Abundant Intuitive Podcast



Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think. Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom. Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good.


  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/15/2019

    16/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    The major timeline split I've been talking about for weeks? Here it comes on 9/19 and the energy of this timeline split is accelerating and intensifying! Can you feel it? Time to make some concrete decisions, dear friends! More info in this week's podcast. We are staring the Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension book and program this week. Enroll here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/consciousnessmechanics

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/8/2019

    09/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    In this week's energy check-in, I'm talking about: ~ how you are in service to humanity when you work on yourself ~ the 3D/5D timeline split is closing on 9/19. What kind of decisions are you making to ensure your consciousness ascent? ~ you are a grid-setter! Carry this truth in your heart and use this power wisely! kathrynmussell.com

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/25/2019

    28/08/2019 Duración: 14min

    The masses are waking up! But what are we waking up to? And how willing are we to change? Find out more about me here: http://www.kathrynmussell.com

  • Loneliness as an Ascension Symptom?

    25/08/2019 Duración: 15min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me here: http://www.kathrynmussell.com Loneliness as an Ascension Symptom? This major timeline split between 3D and 5D happening right now and through 9/19 can be pretty fierce for some of us. As we are making decisions that are either keeping our old timelines of limitation alive in 3D reality, or propelling us forward into realizing new potentials for being in 5D, there is one thing that's surely happening for both camps of people. There's lots of processing and integrating happening for everybody. We tend to overthink during times like this. It can feel like our thoughts are overtaking our ability to just be present and be available for ourselves or others. We can feel like there's nobody we can really share our true thoughts with because other

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/18/2019

    18/08/2019 Duración: 22min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/18/19. Hello! Welcome to my channel! I am an Elevated Consciousness Coach, Conscious Creatrix and 5D Visionary. Learn more about my services and programs here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Change is a constant but where are you still clinging to the past? Centering. Boundaries. Avoiding depletion of inner resources.

  • Weekly Energy Check In for 8/11/2019

    12/08/2019 Duración: 44min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/11/2019. Major Timeline split. (Watch my Timeline Shift video here: https://youtu.be/YurRt81D-TY) Detailed explanation on how to use Consciousness Mechanics to choose a Higher Timeline before this massive shift coming between now and 9/19/2019. What if you could learn the new Consciousness Mechanics that would allow you to practically apply the rules of engagement and constructs of 5D consciousness in your life NOW? What if you said YES! to shedding everything that you ARE NOT and started becoming the highest ideal version of you now? How would it feel to remove the overlay of the ego filter of self that makes you feel as if you have to "reconnect" with your higher self and highest ideal of you? You ARE ALWAYS connected to your Higher Aspect. You don't need to Go BACK there. You simply ALIGN your vibration there. What if you lived everyday in conscious alignment with THAT WHICH YOU ARE-- your Omega Point of Consciousness-- so you could think, feel and act from the highest level p

  • Lion's Gate Portal Abundance Ritual Meditation

    08/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    Hello dear friends! Happy Lion's Gate Portal! This energetic portal is bringing us amazing gifts of transformation that include newly opened channels of abundance and creativity, renewed sense of purpose and a concretization of new beliefs that are aligned with our TRUE divine identity and destiny. In this guided meditation, excerpted from Alana Fairchild's Isis Oracle, you are introduced to the Egyptian Goddess and Star Mother, Sothis. She is associated with the dog star Sirius (our great galactic and spiritual Sun), fertility and the flood that brings a ripe harvest, celestial abundance and the blessings of a rising tide of cosmic bounty that started with the galactic New Year on 7/26/2019. Please enjoy and many blessings to you and to everyone!

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/4/2019

    04/08/2019 Duración: 23min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/4/2019. Stabilizing energies help us to see our new landscape of being. Fertile time for creativity. Time for patience and understanding with others. Get the low-down in this week's energy check-in. Learn more about my live 10 week group program beginning 9/5/2019 at 11 am PT. I will share with you how to upgrade your inner technology through the new Consciousness Mechanics. You know it's time to stop looking for something outside of you to create happiness and fulfillment in your life. This next-level breakthrough program is for you if you are brave enough to step into a whole new way of being that will allow you to bring about rapid-fire transformation and you are willing to go on the adventure of tearing the old "program" of you down and building a new personal reality, just the way you want it. Learn more HERE

  • Avoidance, Passivity as Self Abandonment and what it means for Ascension

    02/08/2019 Duración: 35min

    Avoidance, Passivity as Self-Abandonment and what it means for Ascension. AND... August energies are bringing a special gift of stabilization! My next live group program begins 9/5/2019. Learn more HERE.

