Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

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Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • Running Interference ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark If you are one of the millions of people who grew up learning to take on the worries and whoas of others, this week's show is for you.  At some point, that becomes a habit - and it can be tough to break.  The challenge for many of us is, we think we are doing it as a kindness - but - what if we are actually not?  What if what we are doing is actually interfering with someone else's choice, process or possibilities?  And what if that is one of the brilliant ways we keep ourselves going in circles? Join Keisha this week's Beyond-Linear exploration into running interference ~ and let's see how much interference is running you. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

  • Are You Making Money a Serious Business? ~ Guest, Alun Jones


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Have you ever noticed how people who seem to struggle with money don't find money a laughter matter?  Some might easily assume that the only people who can have fun with money are those that have it, or are born to it.  Is that actually true?  Is the resentment some people feel towards rich people because they have money, or because they have fun with money?  How much fun are YOU willing to have? You might have heard the saying "money follows joy"? What if that can be true for you?  What if making money serious actually shuts money out of your universe? Join Keisha Clark and her guest Alun Jones, for this week's Beyond-Linear adventure into having fun with money. But be warned, if you don't want play with money, best not listen in! Play More with Alun ~ And get ready to Ramp Up Your Revenue Streams, here - Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen

  • Where The Hek is “Here”? ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Are you here, now?  If not, where are you?  And if you are here, do you have any idea where here is? And can you have more than one here you can be, in a moment?  And if you are busy trying to get here, are you actually ending up somewhere else when you finally get to the here you thought you were going?...  So, is here where we think it is?  Or something else? Join Keisha for this week's adventure exploring here, there and everywhere - and getting to you, in any where you could ever be (or have ever been...). Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to Dallas Psychic Fair on Sunday, August 6th - more details here -​ader/clark-keisha/

  • Are We Motivating Ourselves to Madness? ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Are you into motivation, being motivated, or motivating others?  It's a popular club - and - does that mean it really works for us?  Does motivation creation actually allow us to enjoy creating, or what we create?  Or is there something else going on with motivation, that is actually making us crazy? Join Keisha for this week's Beyond-Linear adventure into the motivation game ~ are we actually having any fun? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to Dallas Psychic Fair on Sunday, August 6th - more details here -​ader/clark-keisha/

  • All the Lonely People ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Do you find it interesting that in a world of 7.5 Billion people, there are so many who are lonely?  Is that odd? And are we supposed to not feel lonely simply because there are so freeking many of us on the planet?  Does one have to do with the other?  Let's see what shows up this week, through our Beyond-Linear looking glass at all the lonely people.  If we are never really alone, why does it sometimes feel that way?... Find Keisha on Facebook ~ And Get Your Copy of the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

  • “Dirty Pillow” Talk; Are Your Boobs Listening? ~ Guest, Julie O Perkins


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark We are celebrating Boobies this week, and the release of the now international Best Selling book, Breast Easy!  How many names do you have, for your breasts - or for breasts in general?  Is the word "friend" anywhere on that list? And what would your breasts say about that list, if they could talk?...  Join Keisha and her guest, Julie O Perkins, for this Beyond-Linear exploration of our words and our relationships with our breasts. Since her first trip abroad in 1980 as an exchange student, Julie Oreson Perkins has been engaging in life-changing conversations (in several languages, including the language of energy!) with people all around the world. Today she continues her love of travel; facilitating training programs, coaching clients and speaking to groups about bringing more consciousness into the world. Julie O is a Certified Life Coach (CLC) with an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF), with specialties

  • “I do not think it means what you think it means” ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Ah, the energy of words! Do you notice when people say things or use words that mean something particular to that person, but you perceive a totally different energy of the word(s)?  How aware are you of what you are creating with your words?  Are you willing to know? Bringing our month of movie inspired topics to a fun finish - we are playing this week with a famous line from the character Inigo Montoya, in The Princess Bride ~ "I do not think it means what you think it means." Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Keisha will be offering Readings in Person, at The Dallas Psychic Fair on Sunday, July 2nd - if you are in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and would like to attend the event, find more information here - Enjoy the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email you

