Peter Esho Podcast



Podcast by Esho Media


  • Stocks, real estate and crypto outlook for 2024

    16/06/2023 Duración: 09min

    I recently shared my market insights on stocks, real estate, and crypto during an interview with Malaysian business radio station BFM. US stocks have surged into bull market territory, yet the fog of uncertainty still hangs heavy, surrounding the Federal Reserve's rate hikes and the elusive path of inflation. We eagerly await distinct signals of a peak and a downward trend in inflation before drawing any firm conclusions. Although jobless claims have recently risen and the labour market shows signs of cooling, I remain unconvinced that these indicators alone signify a turnaround in inflation. We need to witness a sustained decrease in inflation over a period of three to six months before central banks might consider altering their stance. Full show notes here:

  • Hard landing & outlook for property prices 2024

    08/06/2023 Duración: 30min

    I sat down with my business partner, friend and Managing Director of Wealthi Dom Nesci last week to discuss the current global investment outlook and how we see the residential property market outlook in 2024. We discussed a range of topics including the current interest rate cycle, property insights from our network of contacts, US debt and the trends that could translate next year. You can follow Dom at and across social media platforms. If you haven't purchased his book, I recommend you give it a read. It's a great guide for those looking to build a real estate investment portfolio. You can purchase directly from his website. More in depth notes around the topics I'm looking at and outlook at

  • Mental fitness and the power of positive leadership

    01/06/2023 Duración: 29min

    I recently caught up with my coach Snezana Djuric to discuss mental fitness and leadership development. This is a new conversation topic around leadership, business and the importance of getting in the right frame of mind in order to execute successful in your business, career and investing goals. While a little different to my usual content around markets and investing, I wanted to bring this important topic into the fold as I’ve personally and professional gained a lot from coaching over the last year. We’ve implemented executive coaching successfully at Wealthi and in this episode, Snezana and I explore how coaching is evolving to become more mainstream. According to Betterup research, around 55% of the US surveyed workforce is in a state of languishing. They’re not ill. They’re not well. But they’re also not flourishing. And in this state of languishing, they are both less able to perform and build relationships in their professional and personal lives and more vulnerable to sliding into serious mental

  • Ending 2022 on a good note

    12/12/2022 Duración: 06min

    There’s a lot of good news for investors, if you manage to look clearly. We’ve come out of the pandemic in a heightened state of fear. Many of us are constantly looking over our shoulder for the next bad news story to emerge. This is understandable and totally normal, the pandemic was a life changing period for many of us. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle I’ve written about when and how to panic as an investor previously (If you must panic, panic early) There’s an art to it. Most are only now starting to worry about inflation, when the time to panic was when rates were at zero and inflation was non-existent. While it’s good to be paranoid as an investor, and always look out for fear, the problem with this approach is you can miss the good news right in front of you. There’s a lot of good news going into 2023 — the jobs market across developed economies is extremely strong, central banks are on the ball when it comes to inflation and China is starting to open up

  • China's economy to bounce back stronger than ever

    25/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    A normalisation of Chinese relations, coupled with a weaker US dollar and higher commodity prices, is one of the most compelling investment themes to drive Australia (and to a lesser extent New Zealand) economies over the next decade. That could be the cushion to provide a soft landing from rising rates. Australia might not be winning at the football world cup, but it is competing and we always punch above our weight. Never ride us off. Read more at

  • What if the global economy is much stronger than we think?

    18/11/2022 Duración: 11min

    One of the most important things to do as a macro investor, looking top down to determine investment themes, is to listen to the data very closely. Data changes from week to week, month to month. Markets are constantly pricing expectations, often wrong and having to recorrect. More notes at

  • We're in the eye of the crypto storm, what comes next?

    10/11/2022 Duración: 10min

    The crypto collapse we’ve seen this year has the potential to cause a contagion event. It’s a really poor asset class to have exposure in and just as we didn’t think 2008 could get as bad as 2001, the lesson is that it could actually get worse. Read my full notes at

  • Opportunities to watch when the US dollar softens

    04/11/2022 Duración: 10min

    The rising US dollar is causing big problems, but like all things, there are big opportunities on the horizon. We look through the valley and highlight some macro investment themes for 2023. Show notes at

  • Radio Interview: When Will the Fed Pivot?

