Borne The Battle



Borne the Battle recognizes each battle, challenge, and sacrifice our Veterans endure during and after their service, as well as spotlighting important resources, offices, and benefits VA offers our Veterans.


  • #269 Airman to 4-Star General w/ Air Force Veteran Larry O. Spencer

    14/02/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    With 44 years of service under his belt, Air Force Veteran, four-star general and former Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force Larry Spencer decided that he earned a well-deserved break and retired on a Friday in 2015. But that very following Monday, he went right back to work, promoting aerospace education in his new role as president of the Air Force Association.Did Spencer regret going straight back into work after retiring and does he recommend it to others? You might be surprised by his answer and what he recommends Veterans do instead.While Spencer commanded at all levels of the military and was the second-highest military member of the Air Force, he claimed that his favorite experience remains his first command post as a squadron commander. It might be a low-level command job, but Spencer explains why he found it to be the most rewarding of all his leadership experiences.Spencer also specializes in financial management and is a well-respected comptroller in the Air Force community. He wrote extensi

  • Active Duty Operational Support Orders and Red Carpet Interviews w/ Marine Veteran Elysa Acosta-Millan

    07/02/2022 Duración: 58min

    Elysa Acosta-Millan was inspired by her brother to join the armed forces. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in the weeks following 9/11, and Acosta-Millan saw the positive effect that military service had on his personality. That, combined with an increasing desire for change in her personal life, led Acosta-Millan to consider a career in the Corps.Acosta-Millan spent more than seven years on active duty in the Marine Corps and now serves as a reservist working in public affairs. She is studying at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication on the campus of Arizona State University, and has also competed in beauty pageants, winning her first title in 2011.Join us on this week’s episode of Borne the Battle as Acosta-Millan discusses her experiences in the service, including how she and her brother were both posted to the same duty station in Japan, the importance of being professional and why she decided to become a journalist. She also talks about taking advantage of Active Duty for Operati

  • Founding Father of the Marine Corps Combat Hunter Program, Army Veteran Greg Williams, Human Pattern Recognition Specialist

    31/01/2022 Duración: 01h25min

    This week’s Borne the Battle features Army Veteran Greg Williams, who has over 30 years of experience  training the skills and techniques used to identify specific human behavior patterns. Over that time, he's instructed every Tier One military force in the United States, as well as various international organizations.After serving six years in the Army, Williams transitioned to civilian life, working as an urban law enforcement professional. He discusses the specific skills and abilities he acquired while on the force and the limitations he faced while on duty.In the episode, Williams talks about progressing from police work to training the Human Behavior Pattern Recognition Analysis technique. He breaks down the definition of human behavior pattern recognition, how it can be used to predict danger, what it takes to gain expertise in human behavior pattern recognition and the factors that influence behavior.Williams decided to transfer the skills and abilities he learned to develop the world-renowned USMC's

  • #266 The Origins of Drone / Unmanned Warfare

    24/01/2022 Duración: 01h24min

    With over two decades of experience, Mark Cooter and Alec Bierbauer have been called the “Wright Brothers” of the U.S. drone warfare program. They were the ones – in January 2000 – who were tasked with finding terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. They had nine months to carry out their mission.This week’s episode of Borne the Battle explores the history of drone warfare, which dates back to the 1990s, when drones were used as relatively simple, short-range surveillance tools.Here, Cooter and Bierbauer discuss how their team located bin Laden a full year before the events of 9/11 (and why they couldn’t take action against him), how weapons were first added to drones, and the ways in which drone technology has evolved over the last 20 years. They also talk about the psychological stress endured by today's drone operators and caution against minimizing the combat trauma faced by pilots and support crews.“It could very easily be perceived as a video game,” said Bierbauer in the podcast, “and it’s not.”U.S. rules of

  • #265 Benefits Breakdown: SSVF Program

    17/01/2022 Duración: 32min

    SSVF is a program administered by VA to rapidly rehouse Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. National director of the SSVF program, John Kuhn, joins this episode of Borne the Battle to speak on the following: How the SSVF operates and what resources eligible Veterans can receive from utilizing it (2:18) An overview of the requirements organizations must meet before becoming a SSVF provider (5:02) How a local nonprofit can become a SSVF partner (6:04)  Additional VA resources available for Veterans needing eviction protections, homelessness avoidance, and rapid rehousing resources (8:00) And unlike many VA-backed programs, enrolling into SSVF does not require any interaction with VA. Instead, an eligible Veteran simply needs to call or email their county’s SSVF partnered nonprofit or consumer cooperative to start receiving SSVF assistance. OPEN THIS EXCEL FILE TO FIND YOUR 2022 SSVF PROVIDERThe SSVF Program Office also provides its Shallow Subsidy service. The Shallow Subsidy provides rental a