  • Would You Try A Spoonful of Sugar? ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark We draw our inspiration from our beloved Mary Poppins, this week - playing with "a spoonful of sugar" - Beyond-Linear style, of course.  Does it really help the medicine go down? And what if We could be willing to play with all the energies available to us, to sweeten the deal (so to speak) when we are creating and co-creating?  And we will play with the M-word, too - as Mary Poppins herself was quite brilliant with manipulation!  How willing are You, to manipulate - energies, people, projects, etc - to create? Would you even try a spoonful of sugar? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Come play with Keisha in person, at the Dallas Psychic Fair - Sunday, July 2nd - get the details here - Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questio

  • What do you do with a Pushmi-pullyu? ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark We continue our movie inspired themes for June, with the "pushmi-pullyu".  While it is a fictional character in the Dr. Doolittle stories, we are exploring the pushmi-pullyu as it applies to the energies of cooperation and conflict.  What do we do in those moments we lose ourselves in the aligning and agreeing or the resisting and reacting to a situation?  How do we get out of the pushmi-pullyu cycle, to what is beyond the push and pull? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

  • Just Click Your Heels Together… ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What do you do, when you loose yourself in the energy of someone, something or somewhere else?  It is actually pretty easy to get confused, isn't it - in a relationship, in a team, in a crowd?  So how do we get ourselves back - or forward - to "home"?  How do we stay in the Director's chair of our life, and make our choices from what we truly Know and what we truly desire?  What if we could just click our heels together?... Find Keisha on Facebook ~ And you can find the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - Also - email your questions or comments to

  • But I Baked You a Cake! ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark How many times have you gone waaaaayyy out of your way, or comfort zone, to do something special for someone - and they refused it?  And did you make it about you?  Most of us do.  And what did you do with it, after that?  Did you let it stop you from choosing it again?  A lot of us do that, too.  But what does that actually create for us?  So how do we respond to someone's refusal of us?  Do we throw the proverbial cake in their face? Or something else? Join me for this week's Beyond-Linear adventure into choosing kindness for ourselves, even when someone else might not be.  If we weren't asking those moments to make sense, what else could we be choosing? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Enjoy the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

  • Are You Lost in a Defining Moment? ~ Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Have you ever heard someone talk about their "defining moment"?  Do you have one?  You can have one, or many. One way people look at that, is as the moment they knew who they were, or became who they were meant to be; a moment that shaped their life.  What happens when we invest in our defining moments, though?  What if we are using them to make our lives smaller rather that bigger? Let's put a Beyond-Linear twist on our defining moments this week, and see if and where they are places we actually might have lost ourselves in them.  If we are lost in our defining moment(s), how much of us can truly show up in our lives? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

  • Thanks, Mom! ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark How many "gifts" have you received from your mother - including the ones you may not consider "gifts"?  How much of your mother do you see in you?  Does it make you smile? Or does it terrify you? Or something in between?  Is your mother your friend? Or more like a frienemy?  The gamut of mother-child relationship experiences is Enormous and vastly varied.  Where do you land on it? We are having a Beyond-Linear style honoring of Moms, for this week's show - exploring the numerous things we inherit from our mothers, and how to begin to get to the "Thanks, Mom" for all of them.  No, it won't make sense, and - it might just change our lives (and our relationships) in ways we could not have imagined.  Would you be willing to choose that? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here -

  • Bodies-Pleasure-Magic-Chaos ~ Special Guest, Megan Sillito


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Four places many people are most afraid to go - Bodies, Pleasure, Magic and Chaos.  They also happen to be the four places each of us can find the keys to living our most amazing life.  My Special Guest this week knows a few things about these four things (as well as a whole bunch of other things), and I am Super Excited to bring her on the show, for this conversation. Megan Sillito is an adventurer, explorer, surfer, and life coach.  She has been coaching and facilitating individuals and groups for over 20 years.  Megan masterfully couples her uncanny capacity to dream big and her playful approach, to support the creatives of the world.  She helps hack through the overgrown “can’ts” and paves a path for individuals to embody their genius capacities, launch epic projects, and transform their lives and businesses.  Megan launched her new specialty class in 2017, called "Live Your Magic".  In this class, Megan is inviting participants to dive in to the deep end

