tv, and what to do and what not to do if you are interested in reality television. For more information on Troy, you can go to his website realitytvbook.com. For more information on Laura and her work you can go to her website www.powershour.biz and you can find Laura on twitter @thatlaurapowers.

  • Get on TV and Heartfelt Marketing with Jacquie Jordan

    13/08/2016 Duración: 32min

    In this interview, Laura talks with Jacquie Jordan, an Emmy nominated producer and NY Times Best-Selling Publisher of the book Heartfelt Marketing: Allowing the Universe to be Your Business Parter & Get on TV and TV Guestpert. Jacquie talked about media responds not to the person but to the story. Some suggestions for people who are interested in getting booked on TV is to start local to get your chops wet. The industry likes to work with people who are teachable. Do you have enough to say and do you respond well to direction? It’s important to have a storytelling bio (not academic). To get onto a bit show you need tape and metrics, they will probably not book you if you haven’t done smaller shows first. Reach out to a local TV Station with a bio, a pitch, and a story. She also discussed that when you are dealing with gatekeepers, handle with certainty and know what you have to offer. If you get a no, try again the next day. You might get someone different when you call back. She also suggests looking at

  • Podcasting with Andrew Allemann

    31/07/2016 Duración: 23min

    In this interview, Laura talks with Andrew Allemann, founder of Podcastguests.com. Andrew’s background is in domain names and he got a podcasting when he started a podcast on domain names. Then he started Podcastguests.com as an easy way for podcast hosts to start with podcast guests. As of the interview, the service has 1,000 subscribers. Currently the service sends out an email once a week featuring six different podcasts and you can submit yourself as a guest and also sign up for the service to be featured if you are a podcast host. If you are interested in hosting a podcast, Laura highly recommends it as a great professional development opportunity and to meet and connect with amazing people. We also talked over the basics of what is required to set-up a podcast. Laura also talked about the importance of just starting and not having to do everything perfectly or at a professional level. You can begin and grow as you learn. If you want to get booked as an expert you can sign-up for email alerts from Andrew

  • Kevin Knebl and Speaking Engagement

    22/06/2016 Duración: 38min

    Kevin is an International Speaker and Author of the Social Media Sales Revolution. He started out a s a piano player and singer who married a woman he had originally been hired to play for at her wedding. He married her, and then got into sales. Kevin figured out pretty quickly that building relationships was key. He is currently 99 percent by invitation and referral for his gigs. He got into sales and became the top sales person at several companies. In 2007/08 started speaking on networking and list-building. In the beginning, Kevin gave talks at local service organizations then asked the participants if they saw value in it to let him know. In the beginning Kevin used a simple form that asked: First name, last name, phone, email, what did you like, and what would you change? The form also asked would you be interested in future presentations yes or no? Then if they said yes, follow up. Giving talks and business in general in a conversation and relationship business. H discussed the importance of understand

  • Startup Seed Funding with Mike Belsito

    14/06/2016 Duración: 35min

    Laura Powers talks with Mike Belsito, author of Startup Seed Funding for the Rest of Us: How to Raise $1 Million for Your Startup – Even Outside of Silicon Valley. Mike also started the company efuneral and then sold it. Mike has been involved in startups for 11 years from being the first employee to starting his own startup then being a part of other startups as an executive. They raised a $1 million and ran the company for three years before selling the company. First question to ask yourself is do you need investors or should you just bootstrap it? Is this a business designed to raise capital? Do you need to? The goal then is to prove out if it’s worthwhile. Also think in the eyes of the investor - is this a company that is an investable co? If you do want to get investors, it is important to build something to show investors and investors do not invest anymore solely on ideas. Either build a prototype or a video prototype. When thinking about investors, think about your dream team? What are the skills se

  • Kimberly Seltzer on Narcissists in Business and Life

    31/05/2016 Duración: 37min

    Laura Powers talks with Kimberly Seltzer how to deal with narcissists in business and in life. Kimberly is a Makeover & Confidence Expert, Therapist and Dating Coach based in Los Angeles who is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. In this podcast, we discuss how to recognize a narcissist and how to deal with them in your life both personally and professionally. This podcast was brought to you by the Top Entrepreneurs Podcast by Nathan Latka. You can learn more about Laura, her coaching, and business and empowerment resources at www.powershour.biz.