  • #264 Veteran RoundTable: Afghanistan Withdrawal / Evacuation

    06/12/2021 Duración: 55min

    Approximately four months have passed since the Afghanistan withdrawal. Since then, Veterans across the country have grappled with figuring out what it means to them. For some Veterans, these last four months could have felt like a painful slog. For others, it could have felt like a chaotic blur that whizzed right on by.We know that every Veteran will process the withdrawal from Afghanistan differently.This episode of Borne the Battle features four intrepid Afghanistan Veterans who discuss how they processed their own emotions as the Afghanistan withdrawal unfolded while reflecting on their service. The four Veterans are: Marine Veteran Stephen Kupryk served two tours in Afghanistan and now wrestles professionally under the name Steve Maclin. Air Force Veteran Amanda Huffman served in Afghanistan as a civil engineer before transitioning out of the military. She now hosts her own podcast addressing real issues women face while in the military, called Women of the Military Podcast. Marine Veteran Daniel Shar

  • BtB Rewind: VA Vet Centers

    29/11/2021 Duración: 54min

    Original Air Date - 9/25/20192019 marks the 40th Anniversary of  VA's Vet Centers. They started as outreach for Vietnam Veterans who did not utilize the VA as much as WWII Veterans.This week’s interview is Pennsylvania National Guard Veteran Michael Fisher who is the Senior Readjustment Counselor. He leads and has direct oversight of over 300 Vet Centers, 80  Mobile Vet Centers and the  Vet Center Call Center. We broke it all down - how vet centers started, their differences between them and VA Medical Centers, their services and who is eligible. Borne the Battle Veteran of the Week: Army Veteran Bernadette Agnes Payla Miller

  • BtB Rewind: Alaska Native American Veterans Land Allotment Program of 2019

    22/11/2021 Duración: 55min

    Original Air Date -7/27/2021This week's episode of Borne the Battle features one of its largest panels to date, as representatives from VA and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) break down the details of the Alaska Native Veterans Program of 2019. This episode features: Program manager Paul Krabacher (BLM). Acting Chief, Adjudication Services Section, Native Allotment Lead Candy Grimes (BLM). Land Transfer Resolution Specialist and Acting Native Liasion Ralph Eluska (BLM). Deputy Communications Director and Marine Corps Veteran Eric Tausch (BLM). Tribal Government Relations Specialist for the Continental/Midwest/North Atlantic Regions and Marine Corps Veteran Peter Vicaire (VA). The Alaska Native Veterans Program of 2019 allows Alaska Native Veterans who served in the Vietnam era, or an heir of theirs, to claim between 2.5 and 160 acres of land in Alaska. The BLM website hosts information about the program, including contact information, proposed rules for the program, a link to available lands, answers to f

  • BtB Rewind: Lakota Warrior and Vietnam Veteran Dr. Robert Primeaux

    15/11/2021 Duración: 52min

    Originally Aired - 11/20/2019: Native American Vietnam Veteran Robert Primeaux shared his journey from a Lakota reservation to the Army, to Hollywood.As a young man, Primeaux was eager to get off the reservation and see the world. To leave, he decided to join the Army. He trained in Fort Lewis and Fort Knox before joining the 101st Airborne Division and sent off to Vietnam.In 1972, Primeaux returned to the United States. His younger brother had been killed in a car accident, leaving Primeaux as the sole male survivor of his family.However, he did not stay in the Army long. A car accident of his own put him in a coma for three weeks. After he recovered, he was discharged.Primeaux then lived on his grandmother’s ranch while he recovered from his injuries. To help with his recovery, he began to self-rehab by working with the horses on the ranch. His love for horses gave him the opportunity to go to school through a rodeo scholarship from the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA).Between school and li

  • #263: Marine Corps Birthday Episode, Kelly "Murph" Murphy, CBS Tough as Nails Winner, Model for Ariat International

    08/11/2021 Duración: 01h13min

    When Marine Corps Veteran Kelly Murphy began an Instagram account to document his workouts, he never dreamed that it would lead him to becoming the winner of CBS’ "Tough as Nails" competition show. He left the set $200,000 dollars richer and the owner of a brand-new Ford F-150.In this week’s episode of Borne the Battle, Murphy talks about life in the Marines, helping student Veterans find their place in civilian life and winning season one of the CBS competition show Tough as Nails.Murphy also works for the University of Central Missouri. He helps with outreach and recruitment for the university as well as mentors and helps student Veterans with their transition to civilian life.Murphy reflects on his own difficulties with transitioning to civilian life and advises Veterans currently separating from the military: “Go find your tribe to hang out with; go find your fellow Veterans, because it’ll help you.”Though he is retired from the Marine Corps, Murphy continues to maintain his physical strength and fitness.

