Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

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Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • Now We’re Talkin’ Body; Guest – Christine Yole


    Can we ever truly say enough about Bodies?  The interesting thing is, many of us are saying more unkind things about bodies, than we are saying kind things about bodies.  And what is that creating - with our bodies, for our bodies?  Is it really surprising that so many people have challenges with their bodies in just about everything that involves their body?  Keisha welcomes Christine Yole this week, and we are talkin' Body.  Is there such a thing as a "perfect" body?  Or is there a unique perfection in every body?  And what would our bodies like us to acknowledge now? Christine is an Access Consciousness Facilitator, Life Coach and Intuitive Healer.  She assists people to have more ease with their bodies and joy in their relationships.  She brings with her an extensive study of personal development, health and nutrition.  Her formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Health, and a Masters of Education in Counseling Psychology.  She competed for eight years in rowing, four of which

  • Your Different OutLoud: An invitation to Be the You that Will Change our World; Guest – Melanie Clampit


    Is there something about this world you would like to change?  Are you aware of things that other people are not?  Do you Know things that other people don't?  Do you Be something that other people don't?  Has any of that ever frustrated you?  What if it was actually something that could create more Amazing-ness than you have ever imagined possible?  Keisha is visiting with Melanie Clampit this week, about turning up the volume on our Different instead of trying to camouflage it.  Would you be willing to play with the possibilities of what that might create? Melanie Clampit is a living invitation to Different. She is also a best selling author, Access Consciousness™ Certified Facilitator & Right Voice for You™ Breakthrough facilitator with years of in-depth study in transformation, empowerment, and highly abled kids.  She empowers you to know that you know, to trust and follow what is true for you, and to create the life and world you truly desire through sharing simple tools, classes, and books that invite a

  • The Power and The Presence


    Have you ever experienced the trans-formative moment of being witness to someone or something?  Many people know that from the gift of being witnessed.  And - are you aware of how You are changed, when you are choosing be witness?  Seeing and being seen; what contribution could that be for You?  And are you willing to have what that could create?

  • Is Your Butt Sore from Sitting on the Fence? – Guest – Julie Andrew


    Have you been waiting for some special sign to show up before you choose to show up in Your life?  Are you sitting on the side lines or playing in the game?  Is it time to make a different choice?  Keisha welcomes Julie K. Andrew this week, to talk about the possibilities that become available when we choose to commit to our whole life.  What would your reality be, if you were choosing that? Julie Andrew is a Brilliant Facilitator, gifted with abilities that facilitate creating different possibilities with families, children, animals and businesses going through ‘challenging’ situations.  As a Game Changer Facilitator and Access Consciousness Body Process Facilitator she takes what is judged as ‘wrongness’ (with behaviors, bodies and brilliance) and shows her clients how to make it a strongness that allows them to have ease and joy in your lives and bodies.

  • Who Is Paying for This?!!


    "What's it gonna cost?"  "Who is gonna pay for it?"  Two very common questions for most people, and many of us quickly go there.  What are we actually creating when we ask those questions?  There are a lot of directions we can go with this conversation; this topic can be a bit of a hot potato.  I am curious to see what shows up.  Is there always a cost?  Does someone always have to pay?  Or is something else possible?  I wonder what awarenesses we are ready to recognize now?

  • What if Entities Wish to Contribute to You? – Guest – Erica Glessing


    Entities and Contribution - Huh?  Have you ever received "messages" from your invisible friends, that helped you through something?  Or helped you create something?  And do you have to be super smart or born of a certain culture to be able to receive messages from invisible friends?  What do You Know? (wink, wink)  We are welcoming Erica Glessing back to the studio this week, for a conversation about allowing Entities to be a contribution AND to contribute to us.  Would you be willing to have that? Erica Glessing is a publisher, a #1 best-selling author, a psychic medium, an editor, a dreamer, a bright writer, an animal communicator, a mom, a happiness coach, and a loving spirit.  Her company, Happy Publishing, is dedicated to publishing the works of light bringers around the planet. The bestselling books Happy Publishing has released in 2015 so far include “The Energy of Happiness”; “The Energy of Receiving”; “The Energy of Expansion”; with most recently, “The Energy of Healing”. You can find out more about

