Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark



Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • Going to the Well, To Be Well ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Within our well is our wellness, and our wealth.  What is your well?  And do you go to it to be sourced?  Are you actively choosing to be replenished and renewed?  This week, we are going to the well and diving into the possibilities it holds for us to activate and expand our wellness all the way through our body, self and Soul.  ** If you would like to play more with Keisha’s song, Global Embrace – Find it on Spotify – On iHeartradio – On Apple Music – You can also purchase it as a direct download – ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive

  • Shining Your Light in the Middle of a Sh!t Show ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show YES! You CAN Shine Your Light - Right-smack-dab in the middle of a shit show! If you have been wondering whether you need to have permission or if it's even allowed (which of course you Know it is) to dare to shine your light in the middle of a shit show that might be going on around you right now; we are here to tell you - Abso-freeking-lutely, in All Capital Letters, YES!  AND - what if it's actually a vital component of what is REQUIRED in order for change to occur? So if you have been holding yourself back, trying to "be nice" and not let yourself get too light or too loud - This might just be the conversation to help you shift that perspective and shatter those limitations.  It's time to Show Up & Shine, Beauties!  Let's Do This! ** If you would like to play more with Keisha’s song, Global Embrace – Find it on Spotify – On iHeartradio – On Apple Music –

  • Separate Togetherness ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Every day there are more amazing stories coming from all around our corona-influenced world. Inspirational articles and stories, about ways people are coming together to sing, pray, eat, collaborate – to have moments of connection, regardless of being in separate places, all around the world.  Have you been able to appreciate the irony in that?  Join Keisha for this exploration of being separate and together – and how this is actually not totally new to us – and how we can allow it to contribute to aligning with our Divine. ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you

  • Created for This Moment ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We all arrive at certain moments that we are struck with some awareness, some knowing, some recognition that now is the time to bring a certain(s) creation forward; to activate it or to share it into the world.  All that we have been and are, creating in our lives has relevance to something – it just may not be what or how or when we think or thought it would be.  And that is part of the magic and mystery of us, really – yes?  That is something that illustrates how powerful and limitless we are as creators.  So – what have you created that is for this moment? Will you bring it forward and share it now? That is our adventure this week, so sit back and open up and let’s dive IN – and allow what has been created for this moment, to be revealed. ** To play more with Keisha's song, Global Embrace - find it on Spotify - on iHeartradio - on Apple Music -

  • Becoming Seers of Souls ~ Special Guest, Cheryl Andrea


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Have you met people who can truly “see” You? Does it make you uncomfortable? Or does it make you feel grateful? (or something else?..) Are you someone who can “see” others – actually see them, see their essence, see their Soul? If so, does it ever seem like a blessing and a curse? Do you wonder how to get to more of the blessing part, with your ability? You’ve come to the perfect conversation to play with that! Keisha welcomes Cheryl Andrea to the show this week for another episode in the ‘Resolve To Evolve’ series, to talk about becoming seers of Souls. Cheryl Andrea is a seer of Souls, an intuitive visionary, an evolutionary guide, and a very proud Mother of two amazing creators. She began her adventures in Kodiak, Alaska, and over the course of interesting places and serendipitous events, she settled in Dallas, Texas, where she has been raising her children and creating a life she loves! Cheryl’s many roles and adventures have helped her better understand her ow

  • What Is Your Inheritance Costing You? ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show  When most people talk about inheritance, they are referring to what is passed to people after someone makes their transition.  But what about the things we inherit when we are born?  All those things that are passed down the family line - that we inherit - our "genetic" inheritance; what about those?  You may have heard the expression "paying for your inheritance" - what if that applies in more ways than the obvious?  Join in the conversation this week, as we explore if and what our inheritance is actually costing us. ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you trul

  • Getting To the ‘Loving You’ ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We can call this week’s episode the prequel to last week’s conversation – as it became very apparent that there is a lot of stuff around the topic of “loving you” – or we could call it self-loving – that creates a bit of challenge for us to be loving us, even before we get into our messes.  So how do we get to the loving?  Join In this week’s conversation for some tools to do just that.   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater resonance and alignment with your essence? It’s time for you to Know that You are requ

  • Loving You In the Middle of Your Mess ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We could easily call this episode “loving yourself, in the middle of your shit”.  Yep – all the shit we brilliantly create and stir up in our lives – those moments can be some of the most critical moments in our lives, and yet we are not actually taught anything to move through them in an empowered way.  We can practice self love and tough love and one love – and – all of that is typically taught from an energy of resistance.  So is it any wonder that we would default into resistance rather than loving, when we land in the intensity of our messes?  Join Keisha for this week’s adventure into ‘loving you’ – right smack-dab in the middle of your mess – receiving the message, and moving on.   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you?