  • #262: Discovering Your Warrior Spirit with Air Force Veteran DJ Vanas

    01/11/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    If there is anyone who knows what it means to be a warrior, it is Air Force Veteran D.J. Eagle Bear Vanas. D.J. Vanas travels around the country speaking at conventions packed with audience members, giving motivational presentations that teach people how to find their unique warrior spirit.You might be wondering, what exactly is the warrior spirit? Tribal nations, Fortune 500 companies, the military, and even the White House on two occasions have hired Vanas to answer that question. This episode of Borne the Battle offers the opportunity to hear him describe what exactly it means to embody the warrior spirit.Modern American culture often over romanticizes the warrior role and makes it out to be something unrealistic. Vanas brings the term back down to earth and emphasizes the beauty of imperfection, especially the warrior’s ability to learn and grow from mistakes.Leading by example, in this episode of Borne the Battle, Vanas talks about his life’s highs and lows: The life changing moment he learned of his app

  • #261: BJJ Evangelist, Meme Generator and Professional Educator, Marine Veteran Tim Davis

    25/10/2021 Duración: 01h40min

    At first glance, Tim Davis was not an ideal candidate for the Marine Corps. Although he had wanted to join the Marines since grade school, Davis was unathletic, overweight and had a shoulder problem that would require surgery before he could qualify for service.“I was a big nerd,” Davis laughed. “I was functionally fat in the Marine Corps.”Davis was sworn into the Marines a week before the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Over the course of a 15-year career in the Corps, he deployed nine times, engaged in anti-terrorism operations in Southeast Asia, and collaborated with military forces from around the world.Today, Davis is working toward a doctorate in adult education and teaches ethics to the next generation of Marine Corps leaders. He’s also a minor internet celebrity, having appeared in a couple of Marine memes that went viral.In this week's episode of Borne the Battle, Tim Davis talks about the life lessons he learned in the Corps, making the transition from soldier to civilian, how his experienc

  • #260: Benefits Breakdown, VA Mobile Apps

    18/10/2021 Duración: 46min

    This week's Borne the Battle – a benefits breakdown – features VA Mobile Mental Health Apps, which provides free tools and information to support and help Veterans manage PTSD-related symptoms and stress, learn mindfulness practices, aim to reduce suicide risk and strengthen parenting skills. The apps were designed to meet the needs of Veterans; they are free, easy to download, and are available via VA App Store, Google Play and Apple App Store.According to the 2021 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report, some hopeful data shows that 399 fewer Veterans died from suicide in 2019 than in 2018, reflecting the lowest raw count of Veteran suicides since 2007.Navy and OIF Veteran Tim Avery, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and readjustment counselor at the Peninsula Vet Center. These statistics are the reason why Avery’s work is so vital. In this episode of Borne the Battle, Avery answers these questions and more: How are the apps developed? How can Veterans access these apps via VA App Store/Google Play

  • #259: Counterfeit Pills w/ DEA Agent and Navy Veteran Bill Czopek

    11/10/2021 Duración: 01h18min

    When Bill Czopek decided to transfer to the Naval Academy, he knew that he wanted the structure and support of a military career. Through persistence and dedication, he was accepted. Little did he know, that experience would lead him to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).In this week’s episode of Borne the Battle, Special Agent Bill Czopek discusses his time in the Navy, his experience in the DEA, and some things Veterans should be concerned about when it comes to counterfeit pills and the illegal drug trade.In the Navy, Czopek served as a Surface Warfare Officer. He became a “jack of all trades” and learned versatility in this role. His first-ever “drug bust” happened off the coast of North Africa, where his ship intercepted a dhow (fishing boat) smuggling two tons of hashish.After his service, Czopeck turned his eyes toward serving his country in a civilian role, today as a DEA officer, and and he talks the state of drug trafficking in America, including: DEA foreign offices Counterfeit pills The drug traffi

  • #258: 100 Year Old WWII Army/Air Force Veteran Fannie Griffin McClendon, "Six Triple Eight"

    04/10/2021 Duración: 55min

    In 1945, warehouses in Birmingham, England, were brimming with unsent postal mail intended for U.S. soldiers at the frontlines. At the same time, African American organizations pressed the War Department to create more opportunities for African American Women’s Army Corps members to serve. Tackling two issues at once, the War Department started recruiting African American women and formed the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. The job was expected to take six months. The "Six Triple Eight" did it in three.Retired Air Force Major Fannie Griffin McClendon was one of these women to take up the monumental task of ensuring soldiers on the frontlines received mail sent to them by their loved ones, regardless of rain, sleet, “buzz bombs,” racism, and sexism. Indeed, throughout her time in the 6888th Battalion and later as a commander with Strategic Air Command, she faced and overcame many instances of racism and sexism thrown at her. This ranged from men who refused to serve under her because she was a woman

  • #257: Army Veteran Vincent "Rocco" Vargas, Entrepreneur, Entertainer, Actor on Mayans MC on FX

