Sermons | Dover Assembly Of God



Connecting to God. Building People. Offering Hope.


  • The Power of the Resurrection


    Everything in the Bible points to or is about Jesus, whose resurrection put God’s final stamp of approval on all of His teaching and testimony. Nicodemus realized this when he sought Jesus out. Have you sought Jesus out and allowed Him to change you?

  • The King Has Come


    After Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem showing his kingship, he took a minute to reflect and wept over the city for those who rejected him. He still cries over anyone who doesn’t accept the offer of salvation that his death and resurrection paid for. Will you accept his gift and let it transform […]

  • The Power of Faith | Mark – Week 10


    In Mark 5, the power of faith is demonstrated as Jesus performed miracles in response to the faith of two individuals who were facing impossible situations. A woman who had been bleeding for years had faith that just touching Jesus would heal her, and a synagogue leader whose daughter died was told to have faith […]

  • Jesus’ Authority Over Demons | Mark – Week 9


    When a demon-possessed man came to Jesus, He used His authority over demons to drive them out of the man and into a herd of pigs.

  • Are You Ready for the Test? | Mark – Week 8


    As Jesus and his disciples were crossing the sea, a storm came up to test their faith. The storm allowed them to see who God really is and put His promises to the test. Are we ready for the storms in life that will test our faith?

  • How’s Your Heart? | Mark – Week 7


    When Jesus taught the parable of the sower, He used the illustration of where the sower’s seed fell to describe the responses of different kinds of hearts when they receive the word of God. How’s your heart?

  • What Brings You to Jesus? | Mark – Week 6


    When news of Jesus’ miracles spread, crowds of people came to Him, looking for their own miracles, and not so much interested in Jesus’ message. Are we coming to Jesus for His free gift of salvation, or like the crowds, do we want something from Him?

  • Breaking Man-Made Traditions | Mark – Week 5


    Jesus broke many of the man-made traditions of the Pharisees that kept people from God.

  • Jesus’ Power & Authority to Forgive Sin | Mark – Week 4


    When four men brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus, Jesus used His authority to forgive the paralytic’s sin, then showed His power by healing him.

  • The Servant’s Sympathy | Mark – Week 3


    When Jesus encountered those who were sick, He had compassion and sympathy for them. He served them by healing their sickness.

  • The Servant’s Authority | Mark – Week 2


    Because Jesus taught with authority, He was able to call men from their regular jobs to follow Him and be His disciples. Jesus also had authority over demons, and used it to drive them out to serve people.

  • Jesus’ Baptism & Temptation


    If we want to be like Jesus, we first have to learn to be obedient, meaning listening to His voice and doing what He says. Then, once we’re blessed for our obedience, we need to keep our guard up so the enemy doesn’t steal that blessing.

  • Accomplishing Our Vision


    Our church exists to connect people to God, build them up, and offer them the hope that can only be found through Jesus. We accomplish that vision using a 5-step process developed by our leadership team: CONNECT · GROW · SERVE · GO · WORSHIP

  • Vision


    Our church exists to connect people to God, build them up, and offer them the hope that can only be found through Jesus. We can accomplish that vision by being consistent in prayer, trusting God to use our church to accomplish the vision He has given to us.

  • The Call of Christmas – Mary


    When God sent Jesus to earth, He used ordinary people to bring about His plan to bring us a savior. Mary was a wiling servant who trusted God to do something impossible through her.

  • The Call of Christmas – Joseph


    When God sent Jesus to earth, He used ordinary people to bring about His plan to bring us a savior. Jospeh was one of them, a righteous and merciful man who God used to be the earthly father of Jesus.

  • We Are Up!


    It’s our turn! We are up to know God, to remember what He’s done in our lives, to posture ourselves before Him, spending time in His presence, and to go into the world to bring light into the darkness. Are you willing to go?

  • Are You Thankful?


    When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one returned to show his gratitude. Are we like that one leper, thankful for God’s blessings, or do we take them for granted like the other nine?

  • Angered by God’s Mercy


    After Nineveh’s great repentance, Jonah was angry that God had compassion on the people and didn’t wipe them out. When Jonah left town to sulk, God used a leafy plant and a worm to teach Jonah about His concern for the people of Nineveh. We don’t know Jonah’s response to that lesson, but should God […]

  • Time to Repent | Jonah – Week 5


    After Jonah’s repentance, he was quick to obey God and go to Nineveh when God called him there a second time. When the people of Nineveh heard the message of God’s coming judgment, they quickly repented, believing that His compassion would spare them from it. God’s primary desire is not to bring judgment, but to […]

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