  • Are You Waiting For A Sign? ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Signs can be very helpful with a number of things in our everyday lives.  We learn to look for signs as a means of instruction or confirmation or reassurance, and it’s easy to become dependent on them; in a sense making signs the end rather than the means.  Have you ever done that?  But we are supposed to look for signs, right? The tricky bit is – we can be so focused on the signs that we actually miss the information that could get us to where we are desiring to go, or help us create what we are desiring to create, even faster. Join Keisha this week for some simple steps to break the habits of waiting, and start tuning up your intuit-ing - so you can enjoy the scenery and not worry about the signs. ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be

  • Evolving Your Creature Kind ~ Special Guest, Dr. Andi Harper


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Join Keisha and Special Guest Dr. Andi Harper this week, for the January episode of the ‘Resolve To Evolve’ series, as they explore our journey of evolution with who and how we be with animals.  As we have lived with animals over the last tens of thousands of years, are we now ready to shift into acknowledging and allowing the kindred nature of all creatures to contribute to us?  And are we ready to consciously contribute and co-create with our kindred creatures? A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world, Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator.  She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Animal Magic Care, based in Golden, CO. With a global animal communication/facilitation business, Dr. Andi inspires her clients to create magic in their life and with their animals. Find more with Dr. Andi at    And enjoy Dr.

  • Shift Your Perspective & Shatter Your Limitations ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show It's easy to get lost in the maze of the 'hows' - how to do/be/get/create this or that - and it so often can feel like there are only a few options to work with.  And you probably already know that when you can shift where you are aiming at the target from, it can change everything, right?  This is one of those "simple" tools that doesn't always seem "simple" to use.  The key is - you gotta USE it.  So this week, we are playing with some ideas to help you put your own Shift & Shatter practices in place.  It's like a workout program for your choice muscles.   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with y

  • When You Don’t Want What You Should Want ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Are you making sure you are wanting the right things in life?  Or are you finding yourself feeling a bit like a rebel?  We are funny creatures, aren’t we? This week, we are exploring our wanting and how it weighs into our lives, and our creations, and what to do when we don’t want what we should want. ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater resonance and alignment with your essence? It’s time for you to Know that You are required and desired to be participating in the Ah-Mazing co-creation on this planet right no

  • Portals, Vortices & Thresholds ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Are you feeling like you have ‘crossed into’ new or uncharted territory with the New Year – new decade starting?  Or maybe with your chronological age?  Or with a new place you are living?  Perhaps you have – actually it’s fairly likely that you have – stepped through a portal, or into a vortex, or crossed a threshold.  And that could be a really powerful and empowering thing for you. This topic has been coming up frequently in Keisha’s work, so this week she is sharing some of her experience and perspective on portals, vortices and thresholds – what they can be for us, and how we can work with them.  If you thought they were something to be afraid of, it might be a good time for you to reconsider that.   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it

  • Counting Your Blessings ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Have you ever tried counting your blessings as a way of getting through a challenge?  It can actually be very supportive.  And this week, as Keisha is playing with the theme of 'Resolve To Evolve' she explores "counting your blessings" from a slightly different perspective.  What potency of our Divine Essence could we be acknowledging with each blessing?  Can we intentionally create from counting our blessings?  And what if we could also be willing to BE a blessing?   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater reson

  • Evolving Your Beautiful ~ Special Guest, Amy Wall


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Have you connected with your Beautiful yet?  Or do you still get caught up in what beauty is or is supposed to be?  And what if we actually can evolve our Beautiful as we move through our personal journey of evolution? Keisha is excited to welcome Amy Wall for this week's Resolve To Evolve Series conversation to explore evolving our own sense and expression and experience of our Beautiful. Amy Wall is an award-winning esthetician, holistic skincare expert and leader in the Beauty Wellness movement. Her signature line of skin care products is energetically formulated with clean, natural bases and high-performance ingredients for skin that radiates and glows. She adds a magical touch with powerful rituals to experience conscious radiance and sustainable beauty that expands your confidence. She also brings a huge focus to reducing our carbon footprint and streamlining our beauty budget. #AbundantBeauty In 2016, Amy was named Esthetician of the Year in a national compe

