Sermons | Dover Assembly Of God



Connecting to God. Building People. Offering Hope.


  • Stuck In Babylon


    Feeling stuck? Prayer should be our first response, while standing our ground. Remember that the enemy and attacks are real, but God is greater. We should also help one another, not just fellow Christians, remembering the Great Commission where Jesus commanded us to go and do, not sit and wait.

  • A Second Chance | Jonah – Week 4


    When Jonah woke up inside the fish and realized that God had spared his life, giving him a second chance, he prayed for God’s help, accepted God’s discipline, and trusted God’s promises, accepting His hand of redemption.

  • Thrown Overboard | Jonah – Week 3


    Jonah decided he would rather die than repent and do what God called him to do, so when the storm continued to worsen, he had the sailors throw him overboard, which calmed the storm. God wasn’t done with Jonah though, as He provided a great fish to swallow Jonah so he wouldn’t die.

  • Jonah’s Loss | Jonah – Week 2


    We are called to be a blessing to those around us, but when we don’t fulfill God’s calling, we cease to be a blessing and others will invariably suffer. When Jonah chose not to be a blessing by running, he lost the ability to hear God, his spiritual energy, power in prayer, and ultimately his […]

  • The Wrong Attitude | Jonah – Week 1


    When God called Jonah to Nineveh, he had the wrong attitude about God’s word, his circumstances, and unsaved people that caused him to think the task would be impossible, so he chose to run from it.

  • Jesus Is Coming Soon | Revelation – Week 37


    As Revelation concludes, Jesus reminds us that He is coming soon to bring about all of the events described throughout the book of Revelation. Are you ready for His return? Sermon Notes:

  • Our Heavenly Home | Revelation – Week 36


    In Revelation 21, John sees a vision of the new Jerusalem, where believers will live with God in heaven. All sorrows, pain, and evil will be gone forever. The city is 1400 miles in each direction, made of pure gold, but as clear as glass. Do you have your name written in the book of […]

  • Satan’s Defeat & Judgment | Revelation – Week 35


    In Revelation 20, Satan is bound for 1000 years before being thrown into the lake of fire. The dead are also judged according to their deeds, and anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was also thrown into the lake of fire. Sermon Notes:

  • We Are Winning! | Revelation – Week 34


    In Revelation 19, all of heaven sings songs of victory and rejoices because God has judged his enemies and He is reigning! The war is over, Christ wins and now the enemy and his followers are getting ready for judgment. Sermon Notes:

  • The Fall of Babylon | Revelation – Week 33


    In Revelation 18, the rebellious world system of Babylon is fallen, and will ultimately be destroyed. The banks have closed and all money is now tied up in supplies that can’t be purchased. All of the physical items that were so important to them have become worthless. Sermon Notes:

  • New Life for Girls


    This week, New Life For Girls joined us to minister in testimony and song to demonstrate how God can change lives! Learn more about New Life for Girls: Website: Facebook:

  • The God Who Sees Me


    Ever feel like Gods forgotten about you? There are times when we need to be reminded that He is the God who sees us 24/7.

  • Judgment of the Harlot | Revelation – Week 32


    In Revelation 17, we see the judgment and destruction of the religious Babylon, otherwise known as the harlot. She who enjoyed the destruction of believers will herself be judged and destroyed. Sermon Notes:

  • Who Is The Harlot? | Revelation – Week 31


    In the Bible, false religions are portrayed as harlots or prostitutes, becoming the personification of who and what they worship. They may look good on the outside, but are full of moral and religious corruption. They exist even today, so it’s important for us to know God’s word so we aren’t deceived by them. Sermon […]

  • Victory


    Jesus gives us victory over our struggle with sin as we study His word and let the Holy Spirit guide our lives.

  • Saved But Struggling


    If you’re the average Christian, you’re probably wondering why you’re still struggling in your faith. Here’s some help!

  • We Have Been Set Free


    As we celebrate Independence Day, we focus on the freedom we have in this country, but if we believe in Jesus, we also have freedom from sin, freedom from judgment, freedom from God’s condemnation and freedom from our own condemnation. Have you been set free?

  • Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath | Revelation – Week 30


    In Revelation 16, seven angels pour out seven bowls of God’s wrath on those who have rejected God and taken the mark of the beast. They find themselves covered with sores and scorched by the sun as they’re forced to drink from rivers and springs that have been turned to blood. In verse 15, we […]

  • Seven Angels With Seven Plagues | Revelation – Week 29


    In Revelation 15, John sees a vision of 7 angels with 7 last plagues that bring completion to God’s wrath. He also sees those who were victorious over the beast worshiping the Lamb, singing the song of Moses. God’s long suffering has ended and it’s time for judgment to come on those who have refused […]

  • Youth & Young Adult Pastor Installation


    After years of waiting on the Lord, we have a youth pastor! This week, we installed Rev. Savy & Jasmine Lopez as our new youth and young adult pastors.

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