  • Healing, Horses and Abundance; Guest – Sara Sherman


    Have you ever received the gift of horses?  Or have you been afraid to get close to them?  Equine Experiential Human Discovery - that is what we are talking about this week as we visit with Sara Sherman of Discovery Horse.  Sara and her Soul Pony, Lance, along with their team of incredible horses, facilitate clients to discover their Inner AWEsome through personal coaching sessions, team building workshops and group retreats.  Their work is about way more than riding horses.  Yup, you might be surprised how much a horse can show you when you are on the ground.  If you've ever wondered what horses can teach humans, this conversation might be a great place to start.  What could the Horse assist you in discovering about You? Sara Sherman is the Founder of Discovery Horse.  She earned her degree in Counseling Psychology and Equine Experiential Learning and is also a graduate of the internationally recognized Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ developed by Melisa Pearce.  Sara combined her talents in hospitality and

  • What is Your Brilliant? – Guest – Carol Glover


    Have you ever chosen to acknowledge your brilliant?  What is it that you do with such ease, that you may not have realized it as a way your brilliance shows up or expresses?  This week, Keisha welcomes Carol Glover - who calls herself "the clumsy girl" and brings her brilliant in the way only Carol can - to talk about acknowledgment of the brilliant each of us is, and brings to the world.  So bring Your brilliant, and let's celebrate! Carol Glover is an entrepreneur, an advisor, writer, website creator, and she delights in facilitating the healing of bodies and businesses. She is dedicated to bringing ease to the lives of her clients and those around her; this is the one thing she does with grace and confidence!  Carol is also the host of The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness, here on, airing Wednesdays at 11am Eastern. In recent years, Carol has been exploring energy as a way to gain awareness and healing for herself and her clients. She is Reiki Level 2 certified and an Access Consciousness Bars Pra

  • Are You Willing to Know Your Sexy? Guest – Lisa Carmen


    What is Your Sexy?  Have you ever allowed yourself to actually know that?  Are you willing to know your sexy? And to know you are sexy?  Keisha is talking with Lisa Carmen this week, about all things Sexy!  And about Lisa's Amazing work empowering women to know their Sexy and set their pleasures free!  Would that be a little bit of fun for you?... Lisa Carmen is a life coach and creator of SacredSexyU, Her Royal Hotness, BodyLove Revolution and the Burlesque Experience.  She challenges her clients to retrieve the pieces of themselves they have disconnected from, to own their holy hotness, celebrate their unique and complicated sexuality and claim their sensuality in new and refreshing ways.  Through pleasure, connection, and inviting, provocative inquiries, Lisa's clients are empowered to live their aliveness and divinely sensual essence.

  • So If You Stopped Making Yourself Wrong, Would That Be Wrong?


    What is this crazy notion that so many of us buy into - that we are inherently wrong?  And what makes so many of us work so hard to enforce alignment to that point of view?  Who made that shit up?!!  What are we actually creating, when we are functioning from the point of view that we are "wrong"?  Is that just a big fat lie we try to buy so we have something in common with "everyone else"? What would happen if we stopped making ourselves wrong?  Would we have to make ourselves right?  OR is there another possibility we could be playing with?

  • Choosing Embodiment – The Conversation Continues; Guest Cara Wright


    We had So Much Fun talking to Cara Wright, we are continuing the conversation this week!  Join us for what promises to be another lively discussion about infinite beings with itty bitty baby bodies, and "what do you mean, we create our bodies?!" Are you acknowledging your creation of your body? And the capacities you created your body to have? Cara Wright is a Access Consciousness® and Talk to the Entities® Certified Facilitator and Radio Show Host here on, of Magic in Motion.  She owns a yoga studio where she specializes in pregnancy, birth preparation and energetic yoga.  She travels the world facilitating Beginning Talk to the Entity classes, Access Bars, Foundation/Level 1 Access Consciousness classes and much more. She loves guiding people to their creative energies and into the magic they truly be.  She empowers people to know what they know about energies, their unique talents, abilities and capacities.  She assists people to be more aware of what energies are limiting them and what energies c

  • Choosing Embodiment – Guest – Cara Wright


    Have you ever had the awareness that you actually chose to create a body and show up on the planet? Or is that your knowing? Or have you bought the point of view that this just "happened" to you? Keisha welcomes Cara Wright this week, for a conversation about choosing embodiment; and what else is possible if/when we are willing to acknowledge our choice, and our potency as creators. So, if you could have anything out of this lifetime, what would it be? Cara Wright is a Access Consciousness® and Talk to the Entities® Certified Facilitator and Radio Show Host here on, of Magic in Motion.  She owns a yoga studio where she specializes in pregnancy, birth preparation and energetic yoga.  She travels the world facilitating Beginning Talk to the Entity classes, Access Bars, Foundation/Level 1 Access Consciousness classes and much more. She loves guiding people to their creative energies and into the magic they truly be.  She empowers people to know what they know about energies, their unique talents, abilit