  • What’s Your Pleasure? ~ Special Guest, Milica Jelenic


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We continue our Resolve To Evolve Series as Keisha welcomes another Sister Host and Goddess Milica Jelenic, for this conversation about pleasure and our journey of evolution.  What does your pleasure have to do with your evolution? And does it really matter if you know what your pleasure is, or not?  We start there, and we're excited to see how this conversation evolves! You might recognize Milica Jelenic as the host of “The Pleasure Zone” radio show, here on the Inspired Choices Network.  Milica is also a Certified Sex & Intimacy Coach, a Mitzvah Technique Teacher, Access Bars® Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator.  She has facilitated greater ease and health in bodies through her work in the Alternative medicine field for over 15 years. In her private practice Milica invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves. Her keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area cre

  • Evolving Parenthood ~ Special Guest, Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We continue our ‘Resolve To Evolve’ Series this week as Keisha welcomes Mary Dravis-Parrish to the show to explore our journey of evolution as a parent, and the evolution of parenting.  Can you have your journey of evolution AND be a parent at the same time?  And are you willing to evolve beyond how you were parented, to begin with? Mary Dravis-Parrish, brings her experience as well as her learning and certifications to address issues that parents face day to day. Being a child, living in a home of eight children, she discovered many styles to living, learning and coping, which lead her on a path to teaching children and working with parents to create more ease in family living. Mary’s parenting experiences include being a teen parent, single parent, co-parent, step-parent and a parent who lost her son to suicide.  She understands the needs, demands, and dynamics that parents experience.  Mary is the author of Empowered Parents Empowering Kids, A Guide to BE YOU Pa

  • Joyful Evolution ~ Special Guest, Candace Mau


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show “Joyful” and “evolution” might not be two words you would think to put together, but they are the perfect words for the opening conversation of a special series Keisha is having, as we move toward the New Year and new decade, celebrating our journey of evolution.  They are also perfect words to describe her Special Guest, Candace Mau.  Consider curiosity, wonder, and wanderlust wrapped up into one wide-eyed ball of laughter, perhaps more of a giggle, and you have Candace Mau. A Utah native, she and her partner Brenton live in Ogden with their adorable dog Roxy. She is constantly giggling about possibilities and living a heart centered life. Traveling sets her heart free and joyful conversations/coaching gives her purpose. Hoping to witness permission to be more joyful, facilitate choice, and actual practice of tools to get there; she does this in the real estate world, speaking, leading workshops, and coaching. There are no secrets, just awareness and allowance. A

  • How To Physically Support Your Spiritual Connection ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We recently talked about nourishment, and some different ways we can nourish our body, self and Soul – and – this week, we are focusing a bit more on nutrients.  There actually are specific ways we can support our physical bodies that allow us to increase and enhance our Spiritual connection.  By “Spiritual connection” we are referring to any way you connect to Spirit and/or spirits, to the non-physical. If you are desiring to have a more clear connection with your Soul, or you desire to have a more clear connection with non-embodied spirits/entities/beings, or both; there are ways you can support your physical body to have a cleaner, clearer signal strength.  Join this week’s conversation for some helpful tips to help your body help you tune in to your spiritual connection even more, with more ease. Find Your Local Live Show Time Here - And have you heard?  Keisha is Sharing the Happy for her Birthday with a whole month of speci

  • When Spirituality Becomes Your Drug ~ Keisha Clark


    Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show Do you enjoy a good spiritual workout on a regular basis – like maybe… daily?  Are you a fighter of the good fight?  Do you cycle through the dark night lows almost on purpose, to more thoroughly enjoy the dawning of your inextinguishable power?  Mmm-Hmm… You might just be a spiritual junkie.  Say what?! Yep.  It might sound like a trendy thing, but it can actually be a form of self-sabotage.  Oh sure, you could say spirituality is your drug of choice, or it gives you the good kind of high – and – is it that? Or is there something else going on?  Join this week’s conversation for a deeper dive into how we use spirituality - in both generative and not-so-generative ways. **Special Offer** Keisha is Sharing the Happy for her Birthday with a whole month of special rates and offerings!  Get more details and Come Play! ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and li

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