    27/10/2022 Duración: 08min

    I caught up with the team at BFM Business Radio today in Malaysia to chat about the inevitable Fed pivot. We discussed the macro investment outlook and how Facebook, Apple and Amazon's earnings slump could give us a preview into where interest rates go in 2023. More notes at

  • Tiktok Live: Will the Property Market Fall by 25%?

    23/09/2022 Duración: 08min

    I spoke with Dom today on his Tiktok live Q&A segment today and we discussed a range of topics including the outlook for Australian real estate prices for 2023. It was a short and sharp discussion, one where we spoke about the replacement cost of real estate becoming an important floor for any short term price movements. Everything is becoming more expensive, including building, so the value of our homes and apartments will have some natural protection. More analysis at notes at

  • Radio Interview: The Single Most Important Investment Theme

    05/09/2022 Duración: 09min

    I caught up with the team at BFM Business Radio today in Malaysia to chat about the investment outlook and how to position in the current market environment. One of the most important things is to focus on income and income growth. More notes at

  • TV Interview: My investment outlook for September

    29/08/2022 Duración: 02min

    I caught up with BBC TV Asia Business Report today to speak to their global audience about recent moves in interest rates and what we can expect over the next few months. In the conversation, I touched on last week’s comments in the United States and the fact that rates are likely to continue rising in the short term before they slow down and potentially come back next year. More notes at

  • Investment Outlook for the rest of 2022

    03/08/2022 Duración: 06min

    I caught up with the Bloomberg Radio team today to talk about the outlook for investments for the rest of 2022. In the interview, we touched on a few important topics such as rising interest rates and how a Chinese come back will play into easing some of the supply concerns that have seen costs rise around the world. More notes at 

  • Focus on the Opportunity, Not the Problem

    26/07/2022 Duración: 06min

    I caught up with Ausbiz TV today to talk about the future for interest rates here in Australia (audio above). As discussed, all eyes will be on Australia's quarterly inflation this week. But as discussed, the past is perhaps not as important as what lies ahead. Focus on the opportunity, not yesterday's old news. More notes on

  • Australian Interest Rates Are Up, So Now What?

    05/07/2022 Duración: 14min

    I sat down with Dom Nesci today to just after the RBA’s interset rate decision in a Tiktok live session. We recorded and uploaded the audio version here for you to tune into. Full show notes at - subscribe to get updates each time a podcast episode is released. 

  • Australian Property Market Outlook 2023

    27/06/2022 Duración: 08min

    I caught up with the team at BFM radio in Malaysia again today to talk about between rising prices, interest rates and how this will impact Australian real estate prices in the next few months. More notes at

  • Will Australia Remain the Lucky Country in 2022?

    31/05/2022 Duración: 10min

    I recently caught up with the team at BFM radio in Malaysia to talk about Australia's relationship with its Asian neighbours and what the future looks like under a new Labor government. We spoke about the impact of rising interest rates and how investors can position themselves to benefit from recent changes in a totally new world environment. More notes at

  • Why is the Price of Everything Exploding?

    20/05/2022 Duración: 10min

    I recently caught up with the team at Bloomberg radio to talk about a range of business topics including the impact of rising costs on many well known businesses, such as Target. This is a bit more of an in-depth conversation than previously podcasts...but it gives you a good idea of the big picture themes that some of the world's biggest investors in the audience are thinking about. For more notes, check out

  • Australian Property Market & Crypto Outlook for 2022

    11/05/2022 Duración: 08min

    I recently caught up with the team at Ausbiz TV to talk about the Australian property market and crypto outlook given recent movements. Ultimately I think each of these are in a different league, real estate will most likely weather the storm much better and its wise to enter the next few years with a much more level head and caution. This episode and further notes are all at

  • How to manage your investments in 2022

    02/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    We're back and what a year its shaping up to be. I sat down with Dom this week to talk about property and investing generally in 2022. Tune in to see where we see the market heading and how I'm thinking about positioning my portfolio this year. This episode aired originally on the Property Investing with Wealthi podcast, remember to subscribe to that to get weekly episodes.  You can also subscribe to my regular updates at 

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