Sbs Romanian - Sbs In Limba Romana



Listen to interviews, features and community stories from the SBS Radio Romanian program, including news from Australia and around the world. - Ascultati interviuri, materiale jurnalistice si comunitare in programul romanesc la Radio SBS, inclusiv stiri din Australia si din restul lumii.


  • 2019: a year of protests - 2019: un an al protestelor

    07/01/2020 Duración: 14min

    2019 has been a year of protest, where people have taken to the streets to make their voice heard to a level not seen since the 1960s and 70s.While Hong Kong has dominated the anti-government protests, several South American countries, parts of the Middle East and many others also saw dissent.It was also a year that saw mass global climate change protests. - 2019 a fost un an al protestelor, in care populatia a iesit in strada pentru a-si face vocea auzita, la un nivel nemaivazut dupa anii '60-70.In timp ce Hong Kong a dominat protestele anti-guvernamentale, mai multe tari sud-americane, parti din Orientul Mijlociu si alte zone au fost si ele tinta nemultumirii populatiei.2019 a fost deasemenea un an in care am asistat la masive proteste pe tema schimbarilor climatice.

  • Radio culinary delights - Hangover turkey soup - Delicii culinare radiofonice - Ciorba de potroace de curcan

    24/12/2019 Duración: 06min

    Ileana Stan presents some delicious turkey dishes for the festive season. - Ileana Stan prezinta cateva bucate delicioase din curcan pentru sarbatori.

  • Cum sa obtii un carnet auto in Australia

    24/12/2019 Duración: 08min

    Condusul unei masini e una dintre abilitatile esentiale, pentru traiul in Australia. Procedurile si timpul necesare pentru obtinerea unui carnet de condus difera in fiecare stat si teritoriu australian.

  • Technology for everyone - Tehnologie pentru fiecare

    17/12/2019 Duración: 09min

    Daniel Manu with the latest technology news and information - Daniel Manu cu ultimele stiri si informatii din domeniul tehnologic

  • The outlook - retirement - Viitorul pensionarii

    17/12/2019 Duración: 09min

    It is a prospect some people relish, being able to retire from the workforce and have as much time as they want to do what they want, when they want.Perhaps it is travel ... or endless rounds of golf ... or having the freedom to spend plenty of time with family and friends.But is retirement the nirvana it seems? - Fiind in stare sa iesi la pensie si sa ai cat de mult timp doresti pentru tot ce iti doresti sa faci, e ceva la care multa lume viseaza.Poate e vorba de a calatori, sau poate de a juca nenumarate partide de golf, poate de a avea timp pentru familie si prieteni, intrebarea e insa:  e oare pensionarea paradisul pe care il cautam cu totii?

  • Evenimente comemorative la Canberra, de Ziua Nationala a Romaniei

    10/12/2019 Duración: 07min

    Excelenta Sa, Doamna Nineta Barbulescu, Ambasadorul Romaniei in Australia si Noua Zeelanda prezinta cateva dintre evenimentele comemorative de la Canberra, de Ziua Nationala a Romaniei.

  • VIVA Life on the bucket list - VIVA Viata cu o lista de dorinte

    10/12/2019 Duración: 07min

    The hit movie, “Bucket list”, inspired people around the world to pursue their passions.So what exactly is a bucket list and do you actually need one to live a meaningful life? - Ce e de fapt o asa numita ‘bucket list’ si e nevoie de asa ceva pentru a avea o viata plina si satisfacatoare?

  • Meat-free alternatives may not be as healthy as we think - Alternativele la carnea traditionala s-ar putea sa nu fie atat de sanatoase cum credem

    04/12/2019 Duración: 04min

    Eating a whole foods diet with less meat is becoming increasingly popular, with many people turning to alternative meat-free products.But a new study has found many of these products are often high in salt,  putting people at risk of high blood pressure which is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. - Multa lume incepe sa considere o dieta cu mai putina carne si cu mai multe produse alternative.Dar, dupa cum relatau Jennifer Scherer si Gloria Kalache de la SBS, un nou studiu releva ca numeroase astfel de produse contin adeseori cantitati mari de sare, ceea ce mareste riscul cresterii tensiunii arteriale, un factor major in atacurile de inima, comotii cerebrale sau boli renale.

  • Radio culinary delights - Fasting dishes - Delicii culinare radiofonice - Bucate de post

    26/11/2019 Duración: 06min

    Ileana Stan presents some of the delicious dishes for the fasting period till Christmas, but not only.    - Ileana Stan prezinta cateva retete delicioase pentru postul Craciunului, dar nu numai. 

  • The outlook for ageing - Imbatranirea in Australia

    26/11/2019 Duración: 09min

    Australians enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and are staying healthier for longer. - Australienii se bucura de una dintre cele mai inalte rate de viata din lume, si raman mai sanatosi pe masura ce inainteaza in varsta. 

  • Smoking in Australia - Fumatul in Australia

    20/11/2019 Duración: 09min

    Government and council policies over the past decade have helped bring tobacco consumption by Australians to a record low.But while various health groups and experts are urging Australia not to become complacent, others want policy-makers to proceed with caution. - Politicile guvernelor si consiliilor locale au ajutat in reducerea consumului de tutun in Australia, la un nivel record de scazut.Dar, in timp ce diverse grupuri si experti in sanatate lauda rezultatele obtinute, alti specialisti cer ca politicienii australieni sa continue cu atentie strategia curenta.

  • A hearty meal brings the household together - O masa sanatoasa aduce familia impreuna

    20/11/2019 Duración: 05min

    A national survey shows four in five Australians believe a hearty meal brings the household together - yet more than half are too stressed at work to cook the evening meal. A study commissioned by Australian Lamb has found about two thirds of respondents felt guilty about using food delivery apps. - Un recent sondaj national de opinie arata ca desi patru din cinci australieni considera ca o masa gustoasa si mai ales, sanatoasa, apropie membri familiei, peste jumatate dintre respondenti afirma ca sunt mult prea stresati la lucru, pentru a mai gati masa de seara, cand se intorc acasa. Studiul, comandat de compania ‘Australian Lamb’ arata deasemneea ca doua treimi dintre respondenti s-au simtit vinovati de comandarea mancarii prin intermediul unor aplicatii pe Internet sau pe telefonul mobil

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