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 7/28/2019

    28/07/2019 Duración: 24min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 7/28/2019. Find out in this episode what is happening with: ~ Lions’s Gate Portal opening. ~ Collective karmic clearing. ~ Massive downloads of light hitting the planet and we’re already feeling it, especially those of us who are highly empathic. kathrynmussell.com

  • Humans create time in 3D reality through emotional and thought fields.

    26/07/2019 Duración: 49min

    Humans create time in 3D reality through emotional and thought fields. Linear time is actually a closed loop, not a continuous line. In 3D consciousness we "trap" time through our emotional experiences and thus mark it as past, present and future. Time in 3D reality is merely the conveyance of our emotional identity being validated for us over and over again. When you pierce the illusion of time, you shatter the illusion of Self. This is painful. That’s why we resist dismantling this illusion. How do we begin to dismantle this without going into a complete personality crisis? Find out in today's podcast episode. kathrynmussell.com

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 7/21/2019

    21/07/2019 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to Neptune Retrograde! Neptune is the planet of dreams, spirituality, and personal possibilities. When it goes retrograde for the next 4+ months, we can experience: ~ Emotional wake-up calls. ~ Seeing yourself mirrored in others. ~ Stripping away self-delusion. ~ Increased intuition and sense of knowing with strong feedback in the physical body. What will these energies feel like in the body and what can we do to receive the optimal experiences to drive our human journey forward?

  • Staying in your Light when the World Seems Dark.

    18/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    What do you do when you want to get swept up in the outrage of what's happening in the world? How to stay in your light and hold the frequency that will keep replenishing and expanding your light so you can do the work you're here to do to move humanity forward. KathrynMussell.com

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for Week of 7/14/2019

    14/07/2019 Duración: 23min

    It's Retrograde season!! Lots of clearing and releasing going on. In this week's Energy Check-in I'm talking about... ~ Self-abandonment is the only kind of abandonment that matters. ~ Your hidden beliefs. ~ Self-fulfilling prophecies.

  • The undeniable part of our existence that nobody wants to talk about.

    13/07/2019 Duración: 16min

    The undeniable part of our human existence that nobody wants to talk about. Death is a part of life. But it is also an invitation to celebrate every single day while you're here. “We’re here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” ~ Charles Bukowski https://www.kathrynmussell.com/

  • Re-thinking Mercury Retrograde. Attitude-adjusting tips.

    13/07/2019 Duración: 13min

    How do you get on with the energy of Mercury Retrograde? You don't have to hide under the covers until it's over. Tips to manage your energy during this powerful and potent gateway. https://www.kathrynmussell.com/

  • What kind of impact are you here to make?

    30/06/2019 Duración: 36min

    What kind of impact are you here to make and how can you start to figure that out? Here is the link to the video mentioned: Journey to the Alternate Self 3 questions to ask of your Alternate Self. ~ What do you need to believe about yourself to feel empowered enough to step into your higher purpose/ calling? ~ What are your natural gifts and talents that are unique to you? ~ Do you think like a thought leader, way-shower or impact-maker or do you just have fleeting moments of fantasy about stepping into your highest expression of you?

  • Mary Magdalene Divine Feminine Healing and Empowerment

    29/06/2019 Duración: 31min

    **Recorded in my mastermind group, Heal, Awaken, Ascend on 4/29/18. An oldie but a goodie and she's calling to me to share this again. Is she calling to you? Mary Magdalene is also known as "she of a thousand angels." She is one of many aspects of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, Source, the Womb of Creation, the Breath of Life in All That Is. She helps you to renew your commitment to shine the greatest light in the darkest places of ~ your soul/ shadow ~ the collective consciousness. Any wounds that need healing at this time will be touched by the grace of her being in this guided meditation. Your heart will expand with pure love and light. You will then be better able to claim your sovereign empowerment by this profound integration of disowned, disinherited or lost parts of self returning to wholeness. Blessings and peace to you all!

  • Welcome to the Energy of July 2019!

    29/06/2019 Duración: 22min

    Welcome to the energy of July!! Some tips and strategies for eclipse season, and multi-planetary retrogrades. You’re going to think the Universe is testing you. It’s not...

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for Week of 6/23/2019

    24/06/2019 Duración: 16min

    Deja vu and time loops! How do you close these loops and secure new life affirming experiences? Listen to this week's energy check-in and I'll tell you! KathrynMussell.com

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