Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark



Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • Who Wants to “Play Nice”?! Guest Rioha Fortner


    Did you grow up being told to “be nice” or “play nice”?  Did you get really tired of hearing that?  And are you sticking yourself with still trying to “be nice” and “play nice” now, while resisting that at the same time?  This week, Keisha and her guest Rioha Fortner will be exploring what “being nice” actually is and what is actually creates, and what else is possible.  What if “being nice” does not mean what you think it means?

  • The Witching Hour – Are You Ready to Come Out of Hiding? with guest – Julia Sotas


    Are you a Witch or a Wizard (or something else) in hiding? These words have often been used as labels to keep some rather unkind points of view in place for much of our collective story. And what do those words even mean? No label or point of view can truly stick you, unless you are willing to buy it. So if you were acknowledging all you truly are and are capable of, instead of trying to hide you, what would that create in your life…and in the world?… Everywhere you are hiding you from you; would you be willing to change that now? Learn more about Julia

  • Are You Looking Over Your Four-legged Rover? – with guest – Dr. Andi Harper


    Dr. Andi Harper joins Keisha this week for a conversation about the contributions our animals are to us and our lives.  Animals fill a variety of roles; they can be our companions, playmates, babysitters, entertainment, confidants or teachers, to name a few.   And what if they are also potent creators?  Would you be willing to play with the possibilities of consciously co-creating with your animals?  What do our animals desire to be creating with us that we have not yet acknowledged?  

  • Ready to Blow Up Your “Because”?


    Are you trying to create your life from a “because”?  (maybe one you are not even consciously aware of?)  Or lots of becauses?  What does “because” actually create?  Are we really limited to the parameters of cause and effect, to create our lives?  What would it be like to choose beyond your “because”?  

  • Are We Eating for Sex?


    Has eating become the substitution for what actually nurtures and empowers us and our bodies?  Is it possible to receive energy without consuming it?  Does it really have anything to do with food; or something else?  How many ways are you refusing the sex you could be choosing?  

  • Are You Willing to Destroy and Uncreate It All?


    What happens if we destroy and uncreate it all?  Is it easier to say, than to actually choose?  Are we resisting the destruction and uncreation of everything?  Or something else?  And then what?

  • “My Spooky Valentine” – Entities, Embodiment & Abundance; with Guest – Cara Wright


    Have you ever been visited by the “ghosts” of lovers, or loved ones, past? Do you perceive the presence of “spirits” and never acknowledge them? What points of view do you have about receiving contribution from people or things you can’t see? Keisha and Cara will be talking about entities this week, and about how talking to entities might just open up a whole new world of possibilities. How much more Awesome could our lives be, if we let go of any conclusions about entities and started asking more questions of entities?  

  • “My Chatty Valentine” – Loving Beyond Words; with Guest – Lauren Polly


    Professing our love is a popular pastime.  Are you trying to find the perfect words to express your love?  Do you find yourself wanting to make sure you say it just right?  What do the words really mean to the person receiving them?  This week, we visit with Lauren Polly, Communications Specialist and host of Beyond Speech Limitless Communications radio show, to explore the possibilities of what can be created and communicated when we are willing to let go of words.  What if letting go of words could give us more of us?  What contribution might that be to our lives, our bodies and our relationships?  

  • “My Yummy Valentine” – Delicious Living with Essential Oils – with Guest – Michelle Bardwell


    Is your body asking you to show it some (more) Love? Are you curious about using essential oils? Is there a “right” or “wrong” way to use them? Join us this week as we visit with Michelle Bardwell, founder of Flower Road Natural Therapies, about all things essential to enjoying essential oils. What contribution could essential oils be to your body, to your life, and possibly to your Valentine’s Day yumminess?  

  • “My Funny Valentine” – Who’s Laughing? – with guest – Maureen McNamara


    What is Valentine’s Day, for you?  Funny?  Fun?  Frightening? What are we really to make of this “day to celebrate lovers”? Could there be any possibilities for Fun in all of the Valentine’s Day shenanigans? Maureen McNamara is just the person to ask about the hilarious hoopla we create around Valentine’s Day and other meaning-filled occasions in our lives; and that is just what we are going to do this week. We will try not to have too much Fun, as we play with the question: What would it take for Valentine’s Day to truly be “Happy”?  

  • Joy and Other Four-Letter Words, with guest – Christel Crawford


    Come join Keisha and Christel in what promises to be an especially fun conversation about joy and all the other four-letter words. Christel Crawford is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness, a seeker, a way-seer and a creator of change & transformation.  She does this by being serious all the time and never playing.  {wink} An excerpt from her upcoming e-book: I spent YEARS being annoyed at joy. It was something we sang about at Christmas: re-peat the soun-ding joy, re-peat the soun-ding joy… re-e-pea-eat, re-e-pea-eat, the sou-nding joy!! It was my middle name for f’ck’s sake. Even more annoying. Because I spent most of my life sad. And lonely. And terrified. And stressed. And wanting to hide. There was nothing in my universe that was joy. And then: Access Consicousness.  

  • Gifts, Talents & Capacities – Oh My! Claiming, Owning & Acknowledging – Oh Shit!


    What are the things that make each of us uniquely us?  And what makes so many of us so uncomfortable when it comes to seeing those things in ourselves?  Have you begun to tap into the difference you be?  What is your Magic?  What is your Brilliance?  Or are you trying to pretend you don’t have any?  Is that even possible?  Are you a Potent Creator? or a mushy tater? 

  • Giggles & Gratitude!


    Gratitude is pretty great, right?  So how come so many people seem to be so not grateful and not so happy?  If we took the significance and definitions of gratitude off the table, what else might be possible?  Join us for this conversation on a slightly different perspective of Gratitude and the invocation of Receiving and Being more of You.  Would you like to be having lots of that?  Does that make you giggle? 

  • Judgement – Does Size Really Matter?


    How many of us were brought up being told not to judge while being constantly judged and being taught to constantly judge ourselves?  Is that working for you?  Are little judgments less damaging than big judgments?  Do big judgments keep us more safe than little judgments?  Is judgement required in order to create our lives?  Or does it create more for us to judge?

  • What’s Challenging You?


    Are you ready for, rising to, meeting, taking, facing, running from, or accepting a challenge?  What if you could be receiving challenge? What if challenge is an invitation to something greater?  What contribution might challenge be to our lives, living and realities that we have not yet acknowledged?  Are you up for it?

  • What’s in a Name?


    What do names tell us, really?  Do names define us? Confine us?  Make us? Break us?  Does our name give us power?  Do we give our power to a name?  Would a rose, by any other name, smell as sweet?  Would you, by any other name, be any less Amazing???  Are you willing to be more than a name?

  • Shall We Begin?


    When do we start living?  Where do we start living?  How do we know where or when to start…anything?What if it is not as difficult as we have been lead to believe; not as difficult as we would like to make it?  What if it actually required something totally different than what we think it does?  Are you ready?  …Shall we dance?

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