  • Tapping Into Your Purpose; with Guest – LaRue Eppler


    Have you ever wondered “what the hek am I here for?!” Keisha welcomes LaRue Eppler as her special guest this week, to talk about her amazing journey into claiming her purpose, and how that in turn lead to facilitating thousands of people tapping in to and claiming their own lives and purpose for themselves. What if we never allowed anyone else to tell us who or what or how we should be?  Are you ready to tap in to more of You? LaRue Eppler has been active in the Human Potential Field since the late eighties, when a startling event prompted her to begin exploring beyond the status quo and seeking the approval of others.  She studied and trained in a number of methods for personal growth including The Work, Avatar, NLP, One Brain, Transcendental Meditation, Time Line Therapy, Holo-dynamics, and Breakthrough To Higher Power. Drawing from her many modalities and thousands of hours of individual client sessions, LaRue came to develop her own body of work which she calls Evolutionary Kinesiology, or Evo-K.  She wor

  • Are You Willing To Be “Having It”? Guest – Erica Glessing


    What is the “It” you would like to be having?  Do you even know?  And if you did, would you be willing to choose it? Keisha is joined by happiness expert and best selling author Erica Glessing for this lively conversation about the energy of “I’m Having It!” - which happens to be one of her upcoming books - and what that creates. Erica Glessing is a dreamer, a bright writer, an editor, a publisher, a medium, an animal communicator, a mom, a happiness coach, and a loving spirit. Her company, Happy Publishing, is dedicated to publishing the works of light bringers on the planet. The bestselling books Happy Publishing has released in 2015 so far include “The Energy of Happiness”; “The Energy of Receiving”; “The Energy of Expansion”; with “The Energy of Healing" due for release next week. You can find out more about Erica at, and feel free to friend her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

  • So, Is It Just Your Whole Life Changing?


    Do you ever find yourself in the midst of Crazy town, and you know you are in Crazy town, and you have no idea which direction to go to get out of Crazy town? Yeah, that. And do you find it fascinating that right at that moment you are about to consider the notion you might actually be crazy, the entire mess of craziness you were doggy paddling in, falls away and something totally amazing shows up? So, is that just your whole life changing?

  • Pleasure Play – Guests – Annie Gelfand & Milica Jelenic


    What does it mean to have pleasure in play?  And would you be willing to have it - in your life?  In your body?  In the world?  This week, we will be exploring the pleasure of playing with possibilities, with special guests Annie Gelfand and Milica Jelenic.  What if each of us has a capacity to be an invitation to the pleasure of living?  Would you like to play with that?

  • “different AND equal” – Say What?!! – Guest – Rhonda Burns


    Who knew a single word could have game-changing, life-changing, world-changing impact?!!  AND!!  What is the energy of AND?  Are you willing to play with AND?  To BE the energy of AND?  To have this AND that?  You AND Me?  Them AND We?  Yes AND No?  Keisha AND Rhonda will be playing with AND this week, exploring the possibilities of creation with “different AND equal” – AND what else is possible now?!

  • Truth, the Ultimate Bullshit! Guest – Rioha Fortner


    Have you ever felt compelled to tell someone your truth?  Have you been on the receiving end of someone telling you their truth?  What did that create - greater possibility? or did you feel like you needed a shower?  Keisha is delighted to welcome Rioha back for another conversation - to dive into the lies of “truth” and where we are buying the bullshit while wondering “where is that smell coming from?”

  • Does Talking to People Really Change the World? Guest Alun Jones


    Are you willing to talk to people?  Are you willing to Be You and talk to people?  Is there a difference?  How much Fun can we have, talking to Alun Jones, changing the world?!  That is what we will be playing with on this week’s show – Yay!!  Can it really be that easy?!

  • Consciousness Rising – Out of the Ashes of Our Story


    What is it about our story that is so addictive?  Are we actually required to repeat and re-create our past, the pasts of our ancestors?  Is it necessary that we remember and never forget?  Does that allow us to be present with our awareness?  Does that truly create for the future?  What is the gift of our story that could change everything, and set us free from it?

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