  • Danielle Robbins and Ladies that Lead

    20/05/2016 Duración: 20min

    Laura Powers talks with host of Ladies that Lead, Danielle Robbins. She helps people break through six figures and beyond. You can learn more about Danielle Robbins at ladiesthatlead.info or daniellerobbins.co. This podcast was brought to you by Qik Procedure: Save Time, Save Money with QikProcedure. You can learn more about Laura and coaching resources at www.powershour.biz.

  • Christy Whitman and the Art of Having It All

    08/05/2016 Duración: 28min

    Laura Powers talks with NY Times best-selling author and speaker Christy Whitman. She is the author the book The Art of Having It All. We talked about why we don’t need to choose, as well as how to prioritize and the importance of saying no. You can learn more about Christy Whitman at www.ChristyWhitman.com and learn more about her book The Art of Having It All at www.TheArtofHavingItAll.com. For more information about Laura Powers, Powers Hour Podcast, services, and more go to www.powershour.biz. This podcast was sponsored by the Top Entrepreneur’s Podcast by Nathan Latka.

  • Jessica Nazarali and International Business

    30/04/2016 Duración: 47min

    In this interview, Laura Powers talks with Business and Success Coach Jessica Nazarali about running your business internationally. We also discussed tips on hiring and working with Virtual Assistants. A few tips we discussed are doing a trial run with both running your business while traveling and with virtual assistants. We also talked about getting clear on what you want the person to do and non-negotiables. A couple of good resources for assistants are Upwork, and People per Hour. You can learn more about Jessica at http://jessicanazarali.com/. Laura also mentioned her newest class on How to Grow Your Business Fast By Writing a Book. You can learn more about this class and register on the services page of her website www.healingpowers.net. For more information about Laura Powers, Powers Hour Podcast, services, and more go to www.powershour.biz.

  • Anna Frolik on Intuitive Business

    04/04/2016 Duración: 15min

    In this interview, Laura Powers talks with Intuitive Entrepreneur Anna Frolik about her work and gives tips on running your business intuitively. You can connect with her and other intuitive entrepreneurs on her facebook group Magicpreneurs. For more information about Laura Powers, Powers Hour Podcast, services, and more go to www.powershour.biz.

  • Stop Self Sabotage for New Busines w/ Leigh Ann Zaharevich

    27/03/2016 Duración: 18min

    In this interview, Laura talks with Leigh Ann Zaharevich from Aligned Performance about how to stop self -sabotage, particularly for new business owners. You can find out more about Laura Powers, the podcast, and services at www.powershour.biz.

  • Telesummits with Mary Baillee

    27/03/2016 Duración: 39min

    In this interview, Laura Powers interviews Mary about her work and on how to host a telesummit. We talked about technical tips as well as things to consider when hosting or organizing a telesummit. For more information on Laura Powers and her coaching, podcasts, books and more go to www.powershour.biz.

  • The Motivation Myth with Jonathan Manske

    16/03/2016 Duración: 29min

    Laura Powers interviews author and speaker Jonathan Manske about new book, the Motivation Myth. We discuss why motivation and giving compliments may not be helpful and may even be detrimental. For more information on Laura Powers' coaching, podcasts, books, and more, go to www.healingpowers.net.

  • Getting Started with Kelly Paige from My Tale Feather

    13/09/2015 Duración: 37min

    In this podcast, Laura Powers interviews entrepreneur and designer Kelly Paige on getting started and tips she's learned along the way. For more information on Laura Powers events, podcasts, coaching and more, you can go to www.powershour.biz.

  • Affiliate Marketing with Brigit Esselmont

    30/07/2015 Duración: 28min

    Laura Powers interviews Tarot Expert, Author, and Entrepreneur Brigit Esselmont on affiliate marketing. For more info. on Laura Powers' podcasts, events, articles, books, services, and more, go to, www.powershour.biz.

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