    27/09/2021 Duración: 01h38min

    If you know of Black Rifle Coffee Company or watch Mayans MC on FX, you may already know this week’s Borne the Battle guest – Army Veteran, entrepreneur, actor and overall entertainer Vincent Vargas.It was a windy road that led him to this point in his life. Too many wild parties got him kicked out of college and ended his childhood dream of playing professional baseball. At 20, as a young father who was no longer playing ball or attending school, Vargas felt like a disappointment to his family.In 2003, during the invasion of Baghdad at the outbreak of the Iraq War, Vargas watched a televised newscast in which a Marine helped to topple a statue of dictator Saddam Hussein. News reporters interviewed the Marine’s family, who emotionally expressed their pride in his service.The next day, Vargas went to a military recruiting office to enlist. He later served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as an Army Ranger, became a drill sergeant, and after serving, even joined the U.S. Border Patrol.In this week's episode of Born

  • #256: Primetime Emmy Award Winning Foley Artist and Marine Veteran David Bonilla

    20/09/2021 Duración: 01h40min

    David Bonilla grew up in El Monte, California, where, as a child, he had the opportunity to be involved with a few film projects. Through his mother’s connections, he gained both experience in the film industry and an interest in filming and directing. He initially had no plans to join the military, but when a recruiter offered to buy him lunch, his life found a new direction.Bonilla discusses his deployments overseas to Baghdad and his position as part of the logistics team during the Gulf War. There, he experienced what it was really like to be in the field and understand what a near death experience was like.After completing his service and later a college degree, Bonilla landed a position at Solar City, a company under Elon Musk. While working at Solar City, Bonilla’s assistant noticed how he was struggling with panic attacks and helped guide him to VA. This led him to VR&E, where he found purpose and goals in life.Now finished with his military path, Bonilla returned to his early love of the film ind

  • BtB Rewind: September 11th with Dr. John Baxter - Air Force Veteran, 9/11 First Responder, SecDef's Flight Surgeon

    11/09/2021 Duración: 57min

    On September 11, 2001, Air Force flight surgeon John Baxter showed up to work at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, to a full load of patients and completing physicals–just like any other day.Halfway through his morning while getting his next patient, he saw that a civilian airliner had flown into one of the World Trade Center towers.While with the patient, Baxter said he noticed the background noise in the Pentagon changed. It seemed quieter than usual. Then, he heard shouts. He opened his door and saw people running and shouting, and smoke in the hallway.At first, Baxter didn’t know if there was an explosion, a fire or some other event. Despite the unknowns, he assembled his team of flight surgeons, a nurse and medical technicians. They grabbed medical kits and traveled as a group. Their emergency plan was to meet up with other medics at the Pentagon’s DiLorenzo Clinic.Then they heard the news: there were casualties in corridor 5.Baxter’s team ran to the spot. They found Army Veteran Brian Birdwell, who w

  • #255: Benefits Breakdown, HUD-VASH Program

    06/09/2021 Duración: 50min

    This episode of Borne the Battle – a benefits breakdown – features HUD-VASH, a collaborative program between HUD and VA that provides support to help homeless Veterans and their families – and those at risk of becoming homeless – to find and sustain permanent housing.Veterans Matter is one of the many nonprofits which work alongside and enhance HUD-VASH’s ability to reduce homelessness among Veterans.According to the 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, there were 37,252 homeless Veterans in 2020, and 15,204 of those Veterans were unsheltered.For Meghan Deal, national director of the HUD-VASH Program, and Ken Leslie, a former homeless man and founder of Veterans Matter, these troubling statistics are an indication of the importance of their work. In this episode of Borne the Battle, Deal and Leslie answer these questions and more: What motivates them to help Veterans despite not being Veterans themselves? What does help from HUD-VASH and nonprofits like Veterans Matter look like? What makes a V

  • #254: Elder Scrolls Online QA Testing w/ Army Veteran Tommy Davis, Zenimax Media

    30/08/2021 Duración: 01h13min

    On this episode of Borne the Battle, Army Veteran Tommy Davis shares his story about deploying to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and Afghanistan, then later working in the video game industry.Tommy always enjoyed playing video games, but his journey to working in the video game industry was not straightforward. After taking some courses at a community college, he still felt uncertain about the future and what he wanted to do. He spoke with a recruiter and enlisted in the Army.After serving seven years in the Army, Davis transitioned to civilian life and enrolled in George Washington University. He discusses connecting with fellow Veterans on campus and serving as president of GW Veterans. They are a chapter of Student Veterans of America, who focus on issues regarding Veterans and education.Next, Davis talks about becoming interested in and doing extensive research about the video gaming industry after earning his bachelor’s degree. He discusses how he convinced himself to apply to his dream job after being

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