  • Are You Resisting the Path of Least Resistance? ~ Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark It's a popular phrase "the path of least resistance".  And a lot of us spend a lot of our life resisting the path of least resistance - I love the irony of that, don't you?  And sometimes, we think we are taking the path of least resistance, but it can be quite the contrary - are you doing that, and maybe not being aware that you are doing that? Join me for this week's Beyond-Linear adventure into this "path of least resistance" thing - and let's blow up where we are resisting resistance (which basically creates...resistance) and stacking obstacles on our paths. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to Are you ready to Live Your Magic?!  Keisha is inviting You to join her for this immersion exper

  • Magic and Miracles ~ Guest, Mariatta Silvonen


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Did you grow up learning that miracles were things you had to believe in, and/or pray for?  That was pretty popular where I grew up.  And one of the things I notice about that, is that it keeps us looking for something outside of us, to make us better or to show us its power.  It is also a popular belief that magic is not real, and not something we can be.  But what if miracles were not something outside of us that happen to us?  And what if you could choose to let magic be real for you?  What could you become aware of, then?  And what could become available to you? I am delighted to welcome my Beautiful Friend, Mariatta Silvonen, to the show for a Beyond-Linear conversation about magic and miracles ~ and how they have shown up in Mariatta's life.  It will most certainly make no sense, and it might totally inspire you! Mariatta Silvonen began communicating with Angels and entities when she was a child.  In 2010, she began working as a Healer and Spiritual Guid

  • What Does “Happy” Look Like, for You? ~ Guest, Karen Tax


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Have you ever noticed that different things make different people happy?  What about you - what makes you happy?  And what about with your work - are you able to have your happy there as well?  That is what we will be talking about this week, with my guest, Karen Tax.  What if you can have your own kind of happy, and let it work for you? Karen Tax is a career coach, business consultant, author, and spiritual guide who plays at the nexus of happiness, work, wealth, and fun. She coaches clients to create soul-satisfying, inspiring, and healthy relationships, careers, and workplaces. Since 2000, Karen has helped thousands of corporate leaders, business owners, and regular people live from their power, purpose, and passion so they take inspired action that creates the work and lives they truly want! Using her background as a software engineer, combined with her extensive experience with personal growth, AND organization, leadership, and career development, Karen r

  • Sliding Into Home! ~ Guest, Cathleen Connor


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What happens when you throw yourself into creating?  That is what we will be playing with this week, with my Special Guest, Cathleen Connor!  I am fascinated by Cathleen's adventures with creating a new home for herself, in a way that she never saw coming, and that made no sense - now that's my kind of Beyond-Linear conversation, eh? Join us this week for some inspiration and tools with Cathleen's adventures in Sliding Into Home! Cathleen loves to share the Access tools with others - that's why she became a Certified Facilitator.  She knew she had gifts and talents to share with the world, but didn't have the tools to create with them very dynamically until she came across the tools of Access Consciousness.  Discovering Access Consciousness, both the bodywork and the classes, has been such a tremendous shift for Cathleen! Since playing with these tools, Cathleen travels much more both nationally and internationally, has more money than she ever generated befor

  • Finding Your Self Out ~ Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark You've Been Found Out!!  ...what does that bring up for you?  It always amazes me how this can stop us in our tracks; the possibility of "being found out".  For just about everyone I have known and worked with, it usually brings up all kinds of things about being hunted or tortured or killed or destroying the world - all kinds of unpleasantness.  In most cases "being found out" equates to being turned out, shut out or driven out of wherever and whatever we have believed to be our safety. So what if we could have a different point of view and approach to being found out?  What if we could actually tap into Our Self, and Our Knowing, and choose beyond all the desertion and death and destruction scenarios?  That is what we will be exploring this week.  And of course, I'm challenging you to stop asking it to make sense. What if "being found out" could be an invitation to finding more of ourselves? Find Keisha on Facebook ~

  • Opening the Wound ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What is the wound you hide and protect, at all cost?  How much of your life have you spent trying to keep it safe, protected from the world?  What if you chose to open it?  It might seem counter-intuitive, and what if it is actually what is required? This week, let's see what becomes possible when we are willing to bear our wound to